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chapter ten,
the messages.

You stood with Ochaco at the exit to the arena, thanking everyone who came to the game and signing the magazine for those who asked for your autograph. The brunette girl was kneeling down in front of a small girl, telling her how much she found the UA mascot stuffed bear in the girl's hand was super cute.

As the people filing out began to lessen, the Ketsubutsu team came out of the corridor leading into the locker rooms. You and Ochaco were about to walk back to the school when the boys caught up to you.

"Love the sparkle," one said.

Ochaco raised a brow. "Thanks."

You awkwardly looked around. You could sense that their friendly faces were covering up the rage they felt after losing. Izuku had scored a three-pointer that placed UA two points ahead from their team. They expected Katsuki to take the last shot and had formed a wall of defence, completely missing the fact that he was open on the side, giving him the chance to unexpectedly pass the ball to the newest player.

The boys stood tall over you and Ochaco, most, if not all of them, reaching at least six-foot three. They parted and between their built muscles came Yo Shindo, their captain. His smile was pleasant, but in his eyes was downright displeasure.

He extended his hand to you. "I don't think we've met."

You smiled at him, remaining positive. "We haven't."

"I'm Yo Shindo."

"[name] Aizawa," you replied, shaking his hand. "Aizawa is fine."

Yo's wavy brown hair shielded his forehead and parts of his eyes. "We watched the halftime performances in the locker rooms. You danced great."

"Thank you." You noticed that in the side pocket of his bag was the rolled up new sports issue with you and Katsuki on the front.

Ochaco cleared her throat, rolling her eyes at Yo's friendly facade and you let go of his hand. "Obsessed."

"I'm not obsessed with UA, Uraraka," Yo countered. "It's simply research material for the season coming up. I can't let the pink and black sweatband-wearing boy make another lucky shot like that next time he's against me."

"Deku's going to be way better than you," she said confidently. "I don't play basketball, but I could tell you're still chasing after Bakugou's star player title."

You chuckled, "Is that why you have our faces in your pocket?"

Yo turned to you, still grinning warmly. "Not just for his pretty face. Yours too."

His team began to pat his back and walk around you, Ochaco and him to the exit to get on their coach. You ignored his indirect compliment towards you. "This is just a growing moment. UA is the best, it's natural for your team to admire those above you."

The boy laughed as UA's basketball and cheerleading team walked out of the locker room corridors too. "How about you share your number, and you can give me some tips on your team's weaknesses, pretty girl?"

You and Ochaco glanced at each other, then back at Yo Shindo. Katsuki and Eijirou stood not too far, you could see them in your peripheral vision. You linked arms with Ochaco as you said, "though I appreciate the nickname, I'd rather not. Does that work with other teams?"

Yo shrugged, waving to the two basketball players nearing the three of you. "Fifty-fifty."

You shook your head playfully, waving as you and Ochaco walked to your team. "It might need practice. You're dreamy, but not to the extent where I'll betray my team. Sorry."

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