Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up to the soft, gentle rhythm of Amelie's breathing. She was sleeping soundly beside me, her body inches from mine. I couldn't help but stare at her, my gaze tracing the contours of her face, the curve of her neck, the gentle rise and fall of her chest.

As I lay there, my wall began to crumble. The fortress I had built around myself, the one that had protected me from the world for so long, was weakening. Amelie's presence was chipping away at my defences, exposing the vulnerabilities I had kept hidden for so long.

I felt a pang of guilt, of shame. I was a mafia boss, a man who had built his empire on blood and sweat. I wasn't supposed to feel this way. I wasn't supposed to be vulnerable.

But as I looked at Amelie, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder. She was so beautiful, so innocent. She didn't deserve to be caught up in my world, to be tainted by my darkness.

And yet, here she was. Beside me. In my bed.

I felt a surge of possessiveness, of protectiveness. I wanted to keep her safe, to shield her from the world. I wanted to be the one she turned to, the one she trusted.

But I knew I couldn't. I was the last person she should trust. To her, I am the one who had destroyed her family.

As I lay there, torn between my conflicting emotions, I knew I had to make a choice. I could continue down the path I had chosen, the path of destruction and chaos. Or I could try to find a new way, a way that included Amelie.

I didn't know if I was capable of change. I didn't know if I was worthy of redemption. But as I looked at Amelie, I knew I had to try. I gently kissed Amelie's forehead, my lips brushing against her soft skin. She stirred slightly, but didn't wake. I smiled, feeling a pang of tenderness.

I got out of bed, my movements quiet, trying not to disturb her. I made my way to the bathroom, flipping on the light switch. The bright light was a shock after the darkness of the bedroom.

I freshened up, splashing water on my face, trying to shake off the conflicting emotions that had woken me up. I dressed quickly, my mind already racing with the tasks ahead.

As I walked back into the bedroom, I couldn't help but give Amelie one last glance. She was still sleeping soundly, her beauty captivating me. I felt that pang of possessiveness again, that desire to protect her.

I turned away, forcing myself to leave. I had work to do, an empire to run. I couldn't let my feelings for Amelie cloud my judgement.

But as I walked out of the room, I knew I couldn't shake off the feeling that my life was about to change forever. Amelie had awakened something in me, something I thought was long dead.

Downstairs, my men waited, their faces a mask of respect. We exchanged nods, no words necessary. They knew their roles, I knew mine.

The day blurred together - meetings, negotiations, "persuasions". The usual dance of power and loyalty.

But my mind kept drifting back to her. Amelie. The way she smiled, the way she challenged me. I couldn't remember the last time someone had dared to question me.

As the sun set, casting a golden glow over the city, I returned to my office. Gabito waited, his expression serious.

"Boss, we have a problem," he said, his voice low.

I raised an eyebrow, my gut tightening. "What kind of problem?"

. Gabito's expression turned grave. "One of our... associates had gone rogue. He's been skimming from our operations, and now he's trying to sell our secrets to the Costello family" Since the attack on the warehouse, Costello has been on a low, they had denied getting involved but now, I've got proof, proof to justify my actions later on.

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