Chapter Seven

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I sat down at my usual table at the coffee shop. I checked the time on my watch quickly before looking up and into the loads of people bustling through campus.

I wasn't just staring for any reason though, I wanted to see Theo. I knew i'd always see him going to class if I sat here.

He told me he was gonna go home last night but would spend tonight with me, so we could get ready for his parents party together.

I hated to admit it but, I think I missed him. I missed him over the 3 days he didn't speak to me and now I'm missing him just overnight.

My leg bounced up and down, waiting for him anxiously and your mind wandered "is he gonna be looking for me too?" You thought, it's more than just a thought though, you were hoping he was eagerly waiting to see you just as much.

I put my hands on my cheeks and sat my arms on the table, just waiting, falling into a daze just watching all the people pass by.

Until my daze was broken, by the high pitched voice that was.. Lina. I slowly looked over, smiling at her and waving slightly. "Yujin! I missed you" "I missed you too" I said back, completely ignoring her there and focusing back on the path in front of me.

She started talking, absolutely babbling on about her past few days without me. Her words went in and out of my ears without a second thought. I didn't care about what she had to say, I only had my mind on one thing.. Theo.

"Yujin! Yujin! Are you even listening?" I took a moment before looking over at her "hm?" She shot me a glare "you're not even listening are you? Cmon I haven't seen you in days!" I sighed "please stop talking for a minute, please Lina" Her mouth fell open and she scoffed. I couldn't care to continue to pay attention though because that's when Theo came into my view.

His eyes already on me and a huge smile already plastered on his face. I smiled widely at him before jumping up as he got closer.

I opened my arms for him and he pulled me into a hug. I fell deeper into the embrace and just let out a small content sigh.

We released each other and I smiled up at him "good morning" "good morning Jinnie. Were you waiting for me?" I shyly nodded "yea, I was excited to see you" I was also excited for him to stay over tonight, as he had promised me, we were gonna do some face masks and he was gonna help paint my nails for Saturday.

We both turned around and headed back to my seat at the table, Lina eyeballing us both. I sat down and he took the seat on the other side of me. "You were more excited to see him than me, what the fuck. Is he your best friend now?" I rolled my eyes at her "stop it, it's okay for me to be friends with other people" "yea just friends right?" I shot her a dirty look before looking back at Theo, who had felt the tensions rising at the table.

He shuffled awkwardly in his seat before speaking. "I'm gonna go to class.. I'll see you tonight ok?" He said with a bright smile. I nodded excitedly at him before watching him get up and walk away.

"Yujin you really hurt my feelings. I never thought you'd ever pick a man over me" Her comment made my blood boil, my anger rising quickly "you're kidding right? Sorry I have another friend that doesn't always blab on and on about how many people he's been fucking and all his stupid boy issues. Like I literally don't fucking care. I have my own shit to worry about, quit dragging me into your ridiculous drama"

I had never ever stood up against her in this regard. I normally just listen and make a few comments here and there to make her think I'm interested. Like I really love and care for her but I have been reaching my limit with her.

I looked over at her, her face giving me a look I've never seen before. She's upset and angry with me, I can tell that in an instant. "Fuck you Yujin!" She stood up quickly and gathered her things before walking away.


I excitedly rushed through the aisles of the store, looking for face masks and the perfect nail polish colors to match my gorgeous navy blue dress I planned on wearing to the party.

I was genuinely excited for my night with Theo.

And I only had to wait 3 more hours to see him..


A soft knock came to my door and I jumped up and practically bounced to the door, opening it quickly with a huge smile.

"Hey!" "Hey" a smile plastered across his face and his eyes nearly lighting up when he saw me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my apartment quickly. "Ok so I got face masks and then the nail polish" I said with a giggle and he smiled, nodding to my words.

I made my way back over to the couch, expecting him to follow me, but he didn't. I turned around to face him "come here!" His face changed from a smile to a small pout "you forgot something Yujin" My expression changed as well, in pure confusion "what do you mean?" He paused for a moment before throwing his arms out, signaling for me to hug him.

I pushed out my bottom lip and smiled, running back over to him and throwing myself into his embrace. Every time I hugged him, it was like the world stopped. It was just him and I that the world revolved around, we were the only ones that mattered. I can't explain the way he made me feel every time he was in the room with me. He was so special, in a crowd of people, I would always pick him.

He squeezed me tighter, making sure I wasn't gonna leave his embrace anytime soon. "I missed you Yujin" his voice prickled my ears in just the right way. His voice so soft and soothing, making me feel safe. "I missed you too" I mumbled back to him. I just wanted to close my eyes and enjoy this moment forever.

I pushed back away from him and smiled "so where should we start?" I rushed over to the bags sitting on my chair and started pulling things out left and right. Theo's smile widened as he saw me excitedly showing him everything I ended up getting for the night.


Theo sat across from me on the couch, both of us criss cross applesauce to be facing one another. "So what happened with you and Lina this morning?" He asked quietly before taking a bite of his ice cream.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "She was upset that I wasn't listening to her and then was mad that I was more excited to see you than her" A shy smile appeared on his face "were you more excited to see me?" I broke eye contact with him and giggled "yes.. she's just so full of drama but you, you're normal. You don't hit me with dumb shit all the time. Being her friend is tiring, and I'm officially tired"

He took another bite of his ice cream and just nodded. Silence enveloping the room intensely. I knew he didn't know what to say to that. He doesn't know Lina well enough to say anything.

I sat back up straight from my slight slouchy and perked up with a smile "are you excited for the party tomorrow?" He looked over at me, spoon still in his mouth and shook his head "I'm nervous Yujin, I'm not the most social so, I don't like meeting people or hanging out with people much. That's why I wish it was just a small dinner with my parents" I reached over and grabbed his hand, intertwining my fingers with his "just because a lot of people are there, it doesn't mean you need to be social and if you really have to, you'll have me by your side"

The look on his face changed, he almost seemed upset. His brows furrowed slightly and he carefully pulled his hand out of mine.

Have I been reading this whole relationship wrong? Was he not into me the way I'm into him?
I was falling for him, hard but is that not the case with him? Things were starting to feel good now, no awkwardness, no uncertainty but that was just for me the whole time. Fuck.

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