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"Marjorie! Autumn! What are you guys doing here?" Charlotte asked, a very confused Mia stood by her.

"Yeah, what going on in your little love fest?"

Autumn and Marjorie looked at Mia puzzled, then to a guilty looking Charlotte.

"Char told me."


"Sorry Marjorie, but when you two left after what I'm assuming was a massive fall out with Reece, we saw Autumn kiss your head soooooooooo...."

Marjorie rolled her eyes and moved her focus to Mia, who was standing next to Charlotte, sitting in her hip with her arms crossed.

"Marjorie answer my girlfriend's question instead of glaring at me. What are you two doing here."

"Wait, girlfriend?" Charlotte looked to Mia, completely bewildered by the fact that Mia had just called Char her girlfriend.

"Sweetheart we'll talk about this later."

"Okay. But yeah what are you doing here?"

"Uhhh just-" Marjorie was about to come up with an excuse when Autumn interrupted her, fully confident that her excuse would work.

"Just making sure that the beanbags didn't have any holes in them. One of us sat on it while the other searched around to see if any of the balls inside were coming out."

Mia's face went from confused to disgusted as she noticed the white mark on Aut's trousers.

"Oh, eugh ugh no. Absolutely not. No," she turned her head to the side and put her hand out as if signalling for someone to stop. "That's vile. Eugh. Char, we're going to get your coat then leaving. That's just- no."

"Wait what? Mia what do you mean I-"

"It's better if you don't know baby. Let's just... protect your innocent little mind."

Mia lead Char out of the room, looking back at Marjorie and Autumn and shooting them a disgusted look o the way out. They heard a muffled 'You go get your coat, I'll be right there' from the corridor, and Mia came back into the room looking like she was about to throw up. She pointed her finger and moved it between the two of them, drawing an invisible line connecting the pair sat on the beanbags.

"That's disgusting."

"Oh Amelia don't act like you and Charlotte haven't done the same." Aut retaliated.

Mia's eye's widened.

"How do you know about that?"

"I have my ways."

"Fine, I won't tell if you won't tell."


"Yeah we're leaving now. I'll let you two get back to your little... scissoring session."

"C'mon Mia, let's go. Bye Autumn! Bye Marjorie!" called Charlotte from the corridor.

"Bye my love!" Marjorie said as she waved goodbye. "That was a bit awkward weren't it."

"You don't say. Anyway, grab your stuff, lets go home."

Timeskip ~ 23:27 ~

The couple were laid in bed, and Marjorie had already fallen asleep next to Autumn, her soft, slow breathing the only sound in the room. Aut rolled over and opened the drawer in her beside table. She reached around for her glasses case so she could go to sleep, when she felt a crumpled piece of paper in the back. She flattened it out on her leg and immediately recognised her mother's handwriting. This was the note her mum had left on her bedside table just before she left with Mia's dad. Autumn was 13 at the time, and Reece was 16. She'd never forgiven her mum for what she did, and she hadn't read the note since she found it under her bed while she was packing up, and moving out of her father's house. She started reading the note, unaware that while she was rifling through the drawer, Marjorie had woken up.

To my gorgeous Autumn,

I'm so sorry I'm leaving you like this but it's for the best. I know your father is not a very nice man, but that is why I'm leaving. I promise you, if I could have taken you with me, I would have, but I couldn't, and I feel so terrible about it. I know you may never forgive me for this, but I hope you grow up to have a great future with a husband/wife and kids (If you wan't any). Take good care of Reece, I love you.

Mum xx

By the time she had finished reading the note, Autumn was sobbing uncontrollably. Marjorie wrapped her arm around her in an attempt to comfort her.

"It's okay baby. Everything will be okay."

"Shit, I'm so sorry, did I wake you up?"

"No, don't be sorry, you didn't wake me up. Come on. For some reason your glasses case was in my bedside table." she handed Autumn the black glasses case, "Let's get some sleep."

Autumn fell asleep spooning Marjorie. It didn't matter whether Aut was bawling, or slightly sobbing, Marjorie would always find a way to comfort her.

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