Fantasy-High: Whitney hangs out with Noa (Part 2)

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Whitney Bradford the shiny delphox made by dapuffster

Noa Bailey the pikachu made by Yurikinns


Noa turned and looked at Whitney blankly. "Hurt myself? pfff. Don't be ridiculous. My reflexes are too good to allow me to get injured from something like that. Hehehehe." She boasted, crossing her arms. "How am I supposed to practice any of these things if no one will let me..." she shook her head with a sorrowful look on her face. If Whitney wanted to take her to do fun things why wouldn't she let her do this? Jeez. Noa leaned forward again as much as she could, so she could see between the two front seats. "Almost there? Good.. excellent... I can't be contained any longer. My body demands freedom from this restraint..!" she yelled excitedly and tugged at her seatbelt.


"Well, there are safer ways! Have you considered trying gymnastics? You can do all sorts of rolling and flipping there. Ah, here we are!" Getting to the parking area, Whitney stopped the car and opened up her seat. She turned off the child lock so that Noa could exit the car as well. "Okay Noa, we can go to any store you want first. Then, we can grab a bite to eat and then go to some more cool stores, how do you feel about that?"


"I don't care about gymnastics! I wanna fight things!" Noa announced with confidence. Her tail wagged awkwardly in the space she had in the back seat, and she impatiently waited to get out of the car. Soon as she heard the door unlock, Noa was off and out of the car like a rocket. "Freedom! Nyehehe." She spun around excitedly and ran over to Whitney. "Wow really..? O-Ones I want..." her eyes sparkled with delight, wow she was getting to choose..? This was going to be a really cool mall trip.. a new experience. "Yeah! Sounds good!" she swayed back and forth happily and hopped closer to Whitney, then reached out and held the other girl's hand. Pretty normal for her mall trips with her mom.


Whitney blushed as Noa instantly went to grab her hand. They were.... holding hands?!?!? b uT what does tHis MEAN??? She never asked Noa to hold hands with her, but was this a sign that she liked her? Or was she just holding on because i don't know why else would she. Whitney of course didn't let go, instead she embraced the hand holding and smiled. Whitney walked in together into the mall with Noa at her side. Inside the mall had plenty of things. There was a pet shop, a video game store, a bunch of other boring stores, the food court, and of course... hot topic. The shiny Delphox looked over at Noa and would just simply follow to wherever she wanted to go. Though at some point Whitney considered getting Noa a cute outfit. One that's a bit less goth and more.... Whitney's style. She blushed at the thought of Noa dressing up super girly and cute.


Noa was mostly oblivious to Whitney's blushing, and just went about her typical nonsense. She was so excited to not be held back by some dumb rules for once! Yay!! She almost was too excited, and somewhat pulled at Whitney unintentionally. Upon getting in the mall, her mind just filled with things she wanted to do or try. "Ooooh.. hmmm... I.. wanna.." Noa stared around at the stores. It left time for Whitney and her thoughts anyway. After a moment, Noa pulled at her friend's hand gently. "GAMES." She announced loudly and bluntly. Since she always had to go their last.. she really wanted to go their first this time. "...Th..that's okay right..?" Noa asked shyly. She was still a bit too in the mindset of how she was when she was out with family, so her tone was .. as if she was asking permission. Her ears stuck straight up in mild surprise though, having noticed Whitney's flushed face this time. "What happened? Are you sick?" She asked random questions, but still gently tugged at her Delphox friend's hand. "..Games will make you feel less sick you know. hehehe."


"OH!! Uh... no no it's not like that at all!" Whitney said in a rather embarrassed tone. "I'm perfectly A-okay. We most certainly can hit up the games if that is the first place you want to go~ Don't feel like you need to ask where you want to go, this is about the both of us having fun today, so wherever you want to go, we can go." She said as she smiled at Noa and swung their connected hands back and forth gently. "I don't know where the games are at though, so you'll have to lead the way."


"..Well okay!" She replied bluntly. If Whitney says shes okay, then she's okay! Cool. "Was I asking that way? -Wasn't on purpose..." Noa mumbled to herself and started walking to where she remembered the games store being. "Really? I can lead? Fufufu..." A mischievous smile grew on her face, and she started to walk faster, dragging Whitney with her. Eventually she stopped at an escalator. "Upstairs! The land of Virtual Worlds lies closer to the heavens!" Noa pointed up the escalators with a stupendous amount of energy. She then stopped and looked around, as if she was looking for something in particular. Then she turned to Whitney and hesitantly let go of her hand. "H-hehe... I will race you up there!!! You go up this way," The Pikachu started, pointing at the 'up' escalator. "I'm going this way!!!!!!" She fist pumped and started climbing up the 'down' escalator...


Whitney had to increase her walking pace in order to keep up with Noa and not trip. Once they got to the escalators, suddenly Noa and let go and she was gone??? WAIT WHAT?!?! Whitney instantly freaked out as she then noticed Noa going up the WRONG ESCALATOR. What if there were mall cops around??!? What if people were going to use it to go down?!?! She was panicking. Instantly, she bolted up the correct escalator. Due to it going up instead of down, she was easily able to outrun Noa. Making it to the top, she then noticed a couple that was about to use it to go down and run into wonder girl here. To buy some time, she went up to them and asked where she could find the food court. Hopefully by the time she was done talking with them, Noa would have made it to the top of the escalator.


Noa was too busy excitedly climbing the escalator to notice anything going on around her. As she -clumsily- made her way to the top of the 'down' escalator, she readied herself and jumped up off the last step triumphantly, finishing it by striking a victorious pose. She darted around the couple in question, like a tiny dog running through peoples' legs, and grabbed Whitney's arm. "You.. still beat me. Curses..." Noa seemed a little troubled from losing. "-But I got to go up the other magic stairway finally! So it doesn't matter! In the end I still win! Fwahahahaha!!!!" She laughed obnoxiously, seemingly she had no idea how much... stress she just caused Whitney. "I always, always wanted to, but I wasn't allowed to...-But today I did! Nyahahaa!!!"


