5 - The Dive

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You rested against a rock, feeling victorious, and a little nervous. You noticed Dark Pit looking at your broken wings, seeming undeniably bothered. Witnessing them burning again was not a pleasant sight. And with Viridi's earlier statement, you were probably going to have trouble with the third trial.

The thing is, Dark Pit, being a clone of Pit, can't fly on his own. He never knew why, nor how he can, but he just...can't. The only way he can fly is if a god or goddess he resides under will grant him the power to spread his wings and take to the skies. However, he can only do it for five minutes.

Pretty horrendous fuel economy, huh?

As for you, you can fly by yourself. Unfortunately, your wings are severely damaged, and show no sign of healing unless you dip them in a rewind spring. Worse, your flight time is almost half the time of Dark Pit's, about three minutes.

Dark Pit was about to step towards you, only to go the opposite direction. You sighed and closed your eyes, when suddenly, a vine grabbed you by the leg and swept you off your feet, as you rose high up past the clouds. The red-eyed angel followed behind you, trying to forget about your incident earlier. His wings were glowing green.

You stopped at a floating platform, near the spot where you first met Dark Pit. Of course, Viridi was standing there, her hands on her hips, in her usual sassy pose. You rolled your eyes.

"You could've just called me."

"What's the fun in that?" Viridi remarked, crossing her arms and laughing. The vine let go of you as you fell flat on your face. As you got up, Dark Pit looked around, furrowing his eyebrows. But he didn't say anything...not yet.

The Goddess of Nature gestured you down below. Stepping east, you peered over the edge.

There was a bunch of obstacles down below, blue flipping boards, bumpers with a symbol of a circle with a asymmetrical cross on it, a familiar icon, but what caught your eye the most were huge golden rings, in a path going down, down, down.

"I call this 'Skyfall!'" Viridi said, with jazz hands for effect, "You need to dive through all of the rings and get to the ground! This is my personal favorite one! I was going to let you take a crack at it tomorrow but I was so excited because I just added some new improvements! Oh yeah, don't forget the fact that you have to fight one of my commanders at the end."

"Mhm," you mumble, observing the course carefully, "How much time do I have?"

"Eight minutes." Viridi said, smirking.

Your eyes widened and you stiffened at the challenge. Eight minutes?! This was definitely a long way down, which means you'll have to use your flight to propel yourself forward.

Dark Pit finally spoke.

"Viridi, I know you did it up here with me last time, but this is (y/n) we're dealing with here. What if Pit sees them? What if Palutena sees them?

Viridi sighed, "Yeah, I know, Palutena's gonna go insane if she sees them roaming around Skyworld. But they're diving down, okay? Those two positive brains won't be there the moment they go.

Dark Pit crossed his arms. "I hope you're right. And I think it would be better off if you can get going soon?"

"Oh yeah, you're right." Viridi curled a hand around her mouth like a megaphone. "(Y/N!) YOUR TIME STARTS NOW!"

You jumped at the sound of her loud voice, letting out a small "grr" at her infuriating announcement. You immediately began to dive down and used your flight to go down like a meteor.

Viridi summoned another vine and hoisted herself and Dark Pit on it, following you at the same speed. Dark Pit let out an inward gasp as he gripped the vine tightly, pretty startled, but tried to keep it in.

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