Chapter Ten

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I was calm. I am not where I want to be but at least I am safe with Alessandro, my husband. I cringe, gazing at the dry blood on my feet. I was barefooted and inside a moving car. One that belongs to Alessandro. We have been driving for what seems like forever. I had slept and woken up a few times already. I was the only one inside the car aside from the driver who I didn't get to have a better view of before I was shoved inside the car.

I thought back to Cassanos and wondered what really happened, and also victor was he alive? Do they know that I was bought back by my husband? I shake the thoughts out of my head, it's none of my concern now. Finally the car came to a halt and the door was opened for me. I raised my eyes to see the person that had opened It and froze. My eye rendering a thousand apologies. Shamefully I looked away from him.

"Enzo, thank you" I said quietly

"Welcome back Mrs Genovese" his voice firm and neutral. I didn't expect to see him this close ever again. I wondered what he thinks of me now. But I sincerely hope he knows I didn't mean to harm him, I was just trying to get away although that landed me in a far more deadly situation.

I stare in awe at the gigantic house in front of me instead.

The Genovese estate loomed like a fortress, it's imposing structure a testament to the family's power and influence.

The mansion's facade was a masterclass in intimidation with towering stone walls, narrow windows and a heavy iron gate that seemed to sneer at unwanted visitors.

As I step inside, the air grows thick with the scent of cigar smoke, fine leather and the faint hint of gun oil. The foyer's high ceiling seems to disappear into darkness and the sound of busied conversation and clinking glasses drifted from the depths of the house like a perpetual whisper.

"Welcome home child" I jump as my hands captured me in a tight hug. I was too stunned to speak or move. I knew who it was already but I am confused on why she's hugging me!.

Amira, Alessandro's mother, let go of me but her hands found their way quickly to my face.

"Oh child, you must have gone through hell" she says softly.

"Oh please, like she doesn't deserve it" someone said from the corner. I raised my eyes to the person. She walks towards me with a scowl on her face. Making me wonder who she was.

"Enough Julia" Amira's voice was stern. Julia rolled her eyes.

"Please Don't mind her, Julia's mouth has no... filter" she says, and I mentally agreed with her. She took my hand in hers and led me away from the eyes of everyone.

We head to the left through a sweeping staircase curved like a ghostly ribbon, leading us to where I think is the family's private quarters. As we walked, I couldn't help but notice the walls were adorned with faded portraits of Genovese ancestors, their eyes seeming to wash my every move. I shudder.

"The doors to the right lead straight to the business wing. That's mainly where Alessadro conducts his most delicate... deals" Amira said, bringing me out of my thoughts.


"Yeah, so if maybe you are looking for him, don't forget, the door to the right" her voice hitting a playful tone as she chuckles. I forced out a smile. Why will I even look for him?.

We both stopped walking when she stopped and stood in front of a room.

"Get clean up and change, will fetch for you when it's dinner time" she says softly before walking away leaving me with so many questions. Why is she so nice to me? I had shot her son twice! And drove off leaving him on the road. I watch her walk away, guilt washing over me.

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