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[ a lot of pathetic looking and staring this chapter my friends ]



BABY was looking through the viewfinder of her camera again, and Tyler was looking at her as subtly as he could

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BABY was looking through the viewfinder of her camera again, and Tyler was looking at her as subtly as he could.

They were at a gas station in Tennessee, waiting for a storm that would be there within the hour. Rather than take pictures of the clouds, Baby was taking photos of Lily as she worked on Cairo. Boone was there too, and every now and then, she'd look up at him and take a picture of her smiling brother.

Tyler couldn't help the intrusive thought that hit his mind all of a sudden as that soft, barely there smile hit her face over something Lily said.

Baby was beautiful, and it wasn't just the way she looked. That had always been obvious. Everything about her was beautiful. Her mind, the way she treated people, her rare laugh that made his heart hammer any time he heard it.

So, Tyler's eyes — behind the protection of his sunglasses, of course — took in her form. She had her hair pulled back with one of Boone's blue bandanas, a baggy and cropped t-shirt hanging off her shoulder with a pair of shorts hiked up her hips. Shorts that definitely didn't make her ass look perfect as she squatted down to take a picture of Lily from below, he thought.

Tyler swore under his breath and quickly looked away, knowing he didn't need to be thinking about Baby like that. It was inappropriate and wrong — and he didn't want to risk her spotting him and feeling uncomfortable given how shy she was when it came to that kind of attention. He quickly walked off to the edge of the parking lot, opting to look at the clouds.

Clouds were far safer a view than Boone's little sister's ass.

Meanwhile, the subject of Tyler's suddenly conflicting thoughts was getting back up, moving to show Lily the picture she'd taken of her.

"Damn, I look good," Lily nodded, raising an impressed eyebrow.

"Lily, as pretty as you are, you'll always look good in pictures," Baby said sweetly.

"Thanks, Baby," Lily said before blowing her a kiss. "Let's see the ones of Boone."

Baby happily flipped through a few, finding one of Boone laughing and running his fingers through his long hair as the sun was hitting him perfectly. She excitedly showed her brother her work.

"Oh, now this is headshot material," Boone said with a wide grin. "Gone make Ty's tacky one look ridiculous."

"Well, I still ain't seen it," Baby said, shaking her head.

"Know a secret?" Boone asked with a smirk. "He keeps about twenty of 'em in the glove compartment of the truck."

In an instant, Baby was up and scurrying to the truck, grabbing Tyler's attention, who came after her. He watched as she threw open the passenger side door and climbed up on the side bar of the tall vehicle so she could reach.

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