Chapter Ten

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I slowly opened my eyes, the bright sun peeking through the curtains, creating pretty yellow and oranges throughout the room. I looked around for a minute before looking over at Theo, who was sound asleep.

I shuffled around in the bed quietly, looking for my phone, which was underneath Theo. I let out a soft groan then looked for his phone, curious of what time it was. It was sitting on the edge of the bedside table and I gave it a tap, then another. The screen not turning on. I clicked the side button, the only thing popping up was the little charge icon, it was dead.

I threw myself back down and just stared at the ceiling, getting lost in my thoughts. I couldn't get yesterday out of my head, the whole party and what happened after. Once I began to think of Theo and I's little private after party, a smile slowly plastered itself on my face.

"What are you smiling about?" I looked over at Theo who was looking at me with one eye barely open and the other closed "hey good morning, I wasn't thinking of anything in particular" I said with a little laugh. "Good morning, what time is it?" "I don't know. You're phone is dead and mine is under you" He smiled and opened both his eyes to look at me "kinda like how you were last night" I opened my mouth and smiled, lightly hitting him on the shoulder. He reached under him and pulled my phone out, placing it in front of me.

I grabbed it and tapped the screen "it's 9:30" he nodded and sat up "I'm gonna shower, and you probably should too. You're a little bit of a mess" "what do you mean?" I jumped up out of the bed, and walked to the bathroom before seeing how my makeup and hair were completely destroyed. But that's not the only thing I noticed, it was hard to miss the several deep purple marks down my neck and along my chest. I stared at them in shock before turning the shower on "come on!" I heard him move around then appear in the bathroom with me with a smile.


I'm sure we looked strange coming into the cute little restaurant, Theo looking like he just left a formal party and me, looking like I just got out of bed and put on a random pair of heels I found. We realized way too last minute that we had nothing to change into. Theo could make his suit from the night before work but it was a different story for me and my dress. Theo fortunately had a joggers and a shirt in the car that I could wear but it did not look good with my heels. This was a nightmare.

We approached the table his parents had already been sitting at and they waved "you guys didn't have a change of clothes did you!? I'm so sorry, we didn't even think of that" We both sat down and I tried to keep my neck covered from them, so they couldn't see the hickies Theo left the night before. "So how did you guys sleep?.. it looks like maybe you didn't get much sleep at all" his mom gave me a wink and I instantly felt my cheeks heat up. I looked up at Theo and he smiled at me then spoke "sorry". He looked at his parents shyly and looked down. "Don't worry guys, let's just eat" "oh you ordered for us already?" " yea we just got something basic" we both nodded and the waiter appeared with a large tray of food.


We stood outside of Theo's car, his parents giving us both hugs before speaking "Theo my dear, please come see us more. We miss you" he nodded "yes I'll try to come around more often on the weekends". His mom looked at me "you come along with him when you can honey" "I'll try, don't worry" My smile dropped as I looked up at Theo, knowing I probably wouldn't ever come again.. and making me realize that Theo and I's plan was done with now and I probably won't be seeing Theo as often either.

"Are you okay Yujin? You don't look too good. You looked flushed, do you feel okay?" I took a deep breath and came back to the conversation from being in my head all too long. I blinked quickly trying to clear the tears that were forming in my eyes "I- I just got a little dizzy, my head hurts a bit" "you're so flushed hon, let's get you sitting down". Theo opened the car door for me and I sat down with his mother's hand guiding me. She stood up straight and smiled "we will let you guys go, drive safe and let us know when you get home" Theo nodded and gave them another hug before closing my door and walking over to get into the drivers seat.

"Are you okay? You do look sick" I just stared ahead "lets go home please" He nodded and started his car, swiftly leaving the restaurant parking lot and getting onto the main road that could lead us back to Seoul. I was genuinely distraught about this whole thing. I was in love with Theo and didn't want this to end but I knew that it was going to happen and it made me sick.

We walked into the apartment, immediately greeted by Lune. Her little kisses made me feel better and I just wanted to hold her forever, almost forgetting the hole that was drilling itself into my heart. "When was Keeho here last?" "About an hour ago, so she should be okay for a little bit, which is great because I think we should talk" I slowly put Lune down and looked over at him "what's up?" "Are you feeling okay, you didn't look good earlier" "I'm fine, just felt a little off I guess" he just nodded and moved closer to me, grabbing my hand. "So.. our plan went successfully. Thank you for doing that for me and thank you for doing everything you did for me. I appreciate it so much" I nodded in response, a bit taken aback. I wasn't expecting him to bring it up so soon.

"Yeah no problem, I really had a good time these past two weeks" "me too but I'm gonna be honest.. I don't want it to end" I sighed and tried to hide my smile that so badly wanted to appear on my face. "I don't either" "you did such a great job faking my girlfriend, it felt so real but I want it to be actually real. I want you to hang out with my friends again and I want to take you back to see my parents again. I fell so hard for you Yujin. I love you" I smiled and a little laugh escaped my lips "I love you too Theo" He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a big hug. Embracing me tightly, as if I was gonna try and get out of it. "Can we make us official?" I nodded excitedly "absolutely Theo". I looked up at him still in his hold and he looked down at me, his deep eyes looking right into mine. I puckered my lips and he smiled, moving his head down and giving me a sweet kiss.

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