Chapter Eight

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"Sam, go first", Ivy dries her last tear and puts a hand on my shoulder, forcing me to stand up.

"That's a dance for two, Ivy,"I complain.

Before I can think of asking her to dance with me, she continues while shaking her head:

"I'm not doing this."

I am standing on the 'dancefloor', or rather the space we made between the couch and the TV screen on which Just Dance is displaying. We pushed the coffee table aside, to have enough space to dance.

"I can't dance on this alone", I sigh.

Finn pushes Asher out of the couch and on the 'dance floor'. He gives a black look to Finn, straightening his white shirt. Then approaches enough to whisper in my ear, leaning forward for me to hear his murmur: "I'm just doing this for you, Sam-Sam."

I shiver at his voice, or rather at the proximity, feeling his breath on my skin.

I turn my head towards him: "Isn't it because of a bet you lost to Finn?"I reply.

"Shh, you aren't supposed to know this."

He chuckles, passing his hand through his hair.

"I can't hide a thing from you, can I, Sam-Sam?", he puts the remote on his wrist, for the game to detect all the moves.

"Why would you want to hide anything from me?"I ask just to annoy him a little more.

I take my remote too but can't seem to tighten it around my wrist.

"Need some help?" Asher asks.

Before I can answer, he takes hold of my wrist and gently adjusts the string.

"Is it too tightened?"

His deep blue eyes are looking straight at me, a brown strand of hair falling on his forehead.

I shake my head: "No. Thank you."

His hand brushes away, leaving a smile on my face. Or maybe it was already there before, maybe I smiled from the moment we came back to the living-room with Ivy. And I hate to admit it but it feels like this person standing in front of me is the reason. He is the reason for my smile: Asher.

"Are you two ready?"

Asher and I are standing next to each other, facing the TV screen.

I turn my head towards him. He is already looking.

Yes, because Finn asked if we were ready.

I know it's why, so why am I still hoping it isn't?

Asher nods, asking me with his look if I am ready too. Our eyes say more than words could. I nod too and we turn back to the game. Except Finn didn't understand our secret looks.

"We're ready", Asher and I say at the same time.

I chuckle at the two of us.

"Which song should I put?"Finn questions.

"Drivers license!"I exclaim.

"STAY!"Asher replies.

I sigh: "Why can't you ever agree?"

"Maybe because you chose one of Olivia Rodrigo's songs and that I ha-"

"Stop," I put my hand on his shoulder as if it'll make him shut up. "Don't finish this sentence. You can't hate her music."

I remove my hand, finding this position uncomfortable all of a sudden.

"But I do."

"Not. You do not."

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