Chapter Three

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Theo and I sat there waiting for the waitress to come by and bring the bill. We were both locked and loaded with our cards, ready to pay for dinner.

"Put your card down Yujin, I got it" I shook my head "no! I got it!" He pushed my hand down and I began to fight back and push his out the way. We were both giggling, while playfully shoving each others cards away.

Our laughing faded and Theo froze and stared at the door. I turned around quickly and looked at the door, then back at Theo confused. "What Theo?" "My friends are here Yujin. Our acting needs to start now!" I widened my eyes "Theo we're not ready-"

I was cut off by 3 men approaching us, greeting Theo. He quickly grabbed my hand and smiled at them. "Hey guys!" "Hey Theo! And who is this?"

They all looked at me and I smiled "this is Yujin! My..uh.. girlfriend" "Hi!" They all introduced themselves and sat down next to us and began talking. "Yujin we've been waiting to meet you! We keep pestering him about you but he's very private about your relationship. We couldn't even come over to his place because you guys live together"

I smiled at them "yeah we live a very private life" he glanced over at Theo who was smiling and nodding in agreement with me. "Well maybe we can come by now since we've finally met you!"

I bit my lip and my heart started racing as Theo spoke "yeah definitely, we'll have to plan a time!" Keeho looked at everyone at the table "maybe this Saturday? Are you guys free?"  I looked at Theo and he stared at me for a second before responding "yeah we're free!"

I widened my eyes and kicked Theo under the table "ow, who just kicked me!" Intak hollered "keeho was it you?" Keeho shook his head and we all continued to talk without acknowledging the kick anymore.

I stood up "well guys, we were actually heading out of here, but we'll see you on Saturday! It was nice to meet you!" I held out my hand for Theo to take and he did and stood.

"See you guys in a couple days!" Theo and I began to walk out and when we made it out of the restaurant I let his hand go and hit him over the shoulder "what the fuck Theo, now what? Why would you tell them they could come to our apartment?! We don't even have one!"

He stared at me for a quick time "I have an idea.. but I'm not sure you're gonna like it" I looked around thinking for a second before making eye contact with him and widening my eyes "Theo, no" "please it's the only way it'll work. I won't move in all my stuff, just enough for it to look real" I ignored his plea and began to walk away toward my apartment.

We walked for a few minutes and stopped at my apartment door "fine. You're moving all your shit over here then, I'll just help put it away. You better be quick though, we only have 2 days". I unlocked my apartment door, to find that Nari had already cleared some of her stuff out.

Theo followed me in "she works quick huh?" I turned to him and nodded "this just makes it easier for you I guess. Go home and get some rest, we're gonna be busy Tomorrow"

He smiled and nodded "thank you for helping me out here" "of course, it just better be worth it for me in the end". He made his way out my apartment and I locked the door behind him.

The things I'm doing for this man is insane, but I guess it brings some excitement to my life.


My eyes fluttered open as my phone began ringing on my nightstand. I sat up and quickly rubbed the sleep from my eyes before grabbing it to see who was calling.

"Good morning Theo" "hey good morning! I had a question for you. Is it okay if I start bringing stuff in before I have to go to class at 12" "um yeah that's fine. I have class in an hour but if you lock up, you can move more stuff while I'm gone" "perfect thank you, I'll be over before you leave so I can get the door code" "ok see ya"

I laid in bed for a few minutes before jumping out of it and sliding my slippers on. I walked to the living room, greeting Lune sleeping peacefully. "Hey you wanna go potty?!" I walked over and grabbed her leash then clipping it to her collar, before making our way outside.

As I walked her around the yard of my apartment building, I could see Lina running up to us, out the corner of my eye.

"Hey Lina" "hey girl, you're still in your jammies? You're always up and going early". I sighed "I was up late last night with-" I stopped talking and looked up at her quickly.

Her mouth fell open "up late with who Yujin?!" I bit my lip "homework, I never said it was a person" though it was a person, I was out late with Theo but she did not need to know that. She pursed her lips together "hm you sure? You sure it wasn't Theo??" She asked nudging my shoulder, causing me to roll my eyes.

I turned away to walk Lune around some more before Lina stopped me. "Speak of your man, here he comes". I spun around quickly and widened my eyes, I wasn't expecting him this earlier and of course it's when Lina is here.

"Hey Yujin, hey Lina" Before I could speak Lina butt in "what have you got there Theo?" I gazed at the boxes in his hands and then sighed. "You can just take it up there, the doors unlocked" Theo smiled and nodded at me before walking away and into the building.

"Girl, is he moving in or something? I saw clothes in those boxes" "please don't worry about it, mind your business for once". She stepped back and put her hand to her chest "bitch, I'm just curious what's going on between the two of you" "nothing Lina, nothing at all. Please don't worry about it... I gotta get ready for class, I'll see you later" I didn't wait for a response, I just grabbed Lune and made my way back up to my apartment. 

Theo was just setting the boxes down and looked at me "I'm sorry, I didn't know she was here" I brushed it off "I didn't know she'd be here either, but I got rid of her" I said with a smile.

He bit his lip then spoke "you might have to lie to her and tell her we're together or something" "absolutely not. When this is over in about a week, I'll tell her the situation. I'm not telling her we're together, cause we're not"

His head fell as he looked down "I just thought it'd be easier than us trying to avoid her.. because she always find her way around" I smiled "I know, it's frustrating but it'll be fine"

He began to open up his boxes and grab things out. "If you have clothes, they can go into my room. There's room in the dresser and hangers available in the closet" he nodded and continued to unpack.


I slowly unlocked the door to my apartment, finally done with classes for the day and Theo greeted me at the door.

I jumped and put a hand to my chest "I didn't realize you'd still be here" He smiled wide "yea I came back after class to finish up but I am finished. I hung up a few things and did some other stuff to make it look like I lived here"

I took a quick look around and took in the changes. "Looks good... I'm nervous for tomorrow" "why? It'll go just fine Yujin. I'm the one that should be nervous" he said with a laugh.

"What if we have to like kiss or hug or something" "now why in the world would we have to kiss?" I just shrugged "as for a hug, it's just a hug, what if we have to hug? We'll have to show some sort of affection or else they'll think we're weird" "so what? They'll never see me again".

He stared at me for a moment before walking closer and grabbing my shoulders. "Hugging once in a while won't be that bad Yujin"

Before I knew it, he pulled me into him and wrapped his arms around my waist for a hug. I paused for a moment before finally draping my arms over his shoulders and securing the hug.

After a few moments he let go and stepped back "see hugs aren't weird". I took another step back "okay maybe not, we'll just figure it all out tomorrow! I'm gonna go get changed and start my homework"

I quickly turned around and began walking to my room. Before I could get too far, he grabbed my wrist lightly "hey wait". I turned back around and he let me go and smiled "um so am I still staying at my place or... here?" I bit my lip nervously "um you can stay here tonight just so we're prepared for tomorrow. I just put new sheets and stuff on Nari's old bed so you can sleep in there"

I gave him a shy smile and retreated to my room but before I could completely close the door, I spoke "please don't kill me or my dog in our sleep. I'm trusting you to not be a weirdo" He began laughing "don't worry, you can trust me" I smiled and nodded at him and closed my bedroom door.

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