"No, we became best friends, I can see why you fell for him."

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This lesson could not go by any slower. I glance at the clock again and see that to my dismay it has only been 2 minutes since I last checked the time. The teacher is about to set us the next activity, but is interrupted by the familiar ringtone of an iPhone. 

Everyone looks around scared, not wanting to get their phones taken away, as the teacher says, "Whose phone is that? Quick! Everybody check! You won't be in trouble there are only a few weeks of school left, I'm not that mean."

Reluctantly, I check my phone and see that my mum's calling me. 

"Miss, it's my phone but my mum wouldn't call me, she knows I'm at school, something must have happened."

"Yes, there was also a note on the register from your mum. Go ahead, pick it up but be careful, don't get caught or I'll get into trouble." 

I run out of the classroom, still clutching my bag and phone. 

I swipe to pick up the call and say, "Mum? What's wrong?"

"It's... Honey I... I don't know how to say this." My mum says in between sobs. 

"Mum? What's happened? Where are you?" I ask, my voice laced with concern.

"It's ... It's Jake."

"WHAT? What do you mean it's Jake?" I query, all the air being  knocked out of my lungs. We were friends for years before we dated, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to him.

"He's... He's dying." At those words, my knees weaken and I fall to the floor. Tears fill my eyes and stream down my face in waterfalls. I take the phone away from my ear and sit there sobbing, my cries echoing throughout the confines of the four walls. 

"Jen. Jen!" I can hear my mum scream through the phone.


"I've booked you and Sam plane tickets to Poland, the plane leaves in 3 hours. Jake doesn't know you're coming. I'm already here, in Poland I mean." My mind registers the words and I wipe the tears away before running out of the school.


"Where can I find Samuel Hastings?" I ask the lady at the reception, because Sam's exams are over but I think he has a leavers assembly today.

"I cannot give out this information." She says, looking me up and down.

"I'm his sisters friend. It's an emergency." I say through gritted teeth, trying to hold back the tears and trying to stay calm. 

"Alright then, he is in the main hall."

I sprint down the corridors, stopping at the doors leading to the main hall. The lady said Sam would be backstage, so I heave the door open and walk behind the black curtains, which separate the stage and the preparation area. I push past people, looking for Sam. I spot the familiar quiff and tap his shoulder.

He turns around with an amused look on his face, he must be watching the show, "Jen? What are you doing here?" He asks. His face falls when he sees my tears and envelopes me in a hug. 


"Jake what honey? Please talk to me?"

"I know you didn't really like him but-" I start saying but I get cut off.

"No, we became best friends, I can see why you fell for him. We talked a lot after he came here and I found out he's an okay guy. Under all the jerk is a good person. He really cared for you Jen." Sam's words tip me over the edge and he leads me outside, as the tears fall, a never ending stream. 

"He's dying Sam." I manage to choke out. 


"Please fasten your seat belts, we will be departing shortly." 

I turn to Sam and rest my head on his chest. I explained the plan to him and we rushed to the airport. We bought new clothes at the airport after we stopped at Sam's house which was on the way ; Sam was dressed as Peter Pan and my uniform got very uncomfortable and it was hard to breathe in it. My mum also dropped the plane tickets off at Sam's so it's a good thing we went there. My mum and his mum have apparently gotten very close  and are on a first name basis.

"It will be okay." Sam says as he plays with my hair. We're waiting for the plane to take off and as soon as it lands we're going to visit Jake. 


"Please get ready for landing." The captain says, waking me up from my deep slumber.

We land shortly after and rush out of the airport to get a taxi. I tell the driver where to go and we're off. Knots form in my stomach as I think of seeing Jake. Not even seeing him, saying goodbye to him. Sam must see the worried look on my face because he grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers. He rubs his thumb on my palm, a gesture he knows will calm me down. 

2 hours later we arrive at the hospital. I pay the driver and thank him. We rush into the hospital, still holding hands, looking ridiculous in our I LOVE LONDON sweatshirts, but the way I look is the last thing on my mind right now. All that matters now is Jake.

I run up to the reception and ask for Jake. 

The receptionist points us to his room. I stop in front of the door. I can't do this. I can't say goodbye. 

As if he knew what I was thinking, Sam places his hand on my shoulder and whispers into my ear, "You can do this." I feel one of his tears drop onto my bare skin and shudder.

I muster up all the courage I can and push the door open. My heart stops when I see Jake lying in the hospital bed. Connected to one machine and a drip. They're not even trying to save him are they? The doctors have just given up. 

"Jen? Sam? What are you guys doing here?" Jake asks, his voice hoarse and weak.

The Boy In Red~#wattys2015~Where stories live. Discover now