"Well, you put yourself a quite a disadvantage. You see, you went up the escalator that is going downwards, where as I went up the one that went upwards. Therefore I had less steps to travel up than you did. You may have been faster, but my path was far shorter than yours, even if it looks as if it were the same distance~" She said as she patted Noa on the head. "I'm glad you had a good time though. It's all about having fun at the end of the day, yes? Now let's head over to the game store so we can play a few games."


"I .. I was giving you a handicap. I'm normally just too fast, you know? Speed is one of my top stats." Noa replied, trying to cover for herself. "a-ah..-" oh headpats...? She was very caught off guard with head pats. This was not the type of attention she was expecting to get, at all, and she got flustered from the touch. Noa backed away from Whitney, and patted her own hair down shyly. "Hmmmmfff" making a flustered pout, she turned and looked for the game store. "-..Yeah..! I always have a great time, nyehehe. Now!! Games!!" Noa cheered, as she spotted the store. "My rematch awaits...! fufufu..." She said under her breath, and charged at the store without even waiting for Whitney.


Whitney giggled at Noa. She thought she was being funny and cute right now~ Quickly though, Whitney lost control of Noa once more as she darted off to go "rematch" the employees. If Whitney had actually heard that, she would've been freaking out right now and acting all worried. However, since she didn't, she wasn't running to catch up to Noa. Whintey was confident that Noa wouldn't get lost, though. This was the video game store she was going to after all, she probably knew exactly where it was. With those worries out of the way, Whitney followed Noa and eventually arrived at the game store.


Noa ran into Whitney, literally, when the Delphox entered. "O-oh! There you are! Why didn't you follow me faster?" The Pikachu was folding a foam minecraft sword and was swinging it around as if she was some skilled sword fighter.. and not using a piece of foam. "You're my backup for when I need it, hehehe. -Oh, hey hey get this.." She leaned in close to Whitney to whisper to her; "I think they have recruited a new team member, so they did not recognize me. Fufufu. I asked them if I could talk to their 'manager'-" She did little air quotes as she said this, "-that's what they call their leader. As soon as they come out.... fufuffufu.." Noa laughed deviously and swung the sword around again. "-Then i will attack with the force of 2 million ninja armies..!!"


"You did what?!?" Whitney whispered quietly. "No no no you can't battle the manager! That's gonna get us into trouble with the mall cops. They'll uh... we'll they're extremely overpowered and they'll wipe you out in an instant if you try to fight the employees at the store. How about uh, how about I buy two of these for us instead so we can fight back at home later?" She asked. God, the last thing Whitney wanted to do is get in trouble, and it was clear that was gonna happen with Noa in just a few seconds if she didn't do anything about the situation. Maybe buying something for her like this would appease her enough to stop what she's doing.


Noa blinked, confused, and looked blankly at Whitney. "Overpowered..? hmm... maybe I need to just train more before I challenge them then..-" she mumbled a response and lowered the sword. The next thing the Delphox said though, definitely caught Noa's attention, and her whole face lit up in happiness. "W-what? Really? Youll buy them???" She excitedly hugged the sword to her chest. "My cruel mother would never allow me to get one before.. -you are now the superior being." She bowed to Whitney in an over-the-top way, then bounced back up to continue talking, " -and you'll fight with me too huh? Fufuufufu.. sparring.. I see..." Noa held the sword to her chin and tapped it, thinking. "I have decided; okay. I will cease the attack for now...!! Since you offered to procure these weapons for us, kekeke. Perhaps next time I will be of a high enough level to challenge them..." Noa nodded and handed the sword to Whitney, while she sifted through a shelf of toys looking for another one, then excitedly bounced back to Whitney's side while holding it close to her chest.


Whitney smiled. Her plan was a success.... even if it meant her wallet had to take a small hit here. "Of course! This just means that you and I will have to train together and grind experience points. Then maybe one day, you'll be able to." Taking the toys over to the counter, Whitney proceeded to purchase both of them for Noa. "Aaannd done! You're very welcome. Is there anything else you'd like to do here at the game store before we head off to the next store?" She asked. "There actually is one store I'd like to visit quick that you might not be incredibly fond of, but other than that it's all about you today~" Whitney, of course, was referring to the clothing store where she'd go and buy Noa cute clothes.


Noa swayed back and forth in pure bliss, looking in the bag with the foam weapons in it. Her tail wagged a mile a minute, threatening any displays or shelves nearby her. "Wahh... thank you..!" She leaned against Whitney affectionately, like a hug, kind of. Still focused on her new toys though, she responded somewhat curtly. "No, no this is good." She closed the bag and started swinging it around gently. "There is one you would like to go to? It's fine by me." Noa nodded, "It is thanks to you that this is happening.. so.." she added a little quieter and stopped swinging her bag around. "I don't mind, since we came to my desired destination first. I will gladly accompany you...!" The Pikachu was very thankful and agreed to do whatever Whitney wanted to do next. It was only fair after all. She was blissfully oblivious to whatever intentions Whitney may have had though. "Where is it?? I will follow you like a reliable party member.!" Noa added, with fist pump.


Whitney embraced Noa in the hug that she gave her, gently rubbing and patting her back. "You're very welcome again~" As they left the game store, Whitney looked over at Noa. "Well, I don't think that's the only thing I'm going to get you today. I was thinking uh.... maybe we could get you a nice cute outfit or something~" She giggled happily. "Expand your wardrobe a lil bit~" As they were talking and walking, Noa would notice that Whitney was walking towards one of the cuter, non hot-topic, clothing stores.


"Not the only thing..?" Noa looked at Whitney with some confusion, she didn't really.. need anything else though? Cute outfit? What? Noa's blissful face changed to mild worry. "....a-ah..?... c-cute.. outfit..? What do you mean???" Noa followed a little slower now, looking up to where they were going. Damnit. This is what her mother tried to do every time they were at the mall too. -But.. she said she would go with Whitney... and she didn't want to disappoint her. Now what. This was a predicament. She didn't really like it.. but she was going to put up with it. "..Is that really what you want.. to do..? ....ehhh..." Noa mumbled, but tried not to come off as too upset... However, her ears were already flopped half-way down, showing her lack of enthusiasm, and she was shyly fiddling with the bag she was holding now.


