Chapter 3

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(Namjoon's POV)

I woke up in my bed, alone like usual. Soon hopefully I wouldn't always wake up alone. I got out of bed, and stretched before heading to the bathroom to take care of some business. After I was done I went downstairs. 

When I got downstairs I went straight to the living room to check on Lilith and Yoongi. What I saw was adorable. Lilith and Yoongi were cuddling with each other. She was curled into him, and Yoongi had his arms wrapped around her. I quickly took a picture of them two together, and then continued my walk into the kitchen and dining room. 

When I walked in there I saw Jin cooking while everyone else -except for the two who were still sleeping- was sitting at the dining table.

"Morning guys." I said to everyone as I went to sit down at the table. There was a chorus of 'mornings' heard from everyone in the room. 

"Did everyone see them this morning?" I asked everyone referring to Lilith and Yoongi cuddling in the living room. 

"Yeah, she's so adorable when she's sleeping. I hope she slept well last night." Jin said from where he was cooking. 

"Why did Yoongi have to be the one that slept with her last night? She could have been cuddled up to me all night." Jimin said as he crossed his arms across his chest. He seemed mad. 

"Because he was the one who told her the truth, she values honesty in people. You can tell she does." Jin answered him. 

"Well he wasn't supposed to tell her the truth." Jimin argued a bit. 

"Yet he did what was right. Him telling the truth helped out our case a lot. She would still not be trust us if he hadn't. Now stop sulking, you're going to have to get used to it if she says yes to being ours'." Jin reminded him and ending the conversation right there. 

The room was quiet and it stayed quiet when the food was done. No one wanted to talk, and start another argument just incase Lilith or Yoongi woke up anytime soon. We all ate our food in silence, the only thing heard was the silverware on the plates. After we were all done eating Yoongi and Lilith still weren't up.

"Should we go and wake them up?" I asked everyone starting to get a bit concerned. 

"No, Yoongi is usually very angry when we wake him up. I don't want his temper to scare her or anything." Jin said as he putting all the plates in the sink for later. 

"We can't let them sleep all day though either." I said as I tried reasoning with Jin.

"Yes, but if you wake him up he may start yelling or something which could scare Lilith." Jin said trying to be the voice of reason. 

Suddenly my phone went off and I saw a message from Yoongi. "I'm not angry when I get up, and I'm only still in here with her because the Little One is still sleeping. You want me to wake her up?" The message read. 

"Yoongi's up, but he wants to know if he should wake her up." I told everyone who was in the room. 

"It's almost noon so yeah. She should be up by now." Jin said sounding a bit like a parent would. 

Instead of messaging him back I got up from the table, and walked into the living room to see the now awake Yoongi still having a sleeping Lilith in his arms. 

"Jin says to wake her since it's almost noon."  told him watching as he played with her softly. 

Yoongi gently shook her awake, and when she woke she sent him a glare. "It's time to get up Little One, and do not glare at me. Namjoon told me to wake you up." He told her trying not to make her anymore angrier than she possibly already was. 

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