[0] First Order!!!

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My name is Satou Kazuma, an ordinary boy who died in my previous world and got transported to this one alongside a stupid goddess. A lot has happened over the years: from defeating Demon King commanders to becoming rich, building up relationships with my party members, and lastly becoming the hero who slayed the Demon King! Heh!

Today, I'm walking through the town of Axel—otherwise known as the town of beginners. It's funny how this place still feels like home, even after all I've been through. As I stroll down the bustling streets, I can feel the eyes of the townsfolk on me. Everywhere I look, people are whispering to each other, stealing glances in my direction.

I catch snippets of their murmurs:

"Isn't that the hero who slayed the Demon King?"

"Yeah, that's him... and isn't he also filthy rich now?"

"But isn't he also the pervert who always gets into weird situations?"

I smirk to myself, brushing a hand through my hair. Yes, yes, please continue to compliment me! I think, basking in the attention. Except for the pervert part, please. I have a reputation to maintain, after all.

Walking past the guild hall, I see some of the adventurers who used to laugh at me, calling me weak and useless. Now, they look at me with a mix of admiration and envy. It's a strange feeling—being respected. I could get used to it. Even the shopkeepers give me nods of acknowledgment as I pass by, some even shouting out offers for free goods.

A small group of kids runs up to me, eyes wide with excitement.

"Mr. Kazuma, Mr. Kazuma! Is it true? Did you really defeat the Demon King all by yourself?"

I give them my most heroic smile and nod, trying to look as cool as possible. "That's right! I had a little help from my friends, but yeah, I took him down."

The kids cheer, and one of them asks, "What are you going to do now that you're a hero?"

Good question, kid. I haven't really thought about it.

"I'm going to... take a well-deserved break," I say, and it's true. After all the madness with the Demon King, I've earned some relaxation. "And maybe... spend some of this well-deserved wealth!"

I chuckle, patting the hefty coin pouch at my side. I turn a corner and spot a familiar figure ahead—a certain blue-haired goddess who's probably up to no good. Aqua, with her usual smug expression, is causing a scene near the fountain, surrounded by a crowd.

I sigh, but I can't help but smile. Some things never change. Even with all my newfound fame and fortune, this town, and my companions, are what truly matter. And maybe, just maybe, I'll use my new status to make life a little easier... and a lot more interesting.

I walk over to see what the useless goddess is up to this time. As I get closer, I spot Emperor Zel and Chomusuke right there with her, performing party tricks. Seriously? She's extorting people with the animals now? I roll my eyes as Aqua grins smugly, clearly enjoying the attention she's getting from the crowd gathered around her.

She's doing her usual routine, making silly faces and pretending to do magic tricks while Emperor Zel bounces around on her head, flapping his little wings. Chomusuke, on the other hand, is balancing on her tail and making adorable cat-like poses. The crowd loves it, cheering and clapping like it's the best show they've ever seen.

I thought the two hate her? What did she do? Did she bride them? A Goddess Bride an Evil God and a chicken?... Day by Day her status as a Goddess keep lowering.

Then Aqua spots me. Her eyes light up, and with a mischievous grin, she shouts, "Hey, look! Everyone, it's Kazuma—the hero who defeated the Demon King!"