"Aww, c'mon. I wanna get you something nice. I'll make sure that you like it too!" Though, Noa didn't really seem to be all that excited still. Whitney thought about it for a moment. "Well, maybe in exchange, you could pick out clothing for me at Hot Topic? They sell clothing there, right?" She asked, a bit regretfully. "Besides, I promise we won't be in here for very long. Then we can get right back to all the fun stuff~" Whitney sorta felt bad, but surely her day would get better as soon as they left that particular store.


"..Well i guess so." Noa mumbled back, a little less down. Hmm she did like hot topic. Maybe that'd be not so bad then. "Okay." she answered again, this time more confident in her answer. She followed a little closer, not trailing behind like before. She still was not very excited about the whole thing, but she wasn't upset. "I don't let my mother look for things for me in these stores... -but.." she stuttered her words shyly, "...I-I'll come with you because you asked me to, Whitney."


Whitney blinked a few times. Did Noa just say that she's coming only because it was for her? That was... that was so sweet... but at the same time it made Whitney feel so bad that she was taking Noa here despite her not wanting to. "You're a very sweet girl, Noa. I promise if you don't like what I pick out, I won't buy it. I want you to have a good time and be happy. So I'll understand if you choose not to take it." Whitney then took hold of Noa's hand and held it gently. She let out a small giggle and smiled as they walked into the store together. Inside the store, Whitney looked around a bit, before she found a pleated skirt and a black short sleeved polka dotted top. "How about these? I think you'd look really cute in them!"


Noa's ears twitched but stayed flopped slightly down, she was just called sweet? gahhh.. that was embarrassing. "..S-Sure." she replied, her cheeks turning the tiniest bit more red. She wasn't good with this stuff! Not at all! She let Whitney lead her along anyway. -Seemed like the Delphox was having fun already, she didn't want to wreck her friend's mood. C'mon Noa, do your best. Noa looked at what Whitney had picked out, she tried not to show any particular emotion, for fear of upsetting her. "Umm... I.. guess if you think they're cute.. then.." She shyly looked away from her friend and the clothes she found. "...I don't really know about.. these types of clothes.. so whatever you think I suppose.." She mumbled a response. She was ..somewhat trying, anyway.


Whitney frowned, it seemed that Noa just wasn't interested in trying any of these clothes on. Perhaps she was trying too soon to get the girl to come out of her comfort zone. Perhaps she needs to do more for her first. She hung the dress back up and smiled at Noa. "It's alright. I can tell you're not super thrilled about this so we can move onto the next store now. We can go check out a much cooler clothing store like hot topic or something. That's more down your alley, yeah?"


"H-huh?? Are you sure...?" Noa tilted her head and looked at Whitney with a bit of sadness, "I thought you wanted to come here...?" oh no she wrecked it didn't she. She couldn't really deny that she definitely wanted to be somewhere else though. "Um.. yeah.. I like that.. kind of place more... I-It matches my aura better." she scratched her head, unsure of what to do. She looked down at the bag with the toys Whitney had bought for her. "..I.. would like to go there instead, but uhhmmm what about you?" Noa didn't want to upset her.. this is the first time she'd been out with a friend anywhere, what if Whitney didn't want to go here again with her? Her ears continuously twitched as she thought, her worried expression still visible on her face. Noa wanted for her to be having fun too, she was... starting to feel like she needed to do something for Whitney in return. Yeah, that's what she would do! " b-but y.. you should do something you like too.." she mumbled as she still stared at the bag she held.. why was this such a hard thing to say?


Whitney smiled gently before hugging Noa. "Ohhh Noa... you're such a sweetheart." She consoled. "I'm perfectly happy and fine just hanging out with you. That's all I need. If you don't like something, just let me know. I'd rather you be honest than to try and appeal to me. There are some people out there that might try to take advantage of that." Whitney hugged Noa closely. She needed to protect this girl. Not to mention the hugging felt.... nice. "Don't you worry about me, I'm having a great day today, but I want you to have a great day, too." She then patted Noa on the back a few times and rubbed it gently.


"w-wha, huh?" Noa's fur fluffed up slightly, she wasn't really expecting a hug in response. She settled down though as Whitney spoke. "..Really? W-well... okay.." She replied with a stutter then half-hugged Whitney back ..a little awkwardly. This was a little embarrassing... " ..Well ok, Whitney. If.. you say so." Noa finally accepted her words, and gently patted The Delphox back in response, her cheeks slightly redder from the whole thing. This was ....maybe a bit too snuggly though, even though she enjoyed the hug a little. "E-erm... my friend, I must say... although I appreciate your.. kind gesture of friendly affection, I-I must point out that this is.. making me look way less intimidating.." The Pikachu mumbled to her friend while slowly easing her way out of the whole hug situation.


Letting go of the hug, Whitney started to giggle. "Yes of course, Ms. Eternity. We need to look way more cool and badass. Especially out in front of the public." Scratching her chin for a moment, she then got an idea. "Speaking of which! Perhaps you can help me look a bit more intimidating too. Would you like to pick out a cool outfit for me to wear? I wanna get something cool and spunky, would we be able to get something like that over at one of the hot topic stores?"


Noa straightened her outfit out, she had to look spiffy again. "Y-Yeah! The public need to... understand that I am not one they can simply look past or mess with, hehehe." She posed proudly, with her tail slowly wagging. "huh?" Wait what, she wanted to look cool and intimidating? Like her? Noa smirked slightly. "Hehhh?? You want to look cool like me..?" She responded in a cocky tone, obviously this was just another ego-booster for her somehow. "Yes, that is where most of my attire is from. That shop best radiates my aura, and so it's wares compliment me the absolute best." She nodded and started walking out of the store, back into the mall hallway. "..I can do my best to assist you in your... equipment upgrade. Fufufu. " She finished, looking back at Whitney in a semi-dramatic way. "Follow me, oh Pure One."


There we go! She was back in the full swing of things. Now to just play along. "Very well, sensei, please teach me the ways of your badassary~" Whitney then followed Noa to whatever store she wanted to go to next in order to find the right attire for the pure one. "I will be honest, I don't think I will ever look as cool as you, but I will try! You have my word that I will try on anything you suggest." Haha Whitney just signed a contract with the devil.


