Does this woman not get I'm not interested nor do I like the same gender. I just glared at her and spun around continuing my way to getting bound to her. A cold hand interlocked their fingers with mine shocking me. I looked over to see Lauren unfazed and still facing forward. I ripped my hand out and wipe them onto the slick clothing. White double door came into my sight and i grimaced. I really didn't want this. Once there I push them open. A beautiful brunette came up to us smiling.
" hello ladies are you ready?" She asked and I smiled at her.
"Yes." I replied. She blushed slightly and nodded putting her hand in front of me.
" I'll show you the way." She offered and my hand slipped into hers. I felt a gaze on me and turn to see Lauren glaring deadly at the nice woman. We walked past multiple rooms with scientist inside. After a good walking time we came up to a vacant room. She let go of my hand and open the door. I slipped in first admiring the soft red couches and carpet. I didn't hear the woman say goodbye but the sound of the door closing did. I sat down instantly touching the fabric. Savoring it I touched almost all of it until my hand brushed up against a cold leg. My eyes went up them going over the curvy hips and slender waist. Her chest came in to view but I went over quickly untill my eyes landed on her soft plump lips. They were smirking nicely. Finally my eyes found their favorite part. The green orbs with violet flecks we're alluring. Everything disappeared as I looked into them. But everything came rushing back when her cold hand push my head to the side exposing my neck. I got suddenly insecure of the scars on my neck.
"Camila you know what to do right?" Her angelic voice asked making me relax some. Inside I was yelling at myself angry that I was finding her attractive. Did I like her? God no she's a vampire and a royal at that. To her I'm probably just another place thing.
"Yes." I responded softly still mesmerized by her eyes. She nodded. Her fangs slowly appeared. Her flawless wrist came up to her mouth and she bit into it. Her eyes never leaving mine. She let go of it and put it in front of my mouth. I latched my lips on to her skin. The metallic blood tasted phenomenal. My hands reached up and grasped her wrist so I could have a better hold. A wet and cold feeling came on my neck before a slight pinch touched my neck. A sudden burst of warm and excitement erupted through my body. Then something new happened. I gasped letting go of her wrist. Images flashed everywhere before one stayed.
A small pale boy with long dark hair framing his face was crying. A girl similar looking to the boy rushed over to him.
"Zero." her sweet concerned voice called. The boy looked up with streams of tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Lauren, sissy, why does father not love me?" the boy asked instantly choking up.
"Oh dear brother he does love you he loves you so much. Father just doesn't know how to feel. It doesn't help with the fact that we just lost mother." the girl cooed. He faintly frowned before he got up abruptly and embraced the girl.
" Oh Lauren what would I do without you." He said softly.
" dear brother you'll never be without me." She reassured him.
Another image came and played out.
A red vase came hurtling across the room shattering quickly. A young ladies form was on the floor crying. She held a young man in her arms who looked in immense pain. Before them a very menacing man took place.
"Leave the traitor Lauren." The loud venomous voice demanded. The lady looked up at him and glared through her tears.
"Zero is not a traitor father." she hissed. The man seemed even further angered.
"He has fell for a human girl Lauren that is treacherous enough to name him a traitor!" His voice boomed.
" is it bad or is your heart so sour you do not understand the feelings of love! I will not leave my brother even if his heart loves a human!" She threatened. The man wasn't having it and grabbed a hold of the younger male the fathers fangs grew out and we're ready to use. Right when he was going to strike Lauren ripped his heart out of his chest.
" nor will I if I have to kill you." She whispered.
More images came and went until I was left with a strong connection to Lauren.
"Camila." Lauren's voice filled my ears.
"Yes." I respond and looked up at her. That was a huge mistake cause when I did her soft eyes bored into mine. A wave of want and need slammed into me. My heartbeat increased as I craved for the vampires lips. I leaned in will my hands cupped her face. She followed suit as her arms wrapped around my waist. Our lips connected and it felt like bliss. We kissed furiously. My teeth grazed her flesh making her groan. A loud knock on the door made us separate and my heartbeat skipped a couple times. I just kissed a vampire!

Unexpected (A Camren Fanfic)
FanfictionIn the year 2020 a blood disease is leaked into the world from the military. Over 90% of the human race is killed from it leaving earth close to vacant. Camilla and Ally her stepsister are close actually really close but in that year a dark twisted...