I was bothered what the female vampire said. I should of felt revolted or even offended but instead I felt hot and weird. I didn't like it at all. I sighed and looked over to see Roger glaring at her. Is understandable honestly. His eyes caught mine and he instantly smiled. Looking back at him made me feel warm and fuzzy. He started to wave back but then frowned. I wondered why until I felt the cold skin on my waist. I looked over to her confused and shocked.
"Hey lady where are we going?" Roger asked irritated.
"To the VE head quarter." she replied coldly. My hand reached out while she responded and pride her arm off me. She look down at me. She's angry and I knew it. It didn't help when Dinah came an interlocked our fingers again. My eyes moved over to her to see her smiling. Dinah loved testing people. Her hand left but came back on to my waist where the vampires arm was. This ticked her off. Her eyes narrowed on Dinah who just laughed and brought me closer to her. I decided to play along and rested my head on her side. This seemed to aggravate her even more. I felt a warm hand grab my right hand. Roger was smiling obviously wanting in on the scene. I smirked warmly at him and winked. He just winked back casually. The girl was fuming now clearly not liking them near me. Roger looked at Dinah and they both shared a look before they both planted a chaste kiss on my cheeks. I blushed and smiled. I returned the gesture. Suddenly I was ripped away and in a pair of cold arms. I looked up to be greeted by a very jealous vampire. Her eyes were enraged and dilated. She held me the rest of the time even though I smacked and hit her to let me go. When we reached the facility she put me down. I glared at her and walked past her. God I hated her. When I reached the doors Dinah was glaring at me. I was confused as to why but answered my question when I saw the others trying to catch up. I shrugged and pushed the door open.
"Name please." A tall male vampire asked. His branded arm was very visible.
"Camila Cabello." I said. A loud ring came from the doors behind him.
"Your good to go Ms.Cabello." he said with a smile.
"Thanks." I told him.
"Hello Kevin." The womans voice sang.
"Hello Princess." He greeted. I gagged and went through the doors while the others went through the same thing. I was surprisingly greeted by commander Blain right as I got passed the doors.
"How did it go?" He asked me.
"Good we had some assistance but Dinah managed to kill a flegling." I reported while he nodded.
"That sounds nice any casualties?" He asked.
"None." I replied. I heard the doors open hoping to lord it wasn't her.
"Hello Blain." the angelic voice said casually.
"Hello Lauren," he said back, "I hope finding the kids wasn't to difficult." my eyed widened at his words.
"No not really. I am guessing you didn't inform her of my departure to them?" She said with a nice smile on her lips.
" God no I, have you met her yet she's so stubborn to be honest if I were to have told her she'd probably be very unstable." He chuckled. I glared at him. Bastard! If I would have known I could have prepared. Would I be angry yes, but I would have understood. I rolled my eyes at him while he smiled at me.
"So I'm guessing you haven't told her that you chose me to blood bond with her?" She asked. Wait what!
" um sir I know I shouldn't question your reasons but, what in God's name is wrong with you!?" I declared obviously bothered. His eyes widened at me. Never have I ever talk to him like that but just the thought of being bonded to Lauren made me uneasy.
" Ms. Cabello may I remind you I am your acting commander and what I say goes so with that you and Ms. Jauregui will head to the lab and get started." He ordered. My eyes flew even wider but I took control and slackend my face.
" I'm sorry commander. I will go right now." I told him monotoned. He flinched instantly. My voice was cold and hard. I walked past him not saying goodbye or anything else. Lauren was behind me being quiet. It was nice to finally have some peace.
"Camila," I sighed. Spoke to soon I guess, "Are you ok?" She asked. I stood still and turned around facing the undeniably gorgeous being in front of me.
"Ms. Jauregui thank you for helping me and my comrades but, other than needing your assistance nothing I repeat nothing will go on between us. We will not be friends nor anything else." I replied my voice the same as with the commander.
" Camila do you that badly not want to be bound to me? You know in other people's eyes being bound to Royal is a gift especially because of our power and abilities." She stated. My fixed gaze on her hardened.
" No in my eyes Ms. Jauregui being bound to a blood sucker and monster is a slap to my honor. Do I need the power yes, do I want it from a spoiled vampire that has murdered so many of my own comrades without thinking no. Honestly Ms. Jauregui I think you're just looking for attention from others considering you and your brother Zero Jauregui are called the cold heartless twins. From that knowledge I already know that you love attention so this little experiment you doing with the VE Corporation I already know your just using to get more attention." I responded with no emotion. Hurt flashed in those captivating eyes. She look down unsure.
"Well once we enter those doors Camila you're stuck with me. Oh and your hot when your authoritative." She mocked. My anger flared I knew that my anger wouldn't last though but I tried I couldn't show Lauren I found her interesting.

Unexpected (A Camren Fanfic)
FanfictionIn the year 2020 a blood disease is leaked into the world from the military. Over 90% of the human race is killed from it leaving earth close to vacant. Camilla and Ally her stepsister are close actually really close but in that year a dark twisted...