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Katniss' POV

"Momma, why is he so small?" Rain asks as I lay her newborn baby brother in his cradle. "Were Dandy and I every that small?" I laugh as I smile at my tiny little boy.

"You might have been a little bigger, but your sister was even smaller than River," I say. She reaches out and touches his hand, smiling as he encases her pinky in his tiny fist. I hear babbling and turn my head to see Peeta standing there with our two year old.

"Hey," he says. "How's the new arrival?" I stand up and kiss his cheek.

"He's fine," I say before turning to the little girl with straight, strawberry blonde hair and my dark grey eyes. "How is the new big sister doing?" She smiles, giggling at me.

"I think she's okay, not that she really knows what's going on right now," he says. She reaches for me and I take her from Peeta and kiss her cheek. She plays with my hair and giggles.

"I'm sure you know exactly what's happening, don't you Dandelion?" I say. She gives me a puzzled look.

"Broda?" She asks me and I laugh.

"That's right sweetie," I say setting her down next to her siblings. "You have a brother now." She toddles next to Rain and looks at the squirming little bundle in her old bed. I feel Peeta's arm slip around my waist, a little easier than he would have done yesterday.

"How you feeling?" He asks.

"Tired and sore," I say. "Just like the other times. But I'll be alright."

"I can't believe we have three of them already," he says and I smile.

"We did decide on a big family," I say.

"Yeah," he says. "I guess we did." River starts crying and I sigh.

"I think it's time for every one to go to bed," I say and the girls start protesting.

"Girls, listen to your mother," Peeta says. "River isn't going anywhere. He'll be right here when you wake up." He gives his oldest daughter a firm look. "Rain, why don't you help Dandy get ready and Momma and I will be in to say good night."

"Okay Daddy," she says. She stands up and leans down over her little brother. "Good night River," she says. "I love you." Her blue eyes glow as she kisses his cheek and takes Dandelion's hand as she leads her little sister to their room. I walk over and pick up my crying newborn patting his back gently. He slowly stops crying and Peeta smiles at me.

"It seems like it's been so long since the other two were that little," he says and I nod.

"But it really wasn't," I say. "Rain turned five two months ago and Dandy is barely two."

"They grow up way too fast," he says. I lay our son back down and shake my head.

"I know," I say. "But it'll be okay. They're always gonna be our children."

"But they won't always be our babies," I laugh.

"I'd like to see them try to stop being my little ones," I say. He smiles at me and he pulls me into a kiss.

This is my life now. The mother of the three most perfect children and still undeniably in love with my soulmate. How far I've come is unbelievable. I went from an heiress to a loner to a mate to a lover to a Luna to a mother. And looking back at all the terrible things that have happened to me, I guess that I can thank my mother for helping me balance the scale. I'm finally happy. I'm finally content.

I never need to be a lone wolf again.

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