Right as those words flew from her mouth I was confronted by a vampire. His red eyes widened at the sight of us before a face eating grin casually spread across his face but he wasn't looking at me. I heard a slight gasp but then a louder growl.
"Dinah darling you had us quite worried." The vampire cooed to her. I already hated him and his cockiness. A hand interlocked their fingers with mine. Suddenly the males face fell.
"Dinah what are you doing? Let the girls hand go and I can take you home." He demanded obviously bothered by us touching.
"I see you let them take your humanity Sam." She said eyeing the vampire closely.
"Yes whats the problem Dinah. I thought you wanted this too?" The male asked even more bothered. I felt Dinah twitch but she was strong I knew that. Metal being unleashed filled my ears as Dinah had her sword out. Sam looked hut but it vanished as a blanket of ice covered his eyes. A loud hiss escaped his mouth as his fangs extended and shinned in the moon light. My hand was dropped while Dinah went into her fighting position. I followed suit as my throwing knives found their place in my palms. Adrenaline kicked in and I was ready for the attack. My right knife flew elegantly out of my hand not making even the slightest of sound. Sam charged while doing a graceful front flip missing my knife. His head rose up and looked at me with a quirked eyebrow. I frowned not liking that look at all.
"Camila!" Normani cried out. I looked behind to see a female vampire approaching. Tray had a bloodstained whip in his hand. Roger had a spear in his hands ready for action. Normani's bow was strung up and armed. The frightening thing is the woman laughed.Within a second she was gone. I gasped loudly. A Royal she had to be they were the only ones able to use super speed. I looked around with my knife in my left while my pistol now took place of my other knife . Sam was on is knee's in front of Dinah with my knife lodged in his abdomen. Vibrant red blood seeped out of the wound.He tried to say something but Dinah's sword collided with his neck severing his shoulders from his head. His body fell down. The pale color that was once his skin slowly turned light gray. I walked up to it and grabbed my knife making his gray fragile skin fall apart. I looked up to met the female vampires eyes. Green with flecks of violet made up the color of her eyes. Straight flowing hair cascaded down her back. Lastly her flawless skin was lightly tanned for a vampire. I met her gaze again and a smirk was still on her face. I almost blushed at it bit instead thrust my left knife at her. Her smirk was still on her face as she spun out of my knifes pathway. Her hand then went out and grabbed it mid flight right on the stained metal. Everybody gasped as I watched amazed. My heart beat quickened not from fright but something else something that I haven't felt for years.
"How sweet did you really think your play toy could hurt me?" Her angelic voice asked as her eyes glowed with something I couldn't tell."Not really just testing my assumptions Princess." I responded and felt Dinah grab my hand again.
"What a smart girl. Too bad if I wasn't aligned with the Vampire Eradication Company I would claim you as my pet." She teased and I glared at her>
"If you are then you should have the brand." I respond with my pistol armed. She chuckled while lifting her sleeve on her left arm. Right below her shoulder a V over an E was visible as a circle went around and under the two overlapped letters was our saying in small print.
"See I may be a Princess but I'm a human lover one." She purred and winked at me. This time the urge to blush was too overwhelming. A dark pink stained my cheeks. Suddenly she was standing next to me leaning in to my ear.
"I'm going to have fun making you mine, Camila."
Hey guys so yea not much and I was kinda having a hard time but the next one is better I hope so enjoy and thanks for reading Unexpected (:

Unexpected (A Camren Fanfic)
FanfictionIn the year 2020 a blood disease is leaked into the world from the military. Over 90% of the human race is killed from it leaving earth close to vacant. Camilla and Ally her stepsister are close actually really close but in that year a dark twisted...