Noa laughed heartily in response. "Hwahaha! Yes, actually it may be difficult for anyone to really keep up with me in terms of... this." She motioned to her entire self. Wow, cocky much. Whitney was making this way worse by encouraging her.. just adding fuel to her fire. "hehh? Anything I suggest huh?" She repeated the statement, with a big grin on her face.. obviously she had some ideas already. Conveniently, Hot Topic was nearby since they were in a hallway with a long string of clothing stores, and when Noa caught glimpse of it, she turned to Whitney excitedly. "I WILL RACE YOU THERE! READY SET GO" and then she ran down the hallway, weaving through other Pokemon, without even waiting for Whitney's response... as .. per usual.


Oh god, here we go again with the racing. Whitney tried to follow as quickly as she could without actually running. She didn't want to annoy other shoppers that she passed by. Naturally, she is unable to get to the store before Noa this time. "Ah, you beat me this time! I didn't have the escalators on my side this time, so naturally, the superior racer has won." She congratulated Noa. She then smelt something... funny, looking over to where the smell was coming from, it came from the Hot Topic store. She winced momentarily as she was not quite prepared for what she was getting herself into. But.... she was going to be ready for it regardless. She believes that Noa wouldn't give her anything too silly to wear... right?


Noa had done one of her signature wicked skids across the floor when she reached the entrance to Hot Topic, and turned to see Whitney following after her. "Heh... well... I needed to make sure I still was the fastest around." She replied, and stood up straighter, with her chest puffed out proudly. "The earlier race .. you're right, was a fluke. Mwahaha." With that, she did an over-the-top turn towards the entrance and skipped into the tightly-packed store. This time she did wait for Whitney to follow her, before she started looking around. There was so much going on in such a tiny place, one could easily just stand in one place and have their eyes dart around for quite a while to see everything around them. She was mostly quiet as she looked around, before her ears suddenly stood up straight and she rushed over to a wall of clothes, then pulled something off. "Hey hey, since.. you held up.. something like this at the other store... maybe.. you like stuff more like this..? -But this ones cooler!!" Noa said as she held out a short dress still on its hanger. Unlike the one Whitney had showed prior, this one definitely had a bit more... something to it, with a galaxy pattern on the entire thing and random assortments of unnecessary lace and accessories attached to it that a dress probably didn't need. Noa was excited holding it up, but still a little hesitant, she wanted to make sure it would still be something Whitney might not mind.


As they walked into the store, it was quite cramped. So much was going on and so little of it was actually used for moveable space. There certainly was a lot of questionable things in this store... she was kind of afraid of what Noa might pick out for her. However, when Noa did pick a dress out for her, Whitney was pleasantly surprised. "O-oh! Y'know that's actually not too shabby looking. I might actually try that on, it looks cute~" She replied gleefully. "Lemme try it on~" Grabbing it, she took it into the changing room (assuming there is one in hot topic), then after a few minutes, came out. She twirled around in it, letting the skirt flow out a bit. She then held it out to the side and giggled. "So, what do you think? Does it make me look cute... er, cool?"


Noa wagged her tail, ooh seemed like Whitney kinda liked it just from seeing it... she was pretty happy about that! Yay! She waited patiently for Whitney, and fiddled with some toys she found at the store, playing with little arms on a plush cat happily. Hopefully she still liked the dress after she put it on..! -and then she finally came out! Still holding the kitty plush, Noa wandered back closer to the changing rooms to see her friend with the dress she picked out. Noa's ears fluffed up excitedly at the Delphox's response to it. "W-Waaahh! C-Cuuute.." she squeezed the kitty toy but then shook her head, "-I MEAN. IT'S COOL. Dresses here are cool. They're not.. cutesy they're cool-y. It is a cool dress. IT LOOKS REALLY COOL." her compliment was allover the place in both wording and volume, she pouted, confused with herself, then tried to resume her usual self, while still holding onto the plushie tightly. "..Eehehe... fufu.. I-it is as if it was crafted from the universe itself and crafted perfectly to match your form-i MEAn.. You.. in.. every form..." Very good recovery.


"Oh? Does it now?" Whitney said as she checked out her dress some more. "Those are rather flattering words coming from you, if I do say so myself~" She winked as a way of teasing Noa a bit. "Yeah, I can dig this. Let me go change back so we can possibly look for something else as well. I'll probably get this since you seem to like it on me so much~" Whitney then went back into the changing room to get into her regular clothing again and met up with Noa once more.


Noa blushed at Whitney's response that only brought further attention to her messy compliment.. and the wink just made her more red, and fluffed up her fur again. The 'chu pouted at her, in both frustration and embarrassment. "w-wha.. y-you..." Still red and pouting she managed to stutter through and speak to Whitney 'normally', "...I'm happy you like it..." she mumbled, and shook her head. "..I-I h-have an eye for these.. things.. you know." She was still trying to hang onto her chuuni mode nonsense so desperately. "..Something else..? hmm" Noa for sure took this opportunity to stop herself from talking and she looked around again. Maybe she was just lucky with the last guess.. she wasn't really sure. "..what about something like this..?" she sifted through t-shirts until she found one that appealed to her (nevermind what Whitney thought lol) and briefly showed it to Whitney before tossing it to her. "It has a cute- a Ditto on it." she replied before moving somewhere else to see what other nonsense she could put together to match the Ditto shirt, which was .. rather obnoxious coloured with bright purple and lime green. Not likely it'd be everyone's cup of tea, but she was going with it and just kept pulling out more lime green things she could find to put with it, not even really waiting for Whitney's input on it.


Whitney blinked as she was handed the very oddly colored pairing of clothes. She blinked for a moment before responding. "Well this is certainly an interesting choice you've made here. I'll give it a shot. Looks pretty spunky!" Taking the clothes, she went to go change again. This time she wanted to see if she could tease Noa more by putting on a bit of a character. Maybe she'd try to act really 'kawaii' and see how Noa would react. Sneaking up on Noa while wearing the clothes, she jumped out in front of her and struck a pose. " ♡ ♡ ♡ UWAAAHHhh!! ♡ ♡ ♡ " "Don't I look just adorable in this? The clothing matches my fur so well! What do you think about this. Do I look spunky enough for you now?" Whitney said as she lifted her leg up, and winked while sticking her tongue out. She was really trying to get a kick out of Noa now.


