Chapter 11: Peeta

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During my time as a prisoner, I've only been able to dream walk once with Katniss. I try to get through, but when Troyal's become as animalistic as he is right now, he's not being helpful. He keeps chanting 'pack' over and over and whenever I ask him questions, he gives me the kind of response I would get from Hunter, Delly and Gale's son.

Katniss has been calling back. I can hear she's saying something, but its sometimes really hard to make out. I hope she isn't feeling my pain. The beatings are almost unbearable. The flogging is probably my least favorite. Right now I'm pretty sure my back looks like chunk of raw meat. I would be dead if I healed the same way a human does.

I'm interrupted from my thoughts by someone opening my cell door.

"Hey Mellark!" Cato sneers. "Figured your missing your little Lone Wolf so we found you a friend." A disheveled red head is thrown in and the door is slammed behind her. I go to help her up and notice she's human. And probably about five months pregnant. I pull her to a standing position and help her over to the bare bed in the corner.

"Thank you," she says. "You're the first one to show me any kindness since I've gotten here."

"You're welcome little one," I say and hold out my hand."My name's Peeta. Peeta Mellark."

"Alpha of which pack?" she asks.

"You know what I am then?" I ask her.

"I'm the mate of an Alpha," she says. "I can see beyond the human word. I can tell you're an Alpha from your aura, even though its faded."

"I'm the Alpha of the Twelfth Star," I say.

"I'm Annie Cresta. My mate is Finnick Odair of the Four Seas,"she says. "I'm not a Luna because its not practical for a human to hold that position."

"My mate Katniss says its nothing but a title," I say. "She used to yell at people who called her Luna before she was marked."

"Katniss, as in Katniss Everdeen?" she asks.

"Yeah," I say. "Why?"

"Finnick told me in my dreams that he was taking some of our warriors to aid the daughter of Selene, whose mate was captured by the same people who captured me. He said her name was Katniss Everdeen," she says.

"That would be me," I say. "Snow was actually after her, but I had my Beta get her out of the clearing before the fighting started. She would have gladly fought at my side if her wolf would have let her shift."

"Why wouldn't she let Katniss shift?" Annie asks.

"Well, while Katniss didn't know yet, I could scent that she was carrying our pup. So I had to got her out of there because I didn't know what Taylor, her wolf spirit, would do. And rightfully so, because I know if she could have shifted, she'd either be dead or in this cell next to me," I say.

"Have you been able to talk to her yet?" she asks.

"Only once," I say. "My wolf has gone feral without a pack to take care of. He's also not very happy to be away from Katniss right now, seeing as she's carrying my pup. She told that she loves me and is going to get me out of here. She didn't tell me about her mother visiting her though. Or that Selene even was her mother."

"That is what Selene told Finnick. Katniss may not have known yet when you spoke to her. I know Finnick is going nuts right now," she says. "I can't feel the emotions or go into his dreams like he can, but I can see it in his eyes when we walk in my dreams."

"How'd you end up here?" I ask her.

"I don't know really why Snow went after us. We are a peaceful pack. Never cause any trouble. But he wanted some of our hunting grounds for the rouges. Finnick said no. So about three weeks ago, while I was picking fruit by the shores, five wolves surrounded me and took me away. They told me they'd make sure my baby never took his first breath if I tried to call to Finnick," she says. "So here I am."

"Mate," Troyal mumbles. "Where mate?"

"She's safe for now," I tell him. "She's home and safe, taking care of the pack for me."

"No, My pack. Mine. Not yours. Mine." he insists. I feel him try to take over and I fight him. It's a struggle for a while until he gives up and recedes to the back of my mind chanting his little chant of 'pack' as he does. I must have shown my struggle on the outside because I feel Annie touch my temple.

"He's fighting you for control," she says. "I can feel his anger and frustration."

"It's like he's no longer part of me. He's not that little voice in my head giving me advice or telling me what I'm sensing anymore. He's a separate being now and he wants control," I say.

"When we get out of here, with your Luna's help of course, I should be able to heal you," she says. "I can tell you that he will never be the same again, but he'll be much better."

"How would you possibly be able to do that?" I ask her.

"I'm a nymph," she says. "I'm human, but I have more than a normal person would have. Like being able to sense your aura. And healing the mind." She stops and holds her bulging stomach.

"Is something wrong?" I ask her.

"Oh no, nothing's wrong," she says. "The baby just kicked, that's all." she looks down at her belly with that kind glow that I've seen in the woman in my pack when they are carrying their children. A look I still see Delly give Hunter."How far along is your mate?"

"She'd be about two and a half weeks by now," I say.

"Almost a month in the human world," Annie says and I nod. "You miss her a lot don't you?"

"I lost my leg within a few hours of meeting her and we hadn't left each others side in nearly three months before I was captured," I say. "Yeah, I miss her and the baby a lot."

"Why did it take so long for her to concieve?" Annie asks.

"I didn't mark her until a few days before I was captured. We mated the first time the next day and that was probably only because she was in heat. She'd been abandoned by her mother after her father and sister where killed by Snow's men. She didn't like the thought of rushing into a family after being alone so long. I don't think the marking would have happened either had she not been so bothered by her nightmares of her first kill," I say.

"She wasn't as accepting of the role of Luna as most would be?" Annie asks.

"Not by a long shot, she felt she had to earn it," I say. I watch her gently running her hand across her unborn child and can't help but wonder if Katniss is doing the same. Does she feel the baby with her? Does she sing to it like she's done a couple times for Hunter after he'd have a nightmare and Delly was busy and Gale was out patrolling? Annie notices me watching her and smiles.

"Do you want to feel?" she asks. I nod my head and she gently takes my hand and moves it to where her child is moving.

"That's amazing," I say and she nods.

"It really is," she says. I feel like smiling and frowning at the same time. Because as amazing as it is to feel Annie's child move in her womb, there is someone else I'd rather be feeling.

Mine and Katniss' child.

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