Camila's (P.O.V)
I walked down the corridor silently listening to everyone of my classmates and schoolmates conversation. My eyes though were focused on the route I was taking to the basement where I'd meet up with Normani and Dinah. When Normani and Dinah saw the letter both were happy for me but soon Normani's eyes went steel cold as she blew up about how she also wanted to find her siblings and avenge her mother's death. A soft voice that I recognized made me surfs back to the present.
"Camila!" Dinah's voice shouted and my head snapped up to met her scrutinizing gaze. I scrunched my brows as i tilted my head to the side looking at her confused. A loud sigh resonated through the almost vacant hallway in the basement.
"Dinah is she being out of it again?" Normani asked walking from behind me.
"When isn't she Normani." Dinah chuckled and my mouth dropped open. I faked a hurt look and Dinah's face dropped and she gave Normani a glare making her go mute.
"You guys are so mean." I huffed and looked down not dropping my act just yet.
"We didn't mean it Mila." Dinah rushed trying to apologize. She always hated it when we fought and she usually was the one to apologize first. I looked up into her eyes that were rapidly scanning my face searching for a simple fragment of a clue saying that I forgave her but she knew I wouldn't show her that easy.
"It's ok Dinah. I forgive you both." I said smiling which made Dinah grin like a mad man. She nodded and grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers. Normani following Dinah grasped my other hand.
"Friends," Dinah started
"Together," Normani followed
"Forever." I finished and we all laughed while walking to the door in the basement. Suddenly a tall handsome man was standing in the middle of the hallway. He smiled endearingly and waved us over to him. His light hazel eyes fixed themselves sternly on me never moving. Once we made it to him he turned around and walked forward. We went after him in silence not wanting to anger him or disrespect him. We continued down the dusty old hallway with sunlight showering us every now and then from the shattered and beaten down windows. The man stopped and knocked on a steel door four times and in a rythm. He stepped back as the door opened. He looked back at us and smiled then walked into the dim lighted room. Me, Normani, and Dinah shared similar looks but followed him inside. The door shut behind us startling Dinah. Me and Normani smiled at it.
"Hello girls." A male voice greeted us as the lights turned on fully blinding me and the others.
"Hello." we said back looking around I spotted a man in a long dark coat with two knives in a sheath on his hips. His hair was short and dark red almost brown. His green eyes met mine shocking me. A huge smile spread across his face.
"Camila like usual you always seem to find me." Commander Blain boomed. I smiled and shrugged at him.
"I have a great teacher Commander." I played around and he walked over to me as a huge and powerful laugh poured out of him.
"Yea I guess I can relate some. I actually have a great student." He teased as he stopped in front of me.
"Why thank you Commander." I laughed as Dinah and Normani's mouths dropped. Commander Blain just smiled wider before his gaze descended on to Normani and Dinah.
"Well hello Ms.Normani and Ms.Dinah." He greeted again with both his hands out to shake Dinah and Normani's hands.
"Hi." Normani said shyly and shook his hand. Dinah just nodded and shook his other hand her face calm and relaxed. This frightened me. Dinah wasn't a cold person nor was she one to ignore a Superior . Commander Blain didn't seem fazed by her reaction at all considering I was exactly the same in the beginning. My right hand was let go of and I was hurt. She must be mad at me right now. I felt my left hand being deserted too. A frown fell on my face as both my friends retreated from our bond. To not show Commander that I had a weakness my face went slack and cold.

Unexpected (A Camren Fanfic)
FanfictionIn the year 2020 a blood disease is leaked into the world from the military. Over 90% of the human race is killed from it leaving earth close to vacant. Camilla and Ally her stepsister are close actually really close but in that year a dark twisted...