Chapter 12: Katniss

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(So I'm like a huge fan of PJO and HoO series, not as much as The Hunger Games, but since I brought a Greek goddess into this, I figured I'd give those demigods who read my books a tiny bit of a chapter.)

"You need to stop doing this," Delly says as she rubs a poultice into my sore back, even though there are no visible wounds. "You can't take his pain from him much longer."

"And you think he can?" I say. "I can't stand to let him suffer and do nothing."

"But Luna, the abuse your body is taking isn't good for your baby," she says.

"But I know as long as I'm still feeling his pain, Peeta is alive," I say.

"You would feel much more pain if he was dead," she reminds me. "Your heart would feel like someone -" she starts but is cut off by Finnick rushing in.

"They left without us!" he says. I sigh and dismiss Delly before pulling the blanket around me and sitting up.

"That is what they were ordered to do," I say.

"What?!" he says. "That is my mate, my child out there."

"And you aren't going to do Annie and your child any good by getting captured," I say. "If I wasn't pregnant, I know I'd be as angry as you are. But I made a promise to Peeta to stay away and keep our baby safe. And you've got to know that you'll only be giving Snow what he wants. He doesn't really want Peeta or Annie. He wants to use them as bait so he can lure the two of us into his trap. He wants us, not them. We go, he wins."

"How did you get my men to follow your orders?" he asks.

"This is my territory, they follow my orders on my land," I say.

"Who all went?" he asks.

"Your two men and a battle patrol of volunteers led by Peeta's Beta, Gale Hawthorn," I say. "They should be back by sundown."

"And what do you suggest we do until then?" he asks.

"I don't know," I say. "Hope they'll be okay. Pray, not that I really believe the Goddess answers."

"Katniss, she's your mother," he says.

"She's never acted like it," I say.

"You know the gods can't meddle in their childrens' lives," he says. "My dad doesn't."

"You're a half-blood?" I ask him. "I know the other gods have children, but they've turned their backs on our kind. Especially after the difficulties with Lycaon, the evil one."

"I'm pretty sure it's quite rare in our kind, but it happens," he says.

"So who is your dad?" I ask him.

"I dare you to take a guess," he says.

"I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't put it past you to be the son of Poseidon," I say.

"Well I'd be lying if I denied it," he says.

"Interesting," I say. "Are the legends about New York real?"

"About the camp?" he asks and I nod. "Yeah. I have a brother there. He doesn't know about me, but still, I know he's there if I ever need him."

"That's cool," I say. "I'm pretty sure I'm the only child of Selene. She and Helio pretty much fell off the face of the earth after Apollo and Artemis took over."

"Yeah, people don't even really recognize her anymore outside our people," he says. "There are a few humans, like Annie, who can see through the Mist."

"Well that makes sense," I say. "Her being able to be mated to a werewolf. And i can understand Poseidon not being able to be active in your life. But that doesn't mean I forgive my mother for abandoning me all those years. She's a Minor Goddess. She said herself that Zeus doesn't really pay attention to her. "

"Katniss, she cares about you," he says.

"Where was she when my pack was wiped out? When I watched those rouges kill my father and sister? When I was constantly running so the Careers wouldn't catch me? No, she only shows up when I curse her name and ask her what else she could take from me," I say.

"Sometimes that's how you have to get their attention," Finnick says laughing.

"It's not funny," I say. "I've lost almost everything because I'm her daughter. When I needed her, she wasn't there."

"Well let me see about that. Think, why did you run towards Peeta's pack the night you came here?" he asks.

"Why do you want to know that?" I ask him.

"Just answer the question," he says.

"I followed the moonlight," I say before realizing what I just said. "She led me here didn't she."

"Sounds like she isn't as neglectful as you thought," Finnick says smirking."I'll let you get dressed and meet you downstairs for their arrival." I look out the window to see the sun begin to set.

"Okay," I say. He leaves and I go get a shower. I come out a little later and dress in a sunset orange dress, Peeta's favorite color. I can feel my baby inside me and smile as I run my fingers across my still flat stomach. I hear howls of victory and smile brighter.

"It's time to welcome Daddy home Sweetheart," I whisper. My child squirms slightly in response and I laugh as I quickly walk down the stairs and out the door. I come out onto the porch just as Gale walks up with a battered looking Peeta. I look in the background to see Finnick holding a small redheaded woman close. She's beautiful and the way she's clutching on to Finnick, it must be Annie.

I walk out and wrap my arms around Peeta. I feel his arms hold me close, not as steady as before, but still warm and strong. He's skinnier than when he left and I feel deep scars under my fingers when I run them across his back. He buries his head in my neck and feel him breathing heavily into my neck.

"I missed you, so much," I whisper. "I did my best to get you home. I sent the patrol as soon as the reinforcements came. I'm so sorry it took so long." Peeta pulls away from my neck and gently takes my face in his hands.

"You look so tired baby," he says making me laugh.

"You went though everything you did, and you're worried about me?" I say.

"Of course I am," he says. "I know you've been taking the pain."

"You've been fighting Troyal," I say. "You've had enough to worry about. I just wanted to take away some of your burden." I give him a gentle kiss on his cheek and carefully take his hand. "Come on, let's go get you cleaned up." but he stops me by pulling me back and kissing me very passionately on the lips. I wrap my arms around his neck and he gently pulls away.

"I've waited to long to do that and you just teased me," he says. "I think I'll have to get you back for that later."

"I'm sure you will. As soon as you're better," I say smiling. "I love you." I gently take his shaky hand and lay it on my stomach. "We both do."

"I love guys too," he says. "Oh so much." He kisses my temple and I wrap his arm over my shoulder.

"Come on," I say. "I think it's time you get a much deserved shower and good night's sleep." And together, him leaning on me a little more than he realizes, I take him into our home.

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