Chapter 14

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(Lilith's POV)
After getting the security equipment installed, and coming home the eight of us did a lot of packing. Basically everything was already packed up besides the necessities, and the food. We were ready to move.

This morning was going to be very stressful. I woke up at around seven, and immediately went to take a shower and get ready.

The moving company was coming to move everything at around eight thirty, and Blossom was coming over at eight. She was coming over so I could tell her about my newest relationship, and so I had someone to talk to about everything. She was also coming over to help unpack everything, which unpacking everything would take hours even with there being so many people to help.

As I came out of the bathroom I threw my toiletries into a small bag I had left out last night. I looked over at the bed to see Namjoon still sleeping. After getting injured yesterday I was actually able to walk fine today, I just couldn't walk too quickly.

I walked over to the bed and shook Namjoon a bit to wake him up. We all had to wake up early because of us moving. Namjoon groaned a bit, and moved onto his back.

My eyes immediately landed on his lips, and I felt the want to kiss him. It didn't help that I've been very close to going into little space the past couple of days, and little me was a lot bolder with this type of stuff. This was one of the many things I needed to talk to Blossom about.

I shook Namjoon again, and he just groaned again. My eyes landed on his lips again, and I took a deep breath. "Namjoon it's time to wake up, we gotta go." I said as I shook him again, and he just shooed my hands away.

I looked back at his lips and contemplated whether or not it would work to wake him up. Before I even made my mind up I kissed his lips softly, and that's exactly what it took to wake him up.

Our lips were together for a few minutes, and I didn't realize how much I had missed being kissed until now. The kiss didn't last long though, and soon enough it came to an end. I quickly looked away, and down to the ground before my cheeks heated up softly. That had been the first time I had kissed any of them.

"Well good morning to you too Lilith." Namjoon said with a slight smile on his face.

I felt my face heat up some more from his words. "Well you weren't getting up so I tried that, and it worked. I'll see you downstairs." I told him looking back over at him again before getting up and leaving.

I made my way downstairs to see Jin making breakfast like usual. Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung were all sitting at the island behind him.

"Good morning everyone." I said as I put my hair up into a sloppy bun.

"Good morning Lilith, you ready for today?" Hoseok asked me as I made my way over to them.

"As ready as I'll ever be I suppose. I just hope everything goes well today." I said to answer them as I sat down beside them.

"How's the foot feeling this morning Lilith?" Jin asked me momentarily changing his focus from the food onto me.

"It's fine, still hurts but now at least I'm not walking around with a limp. I just can't walk too quickly." I told him truthfully.

"That's good then, means it's healing. In a couple of days I would say you should be walking around fine." Jin said smiling at me before turning his focus back onto the food.

"Yeah I think so too, just can't wait for it to be fully healed." I said sighing softly.

I soon felt arms wrap around me and someone kissed the top of my head. "Don't worry Little One, like Jin said in a couple of days you'll be walking around just fine. So don't worry about it too much." Yoongi said placing his chin on top of my head.

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