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Nicole looked at Declan as their two kids, Violet and Jackson, ran around yelling nonsense. She was so in love with him, and even though there was many's opinions, she didn't care anymore as it only mattered what she thought of him. Declan came up to her and sat down on the couch in their house. Declan's photogrhaphy business was pretty succesful. Petals Falling was really successful ever since the work Declan had done for that middle school came out. Every parent had loved the quality and spread the word. Nicole leaned her head on his shoulder. Violet was three and Jackson was five. Violet had black hair like Declan but green eyes like Nicole. Jackson had blue eyes like Declan and red hair like Nicole. Violet gave a big smile and jumped at Jackson who just let it happen and made sure she didn't fall. Jackson got her off of him eventually and looked to his parents.

"Mama, Dada, can I be excused to the bathroom?" he said. Nicole and Declan laughed. They had no idea what they had done to make him so formal.

"Sure, Jack," Declan said as Jackson just walked off down the hall to the bathroom. Violet went up to Nicole and Declan and nestled herself in between them.

"How did you meet?" Violet asked. They sure were questiony today. Nicole looked over and Declan and took his hand in hers.

"We met at a coffee shop. Mixed up our orders accidently," she said as Violet looked up in awe.

"That's cute," she remarked then as Jackson came back, she went off to go play with him again. Jackson sighed as Violey came bounding over to him. Nicole had a feeling that even though he didn't show it, he secretly loved it when she played with him. He was just behaving as any older sibling does.

Arielle snapped the photo. Cambridge and Carrington were now fourteen. It seemed that time had flown by so quickly. She remembered when they were four and having their Preschool open house which was also when her little brother met his wife. Aaron was eleven. She had been right with her gut feeling of having a little boy. She watched as they grabbed their backpacks and started getting in the car. Cambridge and Carrington fought over the front seat as Aaron just went to the back as he knew his place as the younger sibling was just to sit in the backseat always. Daniel had alreayd gone to work so Arielle had to drop the kids off at school. She had been a stay at home mom since they had their first kids and she was fine with it. Now that they all went to school, she usually had a lot of time for herself. She got into the driver's seat and started driving. Her kids were talking about whatever but getting along so she didn't dare but in to ruin the moment.

"So that's why I rejected Cole," Cambridge said. Aaron was on his phone and not listening. His eyes then went wide and he sort of chucked his phone into the middle seat. Carrington who wasn't in the front seat and was in the back with Aaron gave him a weird look.

"Wh'yd you do that?" she said. Arielle was over all off their shit and knew that somehow this was going to tutnr into a fight. Aaron just gulped and shook his head.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" Cambridge teased. Aaron didn't do anything but grab his phone and pull up whatever was the cause of his little outburst. Arielle took a little peek and was greeted by the full HD photo of some girl's boobs.

"What the fuck?" Arielle said then mumbled 'sorry' when her kids gave her a weird look for saying something they weren't allowed to do. She knew that they totally swore at school but that was another problem and right now she was focusing on the fact her son had gotten a pic of boobs.

"That has to be a wrong number right?" Cambridge said becuase the photo was very clear adult woman and they all wanted it to be a wrong number as it was so gross and illegal to send photos like that to minor if you weren't a minor yourself, but it could still be gross depending on the ages. Aaron quickly typed 'Wrong number sorry!' and sent it then closed his messages. Arielle sighed. She hoped it was a wrong number and she didn't have to make a trip to the police station.

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