Chapter 6

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Rai was having a bad day today she decided to sit in the backseat of the car so she didn't have to speak to anyone

While her mum was driving them to school Rai's mind kept wandering off into the depths of her thoughts She couldn't shake off the dream she had about her brother's best friend
The dream felt so real as though they were actually having sex She felt a sense of guilt and confusion unsure of what to make of these feelings she was harboring for someone she barely knew

Beep - Beep

Mum - Rai Rai hello she said clapping

Rai looked up as her her mother's voice pulled her out of her thoughts

Mum - what's wrong you feeling okay

Rai blinked - uh yeah just tired she said looking around

Mum - okay well we're at school so you better get going

Rai opened the car door and quickly got out

Mum - I'll see you later oh and don't forget your round your dad's This evening for a few hours

Rai sighed she hated visiting her dad as he only ever wanted to see her when he wanted a babysitter

Fine Rai replied before walking away from her mum's car

Rai made her way into the school corridors and quickly grabbed her books out of her locker before making her way to the first lesson of the day literature

Once Rai had made it to class she walked in and looked around she couldn't see Alondra anywhere and signed of relief

At least I don't have to face her this lesson she thought to herself before taking a seat She got all her stationary out and after a few minutes the bell went and class started

Around 20 minutes into the lesson the door banged open causing Rai to jump slightly

Alondra - sorry I'm late sir didn't realise the time

Mr Philip - no problem alondra now go take a seat

Rai looked as Alondra walked toward her desk Please no please no she said hoping she'd walk past but she didn't

Alondra grabbed a chair and pulled it next to her As she sat down Rai felt a knot form in her stomach

Alondra - hey you okay you look like you've seen a ghost

Rai - oh um yeah yeah I'm cool she said slightly moving her chair away

Alondra - so um what are we working on

Rai - page 14 she said bluntly hoping not to make conversation

Alondra - you positive your okay your brother said you've been acting weird since this morning

Rai - No offence Alondra but Can we please just focus on the lesson

Alondra rolled her eyes playfully and huffed

Alondra - Fine be that way goody too shoes she said laughing

Rai ignored and turned back to face the front of the class trying to block out Alondra's constant chatter with the person behind them
But as the lesson went on it became increasingly difficult to stop thinking about her voice and the dream

Rai crossed her legs as the sound of alondra made her slightly aroused

All of a sudden Rai blurted out

Rai - Can you stop talking your distracting me?

Alondra raised an eyebrow, and a smirk formed on her lips

Alondra Oh, am I distracting you am I Rai
I didn't realize you were so sensitive she said turning to Rai

Rai felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment

Rai - no what I didn't mean it like that she said turning away so she didn't have to look at Alondra anymore

Alondra smiled and went to grab Rais arm but luckily the teacher spoke causing alondra to stop in her tracks

Mr Philip - right class I have decided to set you all a fun homework task for over Halloween you will be in pairs

He started saying groups then Rai heard

And lastly Rai and alondra you will be a pair now you have to write a story about your Halloween makeup sure you both participate now you may all leave he said as the bell went

Alondra grabbed her stuff then looked at Rai

Alondra - okay cool my house tomorrow be there and get the address off your brother she said walking away

Rai just stood there stund

Great that's all I need she said to herself before packing away and leaving the classroom

Hope you enjoyed this chapter
Let me know what you think

Also what did you think of chapter 5 haha😉

Enjoy your day guys

E x

Unexpected Sparks Railo Love Story English versionWhere stories live. Discover now