Chapter 6: Peeta

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I'm woken up when Katniss screams and shoots strait up in my bed. I lift my head and see that she's shaking.

"She dreamed about killing Marvel again," Troyal says inside my head. I know he's right. This is the third time this week. He was her first kill, the first one that she knew would die from her actions. Those are the ones that haunt you the most for the rest of your life. I sit up and start rubbing her back.

"Shhh," I whisper. "Its over now. I know it's hard, but it'll get better over some time."

"I had to kill him," she says. "I know that. But I showed him no mercy. I didn't give him a quick, painless death. I just clamped down on his neck until the warmth left his body and life drained from his eyes. I'm a monster."

"You aren't a monster," I say. "You have him the same death he gave your sister. You let him feel the pain he caused that little girl."

"But what kind of person kills like that?" she asks. "I wasn't even letting him go after he was dead. You calling my name snapped me out of the trance."

"I know," I say. "But a monster wouldn't keep doing this to themselves. A monster would find no fault in killing. You let your rage take over which, while it isn't a good thing, it made you strong enough to stand up to him and end him."

"But what really scares me," she says. "Is the fact that I loved doing it. I loved the feeling of his body thrashing around as he died helplessly in my jaws. When you snapped me out of it, and I saw what I did, I was terrified. I'm capable of so much evil."

"I wish I knew how to help you," I say. "How I could ease some of the pain."

"There is a way, you just don't want to take my advice," Troyal whispers in my ear.

"I am not marking her by force," I say. "When she wants me to, she'll tell me."

"Maybe she's waiting for you to ask her," he says. "This would make you able to talk to each other without speaking out loud. You would be able to walk in her dreams and she could walk in yours. You could be able to always be with each other even if you were apart. You would be able to sense each others thoughts and feelings. She'd officially be the Luna."

"You just want her to go into heat," I say."Because you're a horny son of a bitch."

"I, for one, am shocked that you would think so low of me. I do honestly want help her. Although I will admit, I like the thought of her going in to heat. She'd be all over you and be constantly trying to grab your-" he starts but I cut him off.

"Stop," I say. "Just stop."

"By the way," he says. "Son of a Bitch? Is that supposed to be an insult?" The part of your mother that made me was a literal bitch."

"Just leave me alone right now," I say. "I'll think about it, but I don't need your annoying little voice yapping in my ear right now."

"Have it your way," And he goes silent, receding to the back of my mind.

"Katniss," I say. "There might be a way, but I know you won't like it."

"Really?" she asks. "What?"

"If I marked you," I say. "I could go into your dreams with you. I could be there for you while those terrible things are happening. I don't know if it would help, but it's up to you."

"Here's the question," Katniss says. "Do you only want to mark me because you think it will help me? Because if so the answer is no. But if you are honestly asking because you love me, you want me to be by your side, that's a whole different story."

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"If you aren't asking just because you think it will help me, then I don't see any reason why not," she says.

"I love you with all my heart Katniss," I say. "I've wanted to mark you for a while now, but I didn't think you'd be okay with it."

"I need to tell you something before you do this," she says.

"What?" I ask her.

"Cato and the others weren't after me for no reason. They answer to someone who is very angry at me because I refused to join his ranks. The law of the rouges is join or die. If you don't follow the Master's ways, he'll get rid of you," she says. "The night you found me, I planned on running away. I didn't want to pull you and your pack into this. But I couldn't leave you when the chance came. You were unconscious and I could have ran. But I already needed you to much. I already fell in love with you. So if you don't want to mark me because I was going to run, I understand."

"You were going to run?" I ask her. She nods.

"It never had anything to do with you. It was because I knew that Snow would still come after me. No one disobeys him and gets away with it. I don't want innocent people to die for me," she says.

"You sound like a Luna already," I say and she smiles sadly.

"I guess it's in my blood," she says. "I was next in line of the Miner's Seam."

"But I thought that the first born of the Alpha was always a boy?" I ask her.

"They can be females," she says. "Though its extremely rare."

"Well you my darling are a rarity," I say.

"Do you still want to mark me?" she asks. "After all I've told you?"

"Yes," I say. "I know your intentions were never to hurt me. I love you Katniss. The truth doesn't change that."

"Then my answer is yes," she says. "You can mark me, make me yours."

"You're sure?" I ask her. She grabs the back of my neck and starts kissing me furiously. This is the first time we've kissed. I mean there's been pecks on the cheek and stuff like that, but this is our first real kiss. She pulls away smirking, making me guess that I have a stupid look on my face.

"Does it look like I'm not?" she asks.

"No," I say. "I think you've made your answer quite clear." She starts laughing and gently pushes her hair over one shoulder.

"Then what are you waiting for?" she asks. I start trailing kisses down her neck and I hear her let out low moans. I push my T-shirt she's wearing off her shoulder, revealing the precious patch of skin at the junction of her neck and shoulder. I start kissing it gently and I feel my canines start to lengthen. I glance up at her face and see she's watching me, her eyes half closed as she waits for me to do it.

I sink my teeth into her and I feel her stiffen. She makes no sound. I release her and lick away the droplets of blood from the mark, sealing it. I pull away from her and as I gaze upon her face, the passiveness of a male over his mate I've seen so often around my pack sets in.

"Mine," I growl and Katniss laughs before pushing me down and laying on top of me.

"That's right Peeta," she says. "I'm yours. And I always will be."

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