Chapter 59: Hot Spring!! and New Powers!!

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The three of them got dressed and returned to the activity room.

"How's your injury?" Himejima Akeno asked, noticing that Badr still looked a bit weak.

"There's still a slight wound that hasn't healed, but it's nothing serious," Badr smiled, indicating he was fine.

He turned to Rias and said, "After this ambush, those fallen angels will surely be more vigilant."

It would be much harder to find them next time. Those bastards were definitely plotting something big, but with the enemy lurking in the shadows, they had no leads. It was frustrating to be so passive.

"There's not much we can do about it. We can only send out people to search thoroughly," Rias didn't have any better ideas either.

She thought about the holy sword of the Church and felt another headache coming on.

Perhaps they'd have to contact the Church again. It was truly annoying.

Mainly, Rias couldn't gauge the attitude of the Church. She wasn't sure if they were cooperating with the fallen angels or if the holy sword had simply been stolen...

However, it was probably the latter.

The Church was backed by angels, and those beings wouldn't stoop so low as to participate in such inhumane experiments. If they did, wouldn't they all "fall" then?

The so-called "fall" refers to the process of an angel falling and becoming a fallen angel. At that time, the angel's white wings would turn black, and this process is described as "falling."

"For now, we can only do this... Let's consider this matter settled for the time being," Badr stretched lazily.

At the moment, they couldn't find the enemy, so there was no use worrying. Rather than fretting over these things, it was more practical to focus on improving themselves.

As for notifying her brother, the Satan Lucifer, Rias hadn't considered it yet.

She didn't want to bother her brother with such a small matter; there was no need for now.

"Alright, let's not think too much about it. It's getting late, we should go have dinner," Rias suggested, and everyone teleported to her home.

In fact, this was Badr's first time visiting Rias home.

Usually, it was Rias who would sneak into his room in the middle of the night...

Arriving directly at Rias home through the teleportation circle, Badr's jaw dropped at the sight of the spacious hall before him.

"Are you sure this isn't some cultural heritage site?" Badr spoke softly, because the place he was in was clearly an ancient castle...

"This property has belonged to our family for hundreds of years. Is there a problem?" Rias said with a smile. Of course, the castle had undergone many renovations over time. It had all the modern amenities one could want, but it also retained many historical Gears and decorations.

Compared to Rias, Badr's small savings probably couldn't even buy a single table here...

Badr grinned and shook his head, indicating there was no problem, and said directly:

"Rich lady, I'm hungry."


Rias couldn't help but laugh. She clapped her hands, and immediately a maid came forward. After Rias gave her instructions, exquisite food was quickly served.

"Let's all eat together. Today's battle was tiring for everyone."

The food prepared by the maid was excellent, and everyone enjoyed the meal thoroughly.

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