Chapter 7*

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"Elly," Andy said as they were lying on the couch.

"Yes?" I replied, feeling anxious about what I knew she was about to ask.

"Do you struggle with incontinence?" Andy asked. She didn't sound mad or grossed out, which calmed me down a little bit.

As Andy stroked my hair, I started to tell her everything. I told her about how I had always struggled with it and had multiple setbacks throughout my life, how it would eventually worsen, and how I was fearing a setback now. I eventually ended my story by explaining why I didn't tell her earlier in our relationship.

"I'm so sorry, Andy," I blurted out. "It was going so well. My last setback was a year before we met, and I thought at first it didn't matter, and later on, I was too scared of your reaction and losing you."

"Silly girl," Andy said. "I could never be grossed out by you! I love every bit and piece of you."

"Thank you, Andy," I mumbled, suddenly overwhelmed with tiredness. I felt exhausted because of all the stress and anxiety. I felt like I could finally let it go, and I fell asleep on the couch while lying half on Andy.


Andy felt so much love as she watched Elly sleeping peacefully with her head on her chest. She also felt relieved. Elly finally seemed at peace with herself, and the pressure on their relationship had lifted now that all their secrets were revealed.

After about an hour, her legs started to feel numb, but she didn't want to wake Elly, who seemed to need the sleep so much.

That's when she heard a soft hissing noise. Elly was using her diaper.

More turned on than ever, Andy started fidgeting a little. She needed relief, and the fact that Elly was wearing a wet pull-up turned her on even more.

She softly slipped away from under Elly without waking her up and walked to the bedroom. She pulled out the box of diapers and pull-ups and took one pull-up out. With the pull-up in her hand, she walked towards the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she pulled off her pants and underwear and put on the pull-up. She felt so turned on that even the idea of using the pull-up made her moan slightly. She was soaked, and she hadn't even touched herself yet.

She trembled a little when she stepped into the bathtub. She pushed softly on her full bladder and felt a squirt of pee spurt out, which made her moan softly. At first, she started peeing slowly, wanting to control herself and see how the pull-up slowly turned yellow. But after a few seconds, she lost control, and the first small stream became a full waterfall.

After she peed for a full minute, she was excited because of how good it felt. She softly pressed on the pull-up, causing it to leak a little, and a small stream of pee dripped down her legs. She moaned, feeling her release coming closer. She started kneading the pull-up while letting small moans slip out now and then.

The bathroom was filled with her breathing and moans. Her release was so close now, and she hadn't even directly touched herself. She was soaked, and not only from the pee anymore. Just then, she came so hard and suddenly that her legs gave out under her.

She slowly lowered herself into the bathtub, sitting down in her little pool of pee. After what felt like an eternity, but was only fifteen minutes, she got out of the tub to clean herself and took a long, cold shower.

After she discreetly got rid of all the evidence, she went back to Elly and softly woke her up. "Elly, darling," she said. "I think you need a change."

Elly started stammering how sorry she was and how it wouldn't happen again when Andy interrupted her. "Elly," she said, "we know it will happen again, and that it can only get worse," she firmly told her. "But it doesn't matter to me, and I will be there every single step of the way. Now let me change you."

Elly followed Andy to the bedroom and let her lie down on the bed. After Andy opened up the diaper, she couldn't help but stare in awe at what was presented in front of her.

"Andy? Is everything alright?" Elly asked.

"I need you, I need to take you right here, right now. I need to see you come, soaked and in front of my eyes," Andy said.

"Right now!?" Elly squeaked, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She had already felt vulnerable showing herself like this to Andy, but she didn't know how to handle this.

Andy bent over and started licking Elly. She first started softly but moved faster and faster, making Elly squirm underneath her.

"Andy, please," Elly moaned. She felt an orgasm getting closer, but also the sudden need to pee. "Andy," Elly squeaked, not because of satisfaction anymore, but because of fear of what was about to happen.

Andy, who felt Elly squirm even more but couldn't say anything because her tongue was too occupied, continued like nothing was wrong.

Elly suddenly pushed her hips, lifting herself up from the bed as she felt the pleasure of the orgasm roll through her body. As she came, her bladder failed on her again, and she started peeing uncontrollably. She got the bed all wet and even got some pee on Andy.

"I'm so sorry," Elly blurted out, and she started crying. She had really ruined everything now. But to her surprise, Andy moaned while she was still covered in her pee.

"I need to come so badly," she said to Elly. "You have no idea what you do to me. How badly you turn me on."

A wet spot appeared on the front of Andy's pants. She was so turned on and soaked that the precum dripped out of her. She let one hand slide into her pants and started fingering herself while looking at Elly, who stared at her in shock.

She was so close to release and breathing very hard when she finally came. Cum shot out of her, wetting her pants even more, and she moaned hard.

"I think we need a shower," she said, and she lifted Elly off the bed and carried her down to the bathroom.

They made love again in the shower, and after they cleaned up everything, they peacefully fell asleep in each other's arms.

Elly could finally fall into the deep and dreamless sleep she needed so badly.


If you have any ideas, please let me know! I have many more big accidents planned, but for those who also enjoy story progression, like me, I've decided to include chapters focused on that. I'll mark the chapters with big accidents, peeing, and pooping scenes with stars, so if you prefer to only read those, you can easily skip the story progression ones.

Word count (without including this): 1074

Incontinence, diapers and a lot of love.Where stories live. Discover now