Chapter One

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The chilly Seoul air sent shivers down my body. The leaves on the trees were starting to change from a light green to a bright orange and yellow, an exciting reminder that Autumn was just around the corner.

Classes at school were just getting into full swing and the University was bustling with students and teachers racing from class to class but luckily, my class for the day got cancelled.

I was sitting in the outdoor seating at the campus cafe, studying for some exams I had coming up.

"Yujin!" I looked up from my laptop and looked around for the voice that called out my name. My best friends bright smile made its way into my line of sight.

"Hi Lina!" She raced over and sat down next to me, pulling out her laptop and chattering away to me about her latest boy toy.

This was a usual thing, it happened almost everyday but she made the conversation enthralling and it was entertaining hearing about all the men she was messing around with on a consistent basis.

"Yujin, are you hearing me right now?! He wants me to meet his parents! I don't even remember what this guy looks like, like I haven't even seen him in weeks"

I started giggling "well you better figure it out girl, this sounds like a Lina problem" She rolled her eyes "Yujin, you don't even understand, boys don't like you!"

I gasped and hit her arm "Lina! You bitch. It's not that boys don't want me, it's that I don't want these boys. They're all so childish and I'm more worried about my studies than a man"

She rolled her eyes and went back to her laptop "I will find a man for you, don't worry" I just giggled and focused my attention back on my laptop.

We had been studying for about half an hour and Lina was starting to get antsy "I can't sit here anymore, I'm gonna go into the cafe and get a drink and a snack, you want anything?"

I sat there thinking for a moment "uh yea can you bring me back a banana nut muffin?!" She nodded and stood up, slowly making her way into the cafe.

I looked over to my books and read over a couple paragraphs before I was interrupted.

"Hey, Yujin right?" I quickly looked up at the unfamiliar voice.

I smiled up to the man "uh yeah.. you're Theo right?" He nodded and sat down "I had a question". I adjusted in my chair and looked at him "ok?"

Theo was in my economics class, I had only ever talked to him once but he was a nice and quiet guy. He normally kept to himself most of the time.

"This is gonna sound insane but, can you be my girlfriend for a weekend?" I widened my eyes in shock "what do you mean for a weekend?"

"My parents are having me go back to my hometown for a day or two and I need someone to be my pretend girlfriend for a couple days"

I was kind of speechless. Why in the world was he asking me? "I have some questions first" he nodded "ask away" "For one, why do you need to pretend and two, why are you asking me this?"

He smiled "I've avoided a lot of situations with the excuse that my girlfriend had something going on that I needed to be there for, so now of course they're gonna think I have a girlfriend. And I'm asking you because you're normal. You take your studies very seriously, you don't go out much, you're very kind and respectful"

I just looked at him straight faced "Theo that's crazy. Why wouldn't you just be honest with your family? And you're crazy for asking me" "Yujin, I don't need a lecture about lying to them, I'm just asking you to do this for me" "I barely know you!" "Then let's get to know each other, it's a couple days, please. You're the only person that seems good enough for them. You're the perfect girl for me to have"

I closed my laptop to focus on him better "I need to think about it, when are they expecting you?" "Not this weekend but the next. Enough time for us to get to know each other better"

"What's in it for me? What do I get out of this?" I asked sternly and he sighed "I don't know, what do you want?" I bit my lip "I don't know right now, if I agree, I'll have to think about it"

Our conversation was cut short when Lina's loud shriek was heard at the sight of me and Theo.

"Yujin! Who is thissss?!" We both looked over at her and I sighed "this is Theo, he's in my Econ class" She giggled as she sat down, sliding my muffin over to me. "I'm her bestie Lina" Theo just smiled at her without saying a word.

There was an awkward silence between the 3 of us with Lina just smiling at us. "Theo, how about you just put your number in my phone and I'll text you" I pulled out my phone and unlocked it, passing it over to him. He quickly put his number in and passed it back.

He stood up and smiled "I'll talk to you later Yujin" I smiled and nodded to him and we watched him walk away.

"Oh my god Yujin, how did I not know about him? He's cute" I rolled my eyes at her "don't corrupt him, he's a good guy". She giggled "oh I won't, he's yours" I shook my head and started to pack up my books and laptop. "Lina, I'm gonna go home and relax for a while. I'll call you later" "No! Don't go yet" she pouted her lips at me "no, don't give me that. You have boys to tend to and I wanna go home" She huffed and threw her arms down "fine, I'll talk to you later!"

I grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder "see ya". I quickly rushed away, wanting to get home as quickly as I could.


I threw my bookbag down on the bench next to the front door and was greeted my puppy "Hi Lune, were you a good girl today?" I gave her a few pets and continued into my apartment.

My roommate was sat on the couch "Hey!" "Hey, did you let Lune outside yet?" "Yeah we just came in!" I nodded in response and went into my room to change.

I flopped onto my bed and opened my phone, just scrolling through my social media. This was my usual routine. Just sitting on my phone and doing school work. I didn't have much of a life outside of school.

Lina was really my only close friend, but we are very different people. She loved to party, drink and was always out. I was always at home, worrying about school.

I laid there, biting my lip while pulling up Theo's contact, Theo was a sweet guy, and maybe this wouldn't be so bad. It would definitely give me something to do since Lina was always busy.

I hovered over the call button, debating on if I wanted to do this or not. Fuck it.

The phone started to ring and I brought it to my ear.
After a few rings, Theo's voice greeted me "hello?" "It's me Theo" "Yujin! I didn't think you would even get back to me" "well whatever I had decided, I woulda let you know regardless" "ok, well, did you decide?" "Uh yea, fuck it, let's do it".

"Actually? Okay well, let's meet up tomorrow if that's fine" "yeah! Just text me when and where, I'll be there" "perfect, talk to you later" "bye Theo" "bye".

I smiled as I hung up the phone. Maybe this will be fun.

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