Starting to calm down a bit, Noa just sighed as Whitney took the clothes and ran off to change into them. She didn't seem to show any signs of disliking them.. so who knows what she really thought. As she waited for her friend, Noa found something else to look at and fiddle with at the store. She was absorbed in looking at a boxed figurine and didn't even notice Whitney come out of the changing room.. unfortunately for her. Whitney's obnoxious re-entry totally caught her by surprise, causing her to drop what she was holding. "WAAahh !?" the Pikachu yelped some weird noise instinctively as a response to being startled, but before she could say anything further, Whitney just went on more. What the heck were these questions? 'adorable'? 'spunky enough'? What's with this pose? This was just too much at once, Noa's face went all red again.. dang, and she had just calmed down too.. How was she supposed to reply to this.
"..u-uh..." She looked the Delphox up and down, then fluffed up, seemingly catching herself do it, then looked away shyly. "....i-it is c-cute..." She admitted with a mumbled voice while awkwardly fiddling with one of the chains on her outfit.


Oh my gosh, Noa was so cute. Yes, this was the reaction Whitney had expected out of Noa. She was not disappointed. "Hehe, I'm just messing with ya. I thought it'd be fun to get in character while wearing this type of outfit. It suits the mood better, y'know? But uhh, yeah! I think I'll get these two outfits you've picked out for me. Is there anything else here you want to get before we go? We can stop at the food court on the way out and pick up some McDonalds if you want."


Noa glanced quickly at Whitney when she heard that. 'Messing with her'..? She huffed with a shaky voice and looked away from her again. "I-I guess it does.." She just agreed with Whitney without saying much else. She was going to buy the clothes she picked out? Noa's ears twitched hearing this. She kind of felt happy that she picked out something Whitney liked... but that also meant she'd wear them again. She hesitantly turned back to face Whitney.. how could this girl just go back to normal so quickly? Noa gave a small nod in response. "S-sure.. I am a little hungry.. Umm, I'll just w-wait by the entrance for you to buy those then." She added in a timid voice, then shook her head attempting to clear her mind, and scurried away to the front of the store to wait for Whitney.


Whitney shortly returned with her regular clothes on and the clothing she just bought in a hot topic bag. "Okay, I'm ready to go!" She replied as she held onto Noa's hand again. "That was fun, wasn't it? Got to get some cool toys we can play with together later, did a little bit of clothes shopping, get something to eat, and then head back to your house. I must say, it's been an absolute pleasure hanging out with you so far. I hope you've been having just as much fun as I have been having today~"


Okay, she was able to get in a moment to calm down before Whitney came out of the store to meet her. Noa flinched as her friend held her hand, she was not expecting Whitney to instigate it, but she calmed down fairly quickly... She was pretty used to holding hands after all. Well, they were ready to go so she walked along with her friend to where the food court was. "...-Yeah," Noa replied in an even tone, and thought a moment before adding onto her agreement, "Yep, it has been fun.. I haven't done this before." She swung her arm gently while still holding Whitney's hand and her tail wagged slowly. 'Back to her house', huh? She looked at Whitney with sparkling eyes. "..Y-you're going to stay with me longer..?!" Her tail wagging sped up as she said this and she squeezed the Delphox's hand tightly in her excitement.


Whitney nodded and smiled. "Yup! We didn't buy those toys for nothing, you know." After getting food and heading out of the mall, Whitney approached her car. She looked back at Noa and contemplated on whether or not she should let her sit in the front seat. She looked over at the girl and asked. "Do you want to sit in the passenger seat with me this time? You have to promise you're not going to try and open the door while we're driving. It's very dangerous and I don't want you to get hurt."


Noa had already started approaching the car door to the back seat when Whitney turned to her, "H-Huh? Really..? I can?" Her whole face lit up with surprise and interest. All she had to do was not open the door huh? Hmm... "O-okay! I won't do it! I promise!" With an excited hop, she bounced towards the passenger side door instead and got in right away. Oooh so many more things up here in the front. Look at all the buttons and things she could investigate.


Whitney giggled. "I guess you don't get to sit up here all too often? You get a nice view of the road infront of us.... of course, that's important for somebody such as myself to see and drive without crashing." She laughed. "Going to the mall today was really exciting! We'll have to do that again some time. You had a good time, right?" She looked over and asked Noa.


"Yeah! I get to see everything for once hehehehe" She looked around at all the .. stuff in the front, without looking to Whitney when she replied. With an ear twitch at the question though, she turned to look at Whitney and smiled, "Yeah.. it was fun." She looked down into the bag with the toys they got, her tail awkwardly trying to wag in the small space. "umm.. Th-thank you.. for going with me..- I would really like to go again! There's still things I want to do there that I don't get to do normally. Hehehe..." A devious smile formed on Noa's face as she said this.


"Oh, absolutely!" Whitney replied. "Maybe we could even try to tag some additional friends along the way the next time. Or go again just the two of us. Whatever you're more comfortable with!" Whitney looked over at Noa awkwardly when she gave her that big devious smile. If there was anything that made Whitney afraid of Noa, it was her randomness. 90% of the time though, it was often innocent things. However, it's that 10% that scares her the most, fear of the unknown... Whitney shuddered a bit at the thought of not being able to predict and control Noa like she had been for most of the trip. Once they got back to the house, Whitney opened up the door and waited for Noa to get out so that she could lead Whitney to her house again and open up the door.


With a rather childish giggle for once, Noa hopped out of the car holding her bag of toys tightly. Golly it was cool riding in the front seat. "That was fun too.. I got to see everything! Too bad your car doesn't have a super speed mode though..." She looked at Whitney with an almost pitied look, as if saying 'wow sucks to be you without that'. "Okay, anyway, let us continue onward back into my headquarters, nyehehe." She led the way to the front door and then fiddled with her massively over-crowded keychain looking for the front door key. After unlocking it she pushed it open and held it for Whitney to enter first. "After you, fair maiden.~" She said in a rather confident manner; she was pretty much her usual self again by this point.


After being offered to go through the door first, Whitney blushed slightly and placed her hand on her chest. "Well now, that's very nice of you, isn't it?" She replied as she passed by Noa and into her house. "So, my liege, where shall we be heading now? To the underground dungeon? To the personal headquarters of the headmistress? Where shall it be?"


