Chapter 9*

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After the incident at the park, life went back to normal. Elly and Andy were adjusting to living together and to Elly's condition. Although Andy seemed to accept it, it took Elly quite some time before she felt comfortable enough to start wearing diapers throughout the day. She was really grateful for the clothing they had bought together and no longer scared of losing Andy.

She also hadn't had a big accident since the park. Andy told her how proud she was of Elly and comforted her through each wet diaper and small accident she had. Although Andy seemed eager to change her wet diapers in the mornings, Elly preferred to do it herself after Andy got up to use the restroom.

She was fully accustomed to waking up wet nowadays and was grateful the diapers seemed to do their job really well, soaking up all her pee. She was just thinking about Andy's support while eating breakfast when her girlfriend showed up.

"Elly, please just take them!" Andy begged her girlfriend. In one hand, she held a glass of water, and in the other, a bottle labeled "laxatives." "You have been constipated for four days now," she said. "It's unhealthy! Do you really prefer to go to the doctor's office when things get bad? Just for them to tell you I'm right and that you should take the pills!?"

Elly sighed. It was true. She had been constipated and had started having stomach aches since yesterday. "If I don't go to the toilet today, I'll take them tomorrow. I promise!" she told her overbearing girlfriend.

Andy seemed to think it over but left it at that. She did, however, place the glass and the bottle of pills down on the kitchen island. "It's just for when you change your mind," she said before walking out.

A few hours later, Elly felt a bad stomach ache coming on. She rushed to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. She started pushing, and a few wet farts escaped her bottom, echoing in the empty bowl. She grunted as another wave of pain shot through her.

After about half an hour and a lot of unhelpful pushing, she left the bathroom exhausted. She found her girlfriend on the couch, scrolling through her phone, and decided to join her.

"Did you finally poop?" Andy asked as she stroked Elly's hair.

"No," Elly said. "No matter how hard I tried and how badly I felt like I needed to go, I just couldn't. It only hurt, and I'm still constipated."

"Shall I get you a glass of water?" Andy suggested.

Glad that her girlfriend was being supportive instead of pushing her to take the laxatives again, Elly accepted and watched her girlfriend get up and walk into the kitchen.

She had tried explaining to Andy before why she didn't like taking the pills. They always gave her really bad diarrhea, resulting in three days of uncontrollable accidents. Although the relief would be great, she was sure Andy would be disgusted with her. Worse, this combined with her condition often guaranteed that she wouldn't make it to the toilet in time.

A little while later, Andy emerged from the kitchen and handed a glass filled with water to Elly. Elly thanked her and gulped the water down without a second thought. After she finished it all, Andy sat down beside her on the couch and turned on the TV to watch a movie.

After an hour or so, Elly's stomach started rumbling again. She didn't give it a second thought, knowing she probably wouldn't be able to go anyway because of her constipation. She felt a little bloated, so she decided to let the fart slip.

It felt wet and soft and smelled a little odd. Before she could control herself, she let out another wet and loud fart, but with it, she felt some diarrhea escaping from her bottom. She gasped and quickly crossed her legs, afraid that any movement would cause her to lose control.

Andy turned to look at her and smiled. "I see the laxatives are kicking in," she observed, looking at her girlfriend, who was red in the face, trying to hold four days' worth of poop.

"How could you!?" Elly squeaked in distress as another wet fart escaped her. She quickly stood up. She would have to rush if she wanted to make it in time or she would have a big accident in her diaper right there in front of Andy.

However, before she could move, Andy pulled her down into her lap, making Elly squirm. "Please let me go, or I won't make it," she cried out, and a tear escaped from her eye.

"Don't worry, you're wearing a diaper, so it doesn't matter," said Andy, holding Elly in a firm grip.

"Please," Elly begged while trying to hold it together. A few wet farts escaped, and a bit of poo splashed out into the diaper. "I don't like to use the diaper unless I have to," she cried, before her bowels finally gave in.

A massive stream of fluid diarrhea started flowing into her diaper, making her moan. She couldn't help but push out of instinct, hastening the stream and letting a loud wet fart rip. She grunted and moaned as her diaper slowly filled with the warm, sticky liquid.

Underneath her, she felt Andy moan and softly touch her diaper. This made her so embarrassed that she started fidgeting, trying to hold it back. Suddenly, she felt Andy's hand push into her stomach, and with a last cry of desperation, she started filling the diaper, completely out of control.

She farted and pushed out more poop. It consisted of logs and liquid, and before she could help it, she also emptied her bladder because of all the pressure. Her diaper started to feel very heavy and was sagging dangerously low. If she didn't stop, she would overuse it and leak all over Andy.

She moaned and farted, leaking a little more of the liquid into her diaper. She wanted to yell at Andy and get up to go to the bathroom, but Andy seemed to have other plans. Her girlfriend started massaging her belly, making it relax and forcing out the last bit of poo.

She moaned and grunted slightly as she pushed and felt a few turds fall into the overfilled diaper. Andy moaned underneath her, kneading the diaper, and before Elly knew it, she felt another cramp shoot through her lower belly.

It forced the last bit of the liquid diarrhea out of her, and she managed to finally overfill her diaper. She felt the wet, damp diarrhea drip out of the top of her diaper into her leggings, forcing its way down her legs.

She couldn't stop the wet farts and diarrhea, and she grunted and moaned as it slid down her legs through her panties, making a tiny puddle of brown mud. She finally felt relieved of her pain and full stomach and sighed deeply.

Underneath her, Andy chuckled. Crap! She had completely forgotten about Andy, so desperate was she for relief. She felt her face turning red.

"I see you've made quite a mess," Andy joked. "Let's get you cleaned up in the shower." Andy helped her get rid of the messy diaper and shoved her into the shower. After carefully cleaning her girlfriend, she put her into a new diaper and brought her to their bed.

"I think you'll feel great after a quick nap," she told Elly, before turning off the light and leaving the room. She quickly cleaned up the mess Elly made in the living room before going to the bathroom herself.

What Elly didn't know was that Andy had also come and had made quite a mess in her panties, which were filled with her own cum. She had been so turned on by seeing Elly so desperate that she couldn't help the impulse when she pulled Elly down into her lap, knowing full well what she was putting Elly through.

What she needed now was to sober up. Her girlfriend was still a little sick because of the constipation and laxatives and needed to be taken care of and supported. Before she could do that, she decided to take a shower and clean herself.

She took a long, very cold shower that day.


Hey guys, at 2k views, I'll create a chapter based on your ideas, so don't forget to comment them. In the next chapter, Andy and Elly will have to deal with the aftermath of taking the laxatives.

Word count (without including this): 1367

Incontinence, diapers and a lot of love.Where stories live. Discover now