Chapter Four

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I slowly emerged from my room for the morning, ready to take Lune outside, when Theo greeted me excitedly from the kitchen. "Good morning Yujin!" I smiled at him "hi! What's going on?". He quickly grabbed something off of the counter and brought it out to me "I made breakfast, just as a little thank you for all you've done so far".

I took the plate from him "thank you so much, I appreciate it. I'm gonna let Lune out quick and then I'll come eat" As I began to sit the plate down, he stopped me "I took her out already, about 45 minutes ago". "Oh gosh, thank you so much!"

I walked over to the dining table and sat down "did you make some for yourself?" He motioned to the kitchen "yea, I'll go get it". I watched him walk away and then come back and sit down across from me.

"What time are they coming over tonight?" "I told them about 7, is that okay?" "Yea that should be fine... did you sleep okay?" He nodded and smiled at me. I stared at him for a few seconds longer than I should have.

That smile, his fucking smile... I loved it when he smiled at me.

"You okay?" His question knocked me from my daze. I shook my head and came back down to reality. "Yeah- I'm sorry" "it's okay, I was just checking on you"

As we sat there, we started talking about school and just life in general, this was the first conversation we'd had that wasn't part of the scripted plan we had created. It was nice to just talk to him and learn more about him and not just information I needed to the lie he had gotten me involved in.

"Are you finished eating?" I asked as I stood up with my plate in my hands. He nodded at me "I got it Yujin". He quickly stood and grabbed my plate from me. "I'll clean up, don't worry" "no Theo, you made us breakfast, I can clean it all up, it's the least I can do".

He put his hand on my arm "I got it okay? Again this is a thank you for doing this for me" "okay.. thank you".

I watched him retreat into the kitchen and I began to walk to my room. "Hey I'm gonna shower and get dressed" "okay, I'm probably gonna change quick and run to the store, I'm sure the guys will wanna drink a little, is that ok?" He hollered from the kitchen "Yeah, that's fine".


Theo and I sat on the couch, waiting for the guys to come. They were gonna be here in about 15 minutes, so we were just prepping any information we may need for the night.

A soft knock came to the door and Theo jumped up "ready?" I nodded and smiled at him as he went and opened the door for them.

They came rushing in, 2 more guys than the ones we saw at the restaurant the other night. They greeted Theo, then me and the other 2 I hadn't seen before introduced themselves to me.

"Um what did you guys wanna do tonight? We can play the game or drink or whatever else" Theo's voice faded off as he stood there nervously. "Let's get drinking, I was hoping you'd have something" Keeho said with a smile.

I jumped up from the couch "I'll get it! You guys can do your thing" I began walking to kitchen to get drinks for everyone.

Theo came around the corner with a smile "I'll help you. I don't want you to try and carry everything on your own" I smiled up at him "thank you".

We brought all the drinks out for everyone and we sat down. I could feel Theo tense up on the couch next to me, so I slid closer to him and grabbed his arm before laying my head on his shoulder.

He slowly relaxed and leaned into me as he spoke with his friends.

"So Yujin, are you nervous to meet his family next weekend?" I smiled over at Jiung "not at all, I'm ready to meet them. I'm kind of excited actually"

When in reality, I was shaking whenever I thought about it. Playing up this whole lie for his friends is one thing, but for his family, is completely different.

"That's good! His family can be a little-ya know" I glanced between him and Theo briefly "what do you mean?" As Jiung was about to speak, Theo spoke up "nothing babe, it'll be just fine". I bit my lip and looked up at him.

As if I wasn't nervous enough, now I had no idea what Jiung meant and now my thoughts were racing. Maybe I bit off more than I can chew.

I waved goodbye to the guys as Theo ushered them out the door. He turned to me with a smile "you did great, thank you so much for that. I appreciate you" his words slurred slightly as he spoke, making me giggle.

"Of course, it's no problem. Now I think we should head to bed, it's late" He stumbled back over to the couch next to me "I'm not ready for bed yet, I wanted to talk to you about something".

I locked eyes with him "yeah?" "I'm sure you're probably wondering what Jiung meant when he said that my parents can be a little.. they can be a little in your face and I don't know, assertive. They're going to question you a lot" "oh.. okay. I'm sure I can handle it".

He reached over and put a hand on my thigh "I don't doubt that but it's gonna be a lot so I'm telling you now so you know what to expect and you don't get overwhelmed" I nodded at him "ok".

"You wanna help me clean up a bit?" "Mhm" he stood up and started to collect bottles and cans in his hand, as I did the same and he made our way to the kitchen.

We both quickly leaned down at the same time, causing our heads to smack together. I dropped the bottles in the trash and backed up to the wall, holding my head "oww" I giggled, looking over at him.

He put the trash into the bin quickly "are you okay? I'm sorry". He approached me and stood closely, pinning me up against the wall. "Yeah I'm okay" I swallowed hard as he brought his hands up to my head "let me see Yujin" I slowly dropped my arms as he looked at the red bump that was already forming on my forehead.

"You have a little bump there-" His hands dropped and his face was just inches from mine "I'm sorry I didn't mean to head bump you" I looked him in the eyes and took a deep breath "it's okay, I'll be fine. Are you okay?" He smiled before responding "yeah I hardly even felt it".

It felt like we had been staring at each other for minutes when realistically it was just a few seconds. His deep colored eyes were like a black hole, pulling me in and I couldn't stop staring at them.

He moved closer, his nose and forehead touching mine. "I don't know if it's just the drinks in my system or what but, you look really good Yujin" he whispered, barely audible.

I felt my cheeks get hot as I knew what was about to happen any second now.

I leaned up slightly and attached my lips to his. My hands cupping the sides of his face and his trailing down to my waist.

The kiss was short, but intense. Lasting only a few seconds. He pulled away from me and I bit my lip. "I'm sorry, I think that's my cue to go to bed. I drank too much" "that's a good idea, I'm gonna take Lune out one last time then I'm gonna head to bed" He smiled slightly at me and began to walk away, disappearing into the other bedroom.

I touched my fingers to my lips and sighed, I guess if we were playing a couple and acting in front of others, we were gonna have to kiss eventually.

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