Act 2 Scene 5

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River Cruise the new student begins to like Danielle. He does everything to be close to her including joining in their reading group. Danielle notices some changes; Stefan has been calm and Lisa is beginning to get a headway in her alliance with Stefan.
STEFAN:(watching Danielle and her friends River included)They seem happy now. Danielle, I just gave you breathing space of a week, but I will be back.
LISA:(thoughtful) At least he is beginning to see that I am better than that slot. I'm glad.
It's sports day today precisely soccer. Danielle and her friends play together in this alongside Lisa and her friends. Stefan notices how River wants to be close to Danielle and is not happy with his recent behaviour
STEFAN: What is he doing there? Because I left Danielle for a week does not mean I am done with her.
STEFAN'S CONSCIENCE: But why do you care, bro. I thought you don't like her. I see you feel otherwise.
STEFAN: I don't care about her. I am done with making her pay yet.(gets up from his seat to where they were preparing) Where is Danielle?
STUDENT: She is in the changing room, any problem?
Stefan walks away from there to where Danielle was.
CHARITY:(seeing Stefan, she smiles and speaking to Ruth) Now let's get set to watch another movie.
RUTH:(understanding) Ok, let's go take a seat.
Danielle did not know when Stefan got to her and pulled her away from the others.
DANIELLE:(annoyed) Ouch! You're hurting me. Let me go!
Stefan pulls her into one of the changing rooms. Charity and Ruth smile, River is a bit angry.
DANIELLE: What do you want now. Open the door let me go out before the match starts.
STEFAN:(moving towards her till there was no place for her to go) I am not done with you Danielle. I see you like the new boy.
DANIELLE:(laughing) Are you jealous? You don't need to be cause both of us are not a thing and besides River is a really nice guy.
The match is about to start and Danielle and Stefan are still in there till a spare key was brought to open the door.
TANISHA: So this is where you are. In a room with Stefan. I wonder what happened here.
STEFAN:(smirking) You ruined our makeout session, you fool. (he kisses Danielle again in front of Tanisha and a few) Let us go Danielle.
Danielle looks at him in disgust and walks out but he follows her to the match ground. Before the match started, Danielle vowed to herself that she was going to put an end to it

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