Noa entered in after her cheerfully, somewhat oblivious to Whitney's acting... or maybe she was ignoring it. It was hard to tell. "Heh? Liege? No need for that. Fufu." She shook her head and then waved the bag of toys around. "You wanna fight right!? We're gunna fight!" She whipped out one of the foam swords from the bag and then tossed the bag at Whitney. Noa bopped Whitney in the head once with the foam sword and then took off down the nearby hallway to her bedroom, cackling along the way. She stopped right in front of the doorway to turn back to the Delphox and taunt her. "Nyehehee! I can't be defeated on my own turf, but try all you want! Fwahaha!!" Then she stuck out her tongue and ran into her room.


Whitney reacted quickly by catching the bag, but she was not able to react fast enough to avoid the sword strike from Noa. Before she had a chance to retaliate, Noa had already fled to her room. "HEY! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" Whitney called out as she chased Noa to her room. It was kinda funny to be fighting with play toys like this, despite having actually participated in a real life battle in the fantasy world. It was still kind of fun in it's own way, really. The Delphox jumped into Noa's room with her sword in hand. "I may normally be a mage, but I'm not afraid to use a sword!" She laughed as she stood near the exit. "The only way out is behind me, you're cornered now. Are you ready for a true bout?"


Noa backed up against her dresser, sword in hand, and snickered, "Keke... you think you have an advantage huhh..?" she flipped her hair all anime-esque and her pose was something like her usual over-the-top ones, just this time with her sword pointed towards Whitney in taunting manner. "Come at me, mage. FUFUFU." -and like the little shit that she is, she grabbed her nerf gun off her dresser that she had used earlier and shot 2 foam bullets at Whitney. What a cheater.


As Whitney charged in to attack, she was immediately greeted with two nerf gun bullets to the snout. She flinched at them colliding with her. "oOOH you Little GREMLIN!!!" she let out as she picked up one of Noa's pillows and threw it at her. They hardly were playing with the swords at all at this point.


She did a tiny fist pump when her attack landed, haha Whitney ran right into it. Calling Noa a gremlin did.. nothing.. to her, really. She just started giggling in an excited childish manner. "HEHEHEHE~" Though her laughing was short-lived and interrupted by a pillow to the face. "-PFFFfff -Hey..!" She clumsily grabbed the pillow before it fell.. though while still holding both her weapons. "Y-you threw my pillow...!! That isn't even a weapon!" She pouted at Whitney playfully. She attempted to throw the pillow back at the other girl, but since Noa's hands were full, it didn't fly far and fell halfway through its intended destination... rather pitifully. Lame attempt. Noa just stared at it laying on the floor for a minute, before proceeding with her attack 'strategy'. ".....WHATEVER. Take this!" she tossed her nerf gun aside and ran at Whitney, then bopped her on the head again with the toy sword again.


"An eye for an eye" Whitney responded. If she was going to use a nerf gun in a sword fight, then Whitney would bring in a pillow to the fight. She almost cracked up when Noa pathetically threw the pillow back at her. Though Whitney shrieked as Noa bopped her on the head again with the sword. She threw a few swings herself at the side of Noa's body. It was basically the equivalent of turning her head and pathetically slapping uncontrollably.


"WAHAHAHA what is this???!!" Noa laughed at Whitney's bizarre retaliation, "fufufu if anything your sword swings merely tickle." She grabbed Whitney's hand tightly, the one that was holding the sword, preventing her from hitting her further. She tapped her own sword on Whitney's chest, pointing it towards her neck, as if this was some fight-to-the-death sword fight out of medieval times. "Kehehehe, mage's don't use swords.. you are out of your element here hehe" she spoke in a dramatic tone, supposedly attempting to make this out to be ..more..threatening than it was. The entire time though her dumb tail was totally revealing her childish glee by wagging so much that it could knock out a small child.


Whitney blushed and let out a small gasp as her hand was taken hold of by Noa which only caused her to get further embarrassed. Why did she just let that slip now? They were only playing a game... "I-it seems that I am out of my element. Clearly I was but of a fool to challenge you at a sword duel. Will you spare me?" She asked.


Noa grinned confidently, she had won.. and rather easily too. "Hehh?? You admit your foolish attempt at defeating me, huhh??" she said as she loosened her grip on Whitney's hand. "fufufu.. you're surrendering then? That is probably a wise decision." She nodded as she said this and lowered her sword from Whitney's chest. "Very well, I will spare you...ufufu. It would be unbecoming of me to slay a delicate maiden such as yourself."


As soon as Noa dropped her sword, Whitney raised hers. "Aha! Not so fast there. It was all but a ploy to get you to drop your guard! There is a valuable lesson to be learned and that is to not spare your opponents. Never give them the chance to turn the battle against you. I may be no swordsman, but I have the intellect of a mage." She then bopped Noa on the head with the sword. "You'd be dead now if you made that choice in the Fantasy World."


"Wha-" Her brow furrowed, confused and she took the bonk on the head without trying much to avoid it or deflect it. Her ears flattened, matching her bothered expression. "Are you saying you're smarter than me..!?" She pouted, somewhat offended. "W-we're not in the other world though...!!!!" Noa whined in response, clearly annoyed by this turn of events. "-I-I only did that 'cuz it's you I'm fighting..!" -With that whiney excuse, she turned and picked up her pillow from the floor, and hit Whitney with it in frustration.


Whitney laughed as she covered herself from being hit by the pillow. Falling onto Noa's bed in the process. "Haha I'm sorry I'm sorry! You won! You're right, you spared me because I'm your ally. You won fair and square~" Laying on the bed, she let out a bit of a sigh. "You're a very funny person, Noa. But you're cute, too~" She giggled. "This has been a lot of fun~"


"Hmmmmmph" Noa crossed her arms, "..... -I'm happy you came to your senses, nyehehe." She got over that pretty quickly.. her grumpy pose now turning into a boasting one, chest puffed out proudly and all. "wha..? 'Funny'?" Noa tilted her head in confusion and approached her bed, picking up her pillow again as she did. "-W-wait what- no-.." Her cheeks turned slightly more red at the mention of being cute. She really couldn't take those compliments too well and she was absolutely no good at hiding how much they got to her. She sat on the edge of her bed hugging the pillow she had picked up. "...Y-yeah.. it has been fun.." Noa mumbled shyly into her pillow. She got to do so many things today because she was with Whitney, that must mean there was so many other things she'd be able to do if she was with Whitney, right? She turned to the Delphox while still holding her pillow, and tapped her friend's arm gently to get her attention. "....umm.. -you will.. go out with me places again, right..??? I like going out with you.."


