Chapter 38

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Over the next couple of weeks, All of us slipped into a comfortable routine, things couldn't be any better.

Reyansh would be the first one awake and he would prepare breakfast for us late risers, we'd then sit and eat breakfast together family style, then Krish would go off to college, we'd spend some time with the kitties and get them ready for the pet day care, Reyansh and me would head off to his, no, our office and we would work on the expansion.

I'd taken up possession of the new office while Reyansh would oscillate between the existing and new office. We would then meet for lunch, I'd kiss the kittens and sometimes my husband goodbye and then head to the Oberoi office. After all I was given a bigger share in the business, my responsibilities had only increased, I wasn't going to ignore my duties. I would then spend the next few hours working. In the evening, Reyansh and the kittens would pick me up, on the way home.

Later all the 3 humans would make and eat dinner together and watch a movie or play a board game (I was the undisputed Monopoly champion), or go for a drive or a dinner or just spend a quiet night in with the Kittens, who had very easily settled in.

Some days when I had to work longer or had important meetings, Reyansh would drop the kittens home and come back to the office to patiently wait for me.

Everything was great, too great infact and as we all know, Change is the only constant in life.

On a Monday at around 5:30 pm, I was in the Oberoi office working and I received an anonymous email on my personal ID. I was usually very apprehensive of opening anonymous emails as they were mostly scams, but my curiosity got the better of me, because my email Id was very safely guarded and very few had knowledge of it, the subject said, "Billionaire Kyra Oberoi's husband caught red handed".

The Email contained the following words, "I've sent the first draft to you. It's a beautiful picture, isn't it? It'll look sinful and scandalous, displayed on the front page of tomorrow's newspaper and every other media outlet and news article, don't you think so?"

I apprehensively opened the attached pictures and received the shock of my life, the first picture showed Reyansh in today's suit with a scantily clad woman, stuck to his front and he had his arms wrapped around her forearms. She was all but wrapped around him, her face was hidden in his chest. The second picture was a back view, it showed her in his arms, he was carrying her into a hotel.

I picked up the glass globe paper weight from my desk and hurled it at the opposite wall. It resulted in a loud bang and a glass shattering noise, my PA ran in, "Ma'am, are you alright? Do you need some something? I heard a loud bang."

My mind was in chaos, I screamed at her to, "Get out". Not my finest moment, but...........

I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself and think clearly. Eventually after a few minutes, I thought back over the day and it had seemed ordinary, even Reyansh was his usual self. But the pictures spoke volumes, the suit worn in this picture was the same one he had on today and he was wearing the watch, I had recently gifted him. The woman who's face was hidden, looked like a prostitute or a stripper at the very least.

Before I did anything else, I had to first verify the authenticity of these pictures , because nowadays technology was very advanced and marvellous atrocities could be created artificially.

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