Chapter Twenty Three

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Alone inside this dark room, I wondered if he was really coming. If he is really going to risk everything just for me. Me? I have caused him nothing but pain. From The day we met till now. But is it my fault? I close my eyes, my body aching and my thighs all thrown around the place. Just then, I heard keys hugging and in the next second, the door opened. I squint my eyes and watch as two people walk in. Who are they? The Cassanos or the Costello? Why does it even matter?

One walked behind me and started losing the rope and I felt some relief but it was soon cut short as a sack was placed over my head, covering my face and I was roughly pulled up. I winced. Where were they taking me to? What's happening again?.

My battered body trembles, my limbs flailing weakly as these men dragged me from this dingy room.

Every step jolted pain through my frail frame, my silent screams echoing down my head. I bit down my bottom lip really hard, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. Tears streamed down my face. I'm glad it's covered cause it would be a shame for them to see me break. The last thing I heard was Gazilla's cruel laughter before I was roughly pushed inside a place. A trunk? It didn't take long for the vehicle to start moving heading to God knows where.

Fear seeped into my pie like cold sweat trickling down my spine, my mind racing with unsettling possibilities each though more terrifying than the last. The unknown loomed before me a dark formless entity. Its presence whispering eerie whispers of what ifs. What if Alessandro coming is for a different purpose and he doesn't give two shits about me? What if he's coming to finish me off himself? Will I even survive tonight? My heart pounds, racing against the silence.

Every turn the moving vehicle made, every creak made me jump. I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer as the car came to a halt.

I was then dragged out and the sack was removed from my face. In front of me stood a decrepit building, its crumbling facade a testament to neglect.

Rusted gates screeched in the wind, a haunting melody echoing through desolate streets. Then it dawned on me. It's an old warehouse. 5th and main.

My body writhed, limbs flailing in anguish as I was dragged through the forsaken warehouse's entrance. Gates screeched, echoing through the desolate space.

Inside, darkness reigned supreme, punctuated only by a lone, flickering fluorescent light. Its feeble glow struggled to penetrate the shadows casting an eerie otherworldly aura.

Dust and grime coated every surface, choking the air with the stench of decay. Cobwebs cling to rusty pipes like skeletal fingers.

I was tossed onto the grimy floor, my body thudding against the concrete.

My vision blurred, pain ravaging my body. My wrist and ankles throbbed, as they roughly tied them to the rotting pole, the rope cutting deep.

My scalp burns, like my hair has been ripped from its root. Each ragged breath stabs my chest. Gazilla walks up to me, a sickening smile plastered on her face. One I wish I could smack off so bad.

"Isn't this our beloved wife?" she slurs and I roll my eyes.

"Where's your errand boy? Can't find him anywhere" I replied and her boot connected to my rib cage almost immediately. Making them shoot out immense pain. I coughed, snapping my eyes close.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch!" She spat, then turned around and walked away.

Still tied to the pole, my thoughts scatter, fear consumes me, desperation claws at my soul. Tears threatening to fall but I've had enough.

I raise my eyes slowly to see Donatello and that annoying bamboo walking inside. His face was grim and cold. Fucking manipulative bastard. Gazella walked towards me and stood beside me then pulled a gun out and pressed it to my temple. Soon the space was filled with a lot of their subordinates and that only meant one thing. He is here.

Alessandro steps into the room, his presence commanding attention. He was alone but I knew his men were probably scattered around this building. His tailored suit seems out of place amidst the decay. Who wears a suit to a fight? Oh I know who. Alessandro Genovese.

If I weren't in a complicated situation right now, I would have laughed my ass out. Why? Don't know. Maybe because of how serious he looks right now. Well he has always been so serious.

I watch his eyes scan the room until they are locked into mine. Or the rusty pole has been tied to!

This man has seen me in my worst state.

His eyes moved almost immediately to Donatello who stood tall, a sly smile spreading across his face.

"Welcome, Alessandro. I've been expecting you"

Aleaaandro's gaze narrowed. His voice is low but deadly.

"You broke the Omertà and have seen to forget that loyalty is everything" I frowned. Wondering what he was talking about. But Donatello's smile made me realise he understood his words.

"You know the old saying? Keep your friends close but your enemies closer...., you are the dumb one Alessandro" he replied. Hazily pressed the gun more closely and I gamed at her in return. Bitch.

"You've made a grave mistake, Donatello Costello, my fight wasn't with you but now you'll pay for betrayal".

Donatello chuckled darkly. "Betrayal? You're the one who's been playing king, the Genovese have been on for long, stepping on toes, taking what belongs to others! Fuck! It's time for a new law don't you think?"

"And you dare take what's mine?" He said and I felt a sting in my chest. Was that all I meant to him? An object? A property? As if sensing my hurt, his eyes locked onto mine. The connection crackled like a live wire.

For an instant, the chaos around us melted away. Donatello's taunts, gazella's sneers all faded into the background. Only the two of us existed now.

Just for a split second, his expression softened. His mask slipped. His eyes spoke volumes but he dare not speak the words aloud. And then his gaze hardened, shielding his vulnerability.

I averted my gaze elsewhere.


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Word count: 1,006

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