Whitney had been looking up at the ceiling, only to be tapped on the arm. She looked over at Noa and blushed a bit when she was asked that question. "Yeah, of course. I.... like going out with you too." Man... was that the right way to put it? Whitney thought to herself. I mean... she certainly liked Noa, despite how out there she may be sometimes. And... it made Whitney think if she actually liked her. Which would be a first, since she hadn't really been attracted to another girl before. It's not like the boys were giving her a chance anyways. She sat up, and looked at Noa. "...Maybe we can make it a bit more than just another friendly visit. Like, I dunno... a date?" She smiled awkwardly. God, she felt so embarrassed to ask that, but she had to. She started to twirl her hair between her fingers in anticipation.


Noa waited for Whitney's answer, hugging her pillow. Upon hearing she liked spending time with her, a gentle smile formed on her face. Yay! Noa was so happy .. she could hang out and play with Whitney tons more and go cool places she couldn't before. How exciting, what awaits?! "hehe... yay!" she cheered quietly in a sing-songy voice and rocked side to side with the pillow held tightly to her. She stopped rocking when Whitney sat up, so she sat up straighter too. 'More than just a friendly visit'? Is that possible? Noa tilted her head, listening to her friend. A date? What? Her cheeks turned redder and she furrowed her brow, looking at Whitney with confusion. "Eh?? W-wha...? Date....?" her fur fluffed up on her ears in embarrassment and she hugged her pillow even tighter. No way in hell did she ever think about hearing that said to her. "....uh.. w-with me? Are you sure..?" She wanted to make sure she heard this right. Though, at the same time, she hadn't noticed that all along her tail had started wagging when the question came up. Finally noticing this, she let go of her pillow and spun around to pin her tail down to the bed.. very much embarrassed by it revealing anything. -Gave her a reason to hide her face, anyway.


"A-ah WELL!" Whitney stuttered. "It's not like it'd be THAT different from hanging out. Doesn't mean we have to go anywhere fancy, or wear anything specific. Y'know, just a date!" She laughed awkwardly. Oh god she was screwing up now. She never thought she'd ever be the one actually asking for the date, but here she was. "I mean.... if that's fine.... with you seeing it as a date. I don't know how you'd feel about calling it that. B-but it's okay if you don't want to! We could just make it a regular visit just as easily!" She said in a happy tone.


She glanced at Whitney, while still holding her tail. "-Not that different..?" Noa tapped a finger to her chin, thinking. "...If it's not that different why's it have a different name then.." she mumbled and shook her head then looked up at Whitney bashfully, avoiding keeping eye contact with her for too long. "...You say it's mostly, the same.. so.." She looked down at her hands and pet her own tail slowly. "...I don't .. really mind... if it's that.." "B-but ! -it's dangerous getting involved with a s-servant of the darkness though, you know, s-so.. I didn't expect anyone to say anything like that ever..!" Noa stuttered in her attempt to maintain her composure.. which in the end, really didn't alleviate any of her embarrassment at all. "-Th-though it's probably fine if it's.. you.. cuz.. you know, you're a strong .. mage and all, -you even knew how to use the magic for keeping the car locked so I couldn't escape..! S-So! Y-you.. probably.. can.. handle it.. maybe..." She facepalmed right after she finished blabbering. What a mess that was.


While Noa wasn't looking ,Whitney shuffled over and hugged Noa from behind. Whitney started to feel more content that Noa liked her as well. "I may be handling with the servant of darkness, but I'm sure I can handle it just fine~" She sat there and hugged Noa for a moment, before rubbing her snout in the back of Noa's hair gently. She giggled. "Besides, the servant of darkness is also really cuddly, so why wouldn't I want to?"


Noa let out a confused squeak when she felt herself being pulled into what ended up being a hug, "K-KYAA..!- e-ehhh..??" With a red and confused face, she tried to turn to Whitney but she could not, she was totally hugged from behind. Somehow this.. made it both.. more embarrassing but.. also slightly easier to deal with, since she could still avoid looking directly at her fox friend. "..w-well if.. you're sure you can handle it, th-then it's... fine.. probably. I think." Noa replied in a timid voice and gently touched Whitney's arms that were wrapped around her for the hug. Suddenly feeling her hair being fluffled up, she reacted with a weird squeak again, what the heck was Whitney doing back there..!? "W-whaa..?! what are you doinnngggg...?? It.. tickles..." she said in a whiney voice. Not necessarily out of being upset, but she was getting so flustered! Keeping up her act was nearly impossible now.. "WHA? 'Cuddly'..?! Me? W-Why are you saying things like this...uuu...nobody says things like this to me.." Needless to say, her reactions didn't help counter the 'cuddly' argument, as her fur only fluffed up more as she got more flustered, and although she squirmed from being embarrassed, she made little effort to escape from Whitney. With her ears flopped down submissively and a deep blush, Noa mumbled to herself, "m-mage..? maybe more a s-siren or enchantress of some kind.... w-waaahh...."


Whitney giggled. It seemed that Noa didn't do anything to escape her grasp. This made Whitney want to venture a bit further. She pushed her way through the back of Noa's hair so that she could rest her snout on top of her shoulder. "Well, now somebody does~" Whitney giggled again. "It's nice and warm under here, I apologize if it tickles a little bit. I just wanted to snuggle a little bit before I head out. We could do more of this on our date if you wanted." She said as she gave Noa a small kiss on the underside of the neck.


