Chapter 13

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Wonwoo P.O.V

I glimpsed up at Minjae when he stepped out of Mingyu's room. He had a frown on his face. He glimpsed briefly at me before sitting in the chair beside me. 

"How is he holding up?" Minjae shrugged. 

"As well as he can. I mean, he's been in a coma for quite some time. It's a miracle he woke up at all." I turned toward him. 

"Are you going to tell him what really happened that day?" He sighed. 

"I'm not sure. He doesn't seem to remember it. His mind is fuzzy. He needs some time to readjust." 

"So, we're just going to pretend it never happened?" 

"No. I'm going to tell him, just not right now." I nodded. 

"I'm scared for him. I mean, we can only protect him for so long." He pressed his hand to my arm. 

"Don't worry. We will keep him safe." 

"What are we even going to tell him? That this happened because he went back in time and saved us. Did he trigger some fate where he has to die?" Minjae shrugged. 

"Maybe it's his fate. Maybe giving up his life is the requirement for saving us." 

"He'll think we're crazy." 

"Not if he remembers what happened in the past. He gave you guys another chance. Take it and thrive." 

"I can't if it means losing him." He frowned at me. 

"If that's the case then he risked his life for nothing. Don't you know how much he loves you? He sacrificed everything for you. All of you." It wasn't till then that I realized the guys had appeared. They all had grim looks on their faces. 

"What do we do?" I shook my head. 

"We keep him safe until we find out the whole story." 

"How do we do that?" I glimpsed at Dino. He seemed more tired than any of us. I was worried. 

"Well, the only person who knows what happened in full detail is Mingyu. I'll ask him what happened." Minjae sighed. 

"Why do you even know what happened?" 

"I remembered a bit of what happened but it's fuzzy. Mingyu has to fill in the blanks." Everyone nodded. I smiled at them reassuringly before walking back into the room. Mingyu had his eyes closed. 

"Mingyu?" He hummed. "Do you remember anything that happened?" He opened his eyes. 

"What do you mean?" 

"When you went back into the past and saved us, do you remember any of it?" He shot up and flinched. That answered my question. I rushed over to him to help. 

"You've been in a coma for 3 months dumbass. Be careful." 

"It was real?" I raised a brow. 

"Yes?" He looked away and hummed. 

"I thought it was just a dream." I sighed before sitting down beside him. 

"No, it all happened." 

"I remember everything." 

"The fact that I remember some of it must just be a glitch." He grabbed my hand. 

"What really happened to me?" 

"Someone cut the break line in your car. My guess is that guy wants you dead." He sighed. 

"I never did find out what his motive is. I just know that he wanted to kill people. I don't know who it was specifically." 

"It could have been you." His eyes widened as if he realized something.

"Hyung, do you remember that guy who always looked at me weirdly while we were trainees?" I thought for a minute before nodding. 

"He claimed that you stole his place in the group." He nodded. 

"Right before the bombing, he was acting really odd at the company. I saw him in places that he shouldn't have been. It was like he was scoping out for something. Do you think it could have been him?" I frowned. 

"He knew you weren't at the company that day." Mingyu nodded. 

"Yeah, but he also knew that I loved you guys very much. Especially you. What better way to destroy me than killing the love of my life and brothers? I mean, I know you weren't in the other future but you can ask Minjae Hyung. I was completely miserable. Hell, I even hallucinated Seungcheol Hyung." He froze as he said that. "I need to talk to Seungcheol Hyung. It's important."  I nodded before leaving his room to go find Seungcheol. He was sitting in a corner with Jeonghan. I frowned at the sight of Jeonghan stroking his hair while he cried. 

"Hyung?" They both looked up at me. "Mingyu needs to see Seungcheol Hyung." They nodded before standing up and following me. I knew it wasn't a good idea to take Seungcheol away from Jeonghan at that moment so I didn't argue. Mingyu was writing something when we walked in. He looked up at us and smiled before patting the bed and pointing at me. I sighed and went back to my spot from earlier. It was clear that nothing had changed from the past. He was still clingy. 

"Seungcheol Hyung, do you remember when we were trainees and I got into that accident that caused me to sit out for a while?" The Hyungs nodded but I was lost. "Do you remember how that accident happened?" They nodded again. 

"You hurt your ankle in practice." He shook his head. 

"I lied. Minseon did it." I could tell that they knew who that was with one glimpse. Why was I the only one out of the loop? 

"That guy who caused the fire in the basement?" 

"He caused the fire?" We nodded at Mingyu's question. I was aware of that one. I had a scar that reminded me every day. 

"Anyway, I think he's the one that cut the break line in my car." He all turned to him. Jeonghan asked the question we were all thinking. 

"Why?" He turned to me and sucked in a breath. 

"Back then he had feelings for Wonu Hyung. He hated that I was the only one that Wonu Hyung gave the time of day to. That's why he hurt my ankle and probably the reason he started the fire." 

"Why would he cut your break line though?" Seungcheol asked. 

"Well, you guys don't know this but in the other timeline, you all died and I kept seeing Seungcheol Hyung. At the time I couldn't figure out why but then the car accident happened and I ended up in the past. Of course, this car accident happened in a different timeline but my breaks weren't working then either. I hydroplaned but by the time I got back in control, I was going too fast. Anyway, that's how I ended up in the past. The timelines are connected. In this one, you never died because I stopped it and he probably hates me for it. He was obsessed with Wonu Hyung. He thought taking you away from me was the best punishment because I wouldn't give Wonu Hyung to him. Not that Wonu Hyung would have anyway. He's been in love with me since he met me but you get my point." 

"So, Minseon wants you dead because you went back and stopped him from punishing you?" Mingyu nodded at my question. 

"That's my guess. At the time I couldn't figure it out but it makes sense now. I'm sure he's been here too. He may know I'm awake." 

"Why would he care now? He failed." 

"I saw him that night when I crashed my car. He Knows it too." 


Thanks for reading this chapter everyone. 

Bye, Lovelies

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