Chapter Nine

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When I got back to the house, I walked into my father's study, knowing I was in for a confrontation. He was sitting behind his desk, his face red with anger.

"Alessandro, what have you done?" he thundered, his voice echoing off the walls.

I took a deep breath, knowing I had to calm him down. "Father, I know you're upset, but listen to me."

"Upset?" he repeated, his voice incredulous. "You think I'm upset? You've started a war with the Cassano family, Alessandro! Do you have any idea what that means?"

"I understand your concerns, Father," I said, my voice even and measured. "But I've thought this through. I know what I'm doing. I've been watching the Cassano family for months, allowing them to do their bids however they chose but they crossed the line first. And now that Victor is out of the way, I know we have the upper hand."

My father leaned back in his chair, his eyes narrowing as he considered my words. "And what about their allies?" he asked. "The Russians, the Mexicans... they won't take kindly to us taking out one of their own."

I nodded, anticipating his concern. "I've thought about that too, Father. We'll need to be strategic, to make alliances of our own. But I have a plan for that. I've already reached out to some of our old associates, people we can trust. We'll be okay."

My father sighed, rubbing his temples. "Alessandro, I know you're smart, but this is a lot to take on. Are you sure you're ready for this?"

I leaned forward, my eyes locked on his. "Father, It seems you have forgotten who I am"

My father looked at me, his expression softening. He knew I was right.

"Okay, son," he said finally. "I trust you. But be careful. Don't underestimate our enemies. They will stop at nothing to take us down."

I snorted, let them try.

I nodded, a sense of calm focus settling over me. "I won't, Father. I promise. I'll do whatever it takes to protect this family, to protect our business. And I'll do it with honour and integrity."

My father smiled, a small, proud smile. "I know you will, Alessandro. You're a true Genovese."

I nodded at my father, then turned to leave. As I reached outside of his office, Gabito appeared at my side.

"Boss, the Hernandez family is here to see you," he said, his voice low and urgent.

I raised an eyebrow. "The Hernandez?What do they want?" I haven't seen them since the night they heard their daughter shot at me, but they have been at my mercy ever since and I wonder why they are here now.

Gabito shrugged. "They didn't say, but they seem anxious to speak with you."

I nodded,

"Show them to the meeting room," I said finally. "I'll be there in a minute."

Gabito nodded and disappeared.

As I entered the room, I saw the Hernandez family patriarch, Dante seated at the table with his wife. As I approached both stood up but I waved them off while sitting down.

"So of what do I owe this visit?" I asked, eyeing them wearily.

"Words can't describe how deeply sorry we are for these past months. We have searched for Amelie, believe me I've toiled everywhere for her but still no sign of her. Your father gave us a month to provide her or.... Or we get killed" Dante's voice shakes with fear.

I nod slowly, "and..?"

Dante's eyes dropped, "We know you're angry, Alessandro. We know it's because of our daughter, Amelia. We are deeply sorry, She was foolish to run away from you, and we're willing to make it right."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on."

Dante took a deep breath. "We have another daughter, Alessandro. Amelie's sister. . We're willing to offer her to you, as a way of making amends."

I was taken aback by the offer. They were willing to give me their second daughter, just to appease me.

"And what makes you think I want her?" I asked, my voice neutral.

Dante hesitated. "we're willing to give her to you, if it means you'll forgive us and leave our family alone."

I leaned forward, my eyes locked on Dante . "You're willing to sacrifice your own daughter again, just to save your business and your reputation?"

I leaned back in my chair, steepling my fingers together as I gazed at Dante and his wife with amusement. They were so desperate, so willing to sacrifice their own flesh and blood just to save themselves.

"Please, Alessandro," Dante continued, his voice shaking. ", Larina. She's beautiful, intelligent... she'll make a perfect companion for you."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued by their desperation. They had no idea that I had already found Amelie that she was currently in this house. But I said nothing, letting them continue to grovel.

"We'll do anything," Dante's wife added, tears streaming down her face. "Just please, don't hurt us. Don't destroy our family."

But I said nothing, letting them continue to tremble before me. It was almost... entertaining.

"Where has this daughter, Larina, been?" I asked, my voice dripping with amusement. "Why have I never heard of her before?"

Carlos and his wife exchanged a nervous glance, before dropping their heads in shame. They couldn't meet my gaze, couldn't bear to face me.

"We... we..,"

I waved my hand dismissively, my expression unyielding. "Enough. You've said enough."

Dante and his wife looked up at me, their eyes pleading for mercy. But I showed them none.

"Gabito," I called out, my voice firm.

Gabito appeared at my side, his expression neutral.

"Take care of them," I said, nodding towards Dante and his wife.

Gabito nodded, his eyes flicking to the couple before he gestured for them to stand.

"Please, Alessandro," Dante begged, his voice cracking. "Have mercy."

I turned away, my ears deaf to their pleas. I had no mercy for the weak, no compassion for those who sought to manipulate and deceive.

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