All this touch just made the lil Pikachu's heart beat like crazy, she almost coulda sworn she been afflicted with some kind of status condition from an rpg battle. Was she dying? probably. It felt like her whole body shook every time her heart beat now, what the heck Whitney. More nuzzling into her hair.. Noa tensed up, since it tickled the back of her neck. "W-wha-...." she tried to turn to face Whitney again, but the Delphox had nuzzled herself into her hair, "eh..? 's-snuggle'..? ..w-wait more of it? wha-" her quiet stuttering and mumbling was cut off as she felt a light touch on her neck.. wait was that her lips? did Whitney just kiss her neck?! "-Ch-chu.!?" Noa made a weird squeaky noise in surprise, and her tail stiffened, to the point where it was almost not even zigzagged anymore. "w-wa... W-Whitney..? ..Y-you... just....??" Her voice shaky, she attempted to question about it, but she quietly trailed off.


Whitney's heart fluttered at the chu that Noa had just made. That was... that was so cute... Her eyes drooped a bit, it was just coming to her now how much she was coming onto Noa at this moment. Was this the path she really wanted to take? It was just... Noa was just so cute and... "...are you alright, Noa?" She asked with a gentle tone in her voice. "I might've gotten a bit carried away there. I'm sorry." She said as she backed off in order to sit on the side that Noa was facing towards. "I suppose our date next time could be more or less the same but with more of.... that..." Whitney started to play with her hair a bit as she blushed. "...maybe with a kiss or two. Y'know I've never actually kissed a person before. Believe it or not."


Noa took a deep breath and sighed as Whitney finally released her from her embrace, trying to calm herself down but .. now that she was free from the hug-of-all-hugs, she could face Whitney again, though with a rather embarrassed face. "Ehh.. uh, y-yes I'm fine! I can handle all kinds of attacks e-even tougher than this.... !" She said, kind of forcing a fake-confident smile like she usually would do. More of that? She fluffed up again just thinking about it. That sounded a little scary.. but nice, yeah, the snuggles were nice even though it was hella embarrassing for her. Wait did she just mention kissing? Okay yeah, it was kinda scary. Did Whitney really want to do that? With her? "-...Uhh.. I..??? k-kissing... awawaa... " Noa's eyes darted back and forth, as if looking around the room for an answer. "I-if.. you want to.... -but.. I dunno why you'd want to use up your first one on someone like me though.." She said in a more normal tone, with an awkward smile. "..but, I guess I don't really mind it." Despite some of what she was saying, her tail did still wiggle with happiness.. -at least a little.


Whitney scooted over towards Noa a bit so she could get closer to her. She looked at the girl as she placed one of her hands over top of Noa's. Leaning in, Whitney placed her other hand on the side of Noa's head and then tilted her own so that she could give the girl a gentle and slow kiss, right on the Pikachu's lips. She then leaned back, but her face was a lot redder than it was before... "Well, I just did. So there's that~" Standing up, she looked down at Noa as she played with her fingers. "I should probably get going soon, but I just want to let you know that I'm really looking forward to our date in the future. Lemme know when you'd like to do it, okay?"


The Pikachu just got more nervous as Whitney approached her, but didn't make an effort to move away from her, just looked confusedly at her. What's she doing- oh. A-another kiss?! Noa's ears and tail stiffened up, as an instant, startled reaction when their lips met. Her face might've been almost as red as her cheeks usually were at this point, and as Whitney pulled away from the kiss, Noa looked at her with a totally bewildered look. The heck was that about, you're going to give her a heart attack. She opened her mouth to reply but nothing came out.. what do you reply to that right away? Her ears flopped down and she grabbed them with her hands and covered her face with them. "a-aahh... y-you... did.. ...actually do it.." Noa's mind was just kinda mush now I guess. Or at least the chuuni side was, to the point where it was nonexistent. Still holding them, she moved her ears away from covering her face like curtains and looked up at Whitney. "...R-Right...." Noa nodded, struggling to keep eye contact with the Delphox. "...S-Sure! ...umm.. Sorry for keeping you so.. long.. -..I'm... excited to play with you again.. ..s-so... I hope it can be soon..~" she was able to stutter out, and gave a gentle smile.


Whitney felt unsure of what to think about Noa's response to all of that. She seems to have liked it, but she worries that she may have went a little too far with that kiss... "Yeah, right. Don't apologize! I enjoyed being with you every minute! But uh... can you promise me one thing before I leave? If I for whatever reason... make you feel uncomfortable. Please, let me know. I want to be your friend above all else, so if I do something you don't like, then I just want you to speak up. Okay?" Whitney then tried to give off a positive smile, perhaps to help Noa get back into her usual spirit before heading out.


"W-well okay, sorry-" Noa went to apologize for apologizing but stopped, since Whitney had more to say. Her question confused Noa a little bit.. did Whitney think she didn't like it? That was pretty far from the truth. It wasn't a common thing for Noa to have many close friends, nevermind inviting them over... and especially nevermind one of them hitting on her this much. Geez Widnie "Sure.. uhhmm" She let go of her ears, and they flopped back up. She was still blushing from the whole thing, couldn't be helped, but she tried to reassure Whitney even despite that. ".. I was just...uhh... surprised.. it's okay." Now Noa was trying to calm herself mostly for Whitney, she didn't want her thinking anything negative... no no. She energetically jumped up off the bed to her feet, putting herself right in front of the Delphox. "It's perfectly fine! I'm of such a high level very little effects me anyway you see..." Noa pushed out some confident nonsense and smirked. "So, not to worry my magical companion." she patted Whitney gently, then she picked up the toy sword that was Whitney's and pushed it into her hands. " Take your weapon too, I know you said you obtained them for me, but dual wielding swords is not what my class does. -And then, you will have one too. So you can train your sword skill." Her tail wagged normally, she seemed to calm herself faster when she nattered about her fantastical crap. "I will be a good host and gentleman and see you to your not-so-magical-vehicle, too." Noa nodded with a cocky expression. Don't act all chivalrous and forward after being the most submissive fuck ever.


Whitney smiled, she was happy that Noa was okay with everything. Oh how she was excited to see her again, and on their date especially. "Oh course!" Whitney responded as she took her weapon. "I'll train really hard so I can beat you next time." Giving Noa a fist bump, she stated to head out to the door. "Have a good rest of the day, Noa! Take care! ❤️" With that, Whitney exited Noa's house and went on her way home.

 "Have a good rest of the day, Noa! Take care! ❤️" With that, Whitney exited Noa's house and went on her way home

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03 ⏰

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