Chapter 10

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(Lilith's POV)
As Yoongi and I were in the car on our way to the post office it had been completely quiet. Neither of us had spoken which left me to my thoughts from before, and concentrating on driving. 

Maybe they didn't know about those types of relationships? Although them calling me Little One, and them all trying to get me to go into little space kind of contradicted that idea. But there was still the fact that none of us had talked about the BDSM part, which they knew about right? I mean they did watch that video. 

Maybe they just didn't know about that type of relationship? I mean I wasn't into much when it came to BDSM, I was only really into light BDSM. Maybe they were waiting for me to bring it up to them?

"So was that really the only thing that had been on your mind back at the house?" Yoongi asked me breaking me out of my thoughts. 

"What do you mean?" I asked him curious. Why was he questioning me about this now?

"Well back at the house you said that you were lost in thought because you were trying to think of a way to warn us about your journals, but when we had broken you out of your thoughts you had looked kind of sad. Your explanation doesn't really fit how you were feeling about your thoughts. So were you really just thinking about how to warn us all about your journals?" Yoongi asked me now explaining everything to me. 

"Do you really want to know what I had been really thinking about?" I asked as I concentrated on the road. 

"Would I have asked if I didn't want to know?" He asked me seriously. 

"I guess not." I said parking in the parking lot next to the post office. 

"So what were you really thinking about then back there?" Yoongi asked me still being serious.

I shut off my car, and sighed. "I was thinking of how we all have honestly never talked about it before." I said putting my keys in my pocket. 

"We've never talked about what?" Yoongi asked me curiously. 

"We've all never talked about our relationship before nor have we all talked about the stuff that I'm into. I'm not even sure if you all are okay with the stuff that I'm into." I said looking over at him. 

"I'm pretty sure we all wouldn't have gotten into a relationship with you if we weren't all okay with what you're into. It may be true that some of us are into different stuff, and some of us are more affectionate than other, but you being into DDLG and BDSM doesn't make us love you any less than we all do." He said looking into my eyes. 

"But we all haven't talked about that stuff since the day after I met you all." I said curiously. 

"It will be talked about again, more than likely once they all finish reading your journals." He said sounding like he was thinking. 

"Yeah, I just hope they all take what's in my journals well. It can be quite a lot to take in at times." I said thinking over all that was written in those journals. 

"Knowing us, we'll take it pretty well. We all know the basics about BDSM and DDLG relationships, we just don't know everything there is to know about both. Hopefully your journals will help us a bit there, tell us more about the specifics about both and even tell us about the stuff that you're into and not into." He said smiling his gummy smile over at me. 

I ended up smiling as well. "Well then, I guess it's a good thing that I did very extensive research into all of it." I said feeling proud of myself for once. 

Researching stuff was one of my strong suits in life. I could always fine out everything there was to know about anything I wanted if I was interested in the subject. It had really come in handy in school due to all the research papers that I had to do. 

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