Action, Camera, Knife! A Little Red Adaption

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April Ludgai The skiploom Made by Lunaoverthecow

Ulli Mich The Slugma Made by D-I-G-I-K-I-X

Zofia Tokarev The Honchkrow Made by SyforceWindlight

Summary: Putting on a production of Red Riding Hood, the crow, the lava boy, and the flower take on the roles of grandma, Little Red,and the Big bad wolf! Tickets are free in this after school stageplay!


In the darkness of the night nothing was visible. Shadows covered everything, hiding what lurked in the dark from mere mortals. A bump was heard. "Ow." Then nothing. A few moments later the same voice let out an "Ah ha! Let there be light!" And so there was. The front lights of the theatre turned on as a playful Skiploom located the costumes and a full body mirror. Thankfully the club was out today since they were at some battle of the stage event. Which let her play around with the costumes!

She shoved a rack of costumes onto stage so she'd have easier access and put the mirror on the other side of her. "Wow the theatre club really does have a lot of costumes...I should watch one of their plays at some point."

April grabbed a police hat and a mask, placing the mask on first and pretending to run around. "I'm eeeeevil~" she sang aloud before ripping off the mask and placing the hat on her head. "Stop right there criminal! In the name of the law!"

Then back to the mask. "You can't catch meeee! Smoke screen! mwhahaha!"

Back to the hat. "Oh no! He's disappeared! Time to look for clues and solve this case!"


Ulli was leaving the class room to head to his locker and stop hearing noises in the theater room getting curious he slowly peeks inside the room notice the lights then sees the Skiploom on the stage acting.


Zofia was walking down the hall, thinking about what was uncle cooking this time when she heard some noise. She looked up to see a Slugma boy looking into the room. Curious, she walked up and took a peek as well, seeing a Skiploom doing a one girl show.


April had her cop hat on as she walked around the stage in a circle. "Hmm suspicious that there's no footprints. The criminal must be able to float! Or jumps really well! What a good boi! Wait no- I mean bad!" She pretended to have a bubble pipe and thought for a moment before pointing suddenly. "You! Have you seen a criminal around?"

She walked to the other side and put on a hat with a little propellor on it. "Me? Oh no sir? I was over there sitting on a bench-" She pointed out to the theatre seats and saw Zofia and Ulli. Her mind froze for a moment, and it felt like time did too. Was she in trouble? She wasn't exactly doing anything wrong just killing time before going home. April put the cop hat back on suddenly. Internally she was screaming.

"Have you two seen any suspicious persons around here!?"


" hmm two?" Ulli asked himself then looks behind seeing Zofia and jumps a bit just notice her their as he was interested in April's act he then looks back at the April as he panics " n-no o-one at all. " he stubbled with his words as he steps in the theatre trying to think what next to say as his mind was drawing blanks.


Zofia merely tilted her head in confusion. She looked around, not really noticing anyone else in the room. Was this.... audience participation? Might as well answer. "No, not really," she answered flatly.

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