Chapter 10: A demons fall and a hero's welcome!

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*Ring* *Ring*

But before the spirit could release his spell, he heard something that made HIS blood run cold.

*Ring* *Ring*

It was the soft chiming of a bell.

"Oh No... NoT hIm! ApArT fRoM cOmPlEtElY dEsTrOyInG tHoSe LoSeRs, I'vE bEeN diScReAtE! He CoUlD hAvE wAiTeD uNtIlL aFtEr My GrAnD fInAlE tO iNtErFeRe!" instead of activating, the spell just dissipated.

Despite still feeling incredibly hopeless, this new being that had appeared was intriguing enough to rouse Joey enough to lift his head and watch what was happening.

*Ring* *Ring*

*Ring* *Ring*

*Ring* *Ring*

"AlL rIgHt! ShOw YoUrSeLf! LuNaKrIs!" The spirit yelled into thin air.

Slowly and with a final jingle of bells, to over emphasise their approach and annoy the spirit, a bright yellow ball of shimmering light floated down to greet him.

"My Friend! Is all this hostility necessary?" The voice that came from the yellow orb was smooth, gentle, and comforting.

"DoN'T PaTrOnIzE mE! i KnOw WhY yOu'Re HeRe!" He crossed his arms, clearly annoyed and impatient at this unexpected and unwanted visitor.

"Whatever could you mean? I just saw that you were in the neighbourhood and thought I would just drop in and say hello. Completely innocent reason I assure you!" The spirit couldn't see the visitors face but just knew that they were smirking.

"WeLl... I... oH fOr ThE lOvE oF... CaN yOu JuSt ShOw YoUrSeLf! ThErE aReN't AnY hUmAnS aRoUnD aNd ThOsE tHaT aRe WoN't Be BoThErInG uS aNyTiMe SoOn!" The spirit said gesturing to the group and knocking on joeys' head.

"Oh Solaris... you haven't..." The voice spoke with genuine concern.

"DiD i, ThE aLl-PoWeRfUl JaRgOrItH, dO sOmEtHiNg UnSpEaKabLy EvIl? No, Of CoUrSe NoT, iM iNsUlTeD yOu WoUlD eVeN aSk." The spirit gave a knowing smile.

"Fine. If you aren't going to play nice, I'll get straight to the point. You have broken every rule in the celestial code twice over, without a shred of remorse or basic decency! As a guardian of the elders, I am duty bound to rescue the souls you've trapped and escort you back to where you belong!" The ball of light became a deep shade of red, potentially indicating it's anger.

"HmPh! WeLl, YoU cAn'T dO tHaT iF yOu DoN't HaVe ArMs..." Clearly trying to delay the ball of light and get on with the destruction of the world, the spirit tried to get the ball of light to talk in circles in the hopes that it would get too frustrated and at least leave for long enough for the spirit to do what it wanted and move on before the light could return.

But it didn't count on what happened next...

After a few minutes of silence, the ball of light spoke again "...Very well. If that is the only way I can get you to talk with me..." The ball of light grew and grew until it resembled the outline of a person, it grew wings and once the bright blinding light faded, what replaced it was a sight to behold.

Standing before an unimpressed spirit was now a tall handsome man with long blonde hair, flowing white and gold robes, clad in gold armour and equipped with a sword, with a silver blade and a gold hilt decorated with precious gems that would make even Jonah jealous. Just looking at this person, you would think that they were just a normal warrior, or maybe a more important royal knight due to their outfit, but one thing that made them stand out were a pair of large white wings that protruded from their back. Paired with their kind and gentle nature, this was, what could only be described as, an angel.

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