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Dr. Shareef was cleaning up Josh's wounds, "I only see around in this far in the city, close to the water, this late when you've been up to no good." 

Josh, "Don't sweat it Z... Ouch that shit hurt." 

Dr. Shareef snatches his arm forward, rolling his eyes, "Would you be still Tarzan! If your ass hadn't been out there doing something YOU AINT GOT NO BIDNESS DOING then I wouldn't have to clean a wound and it wouldn't be hurting."

Josh, "Thanks for not telling my father." 

Dr. Shareef, "Your father? Lucky enough I don't tell the police. This game that you're playing is not a safe one or a fair one. In the end no one wins. Hell, a few weeks back I was reading this article in a magazine of this widow wife who lost everyone except a daughter due to her husband street mess. Someone close shot and kill them all in the end. Took her whole family away from her." 

Josh, "Well... don't sweat none of that Reefy." If looks could kil Josh would be dead due to Dr. Madison Shareef stare. Josh, "Look Maddie it will all be fine. I'm going to take the couch tonight and head out in the morning." 

Dr. Shareef packed up and cleaned up the materials not having much to say to her hard-headed friend. She had a fear of receiving the news her friend was dead, a guy she's known since he was 13 years old. Dr. Madison Shareef was introduced to the dynasty family due to her dating one of their family members. Even though her and that family member were no longer together, she still kept in great contact with them all and is considered family. She's even developed a brother, sister relationship with the twins father, Solofa, whom she knew the longest. 


Joe places evidence down in front of Melissa, which was a gun, "Seen this before?" 

Melissa, "No." 

Joe, "You sure. Someone said it was yours." 

Melissa, "Who said that? I thought you said everyone was dead and Steven was clinging onto his life. So, I know he ain't say shit. Come better than that detective." 

Joe laughs a little, "Okay smart-ass. The street talks hazelnut." 

Melissa, "The streets talk? So the streets specifically said this gun was mine?" 

Joe, "Found it in your belongings." 

Melissa hops up, "You're a liar!" 

Joe, "Calm down Frosted Flakes." 


Joe laughs once more as he gets a rise out of Melissa, "Okay Melina." 

Melissa growls which makes Joe laugh some more.

Joe, "On a serious note, this gun have bodies attached to it, and you're looking at 25 to 60 even life when I prove it was all first degree." 

Melissa grits her teeth, "I didn't kill anyone!" 

Joe pulls out his notepad, "Then tell me who did." 

Melissa, "I hate you." 

Joe, "I love me too." 

Melissa exhaled, "I don't know where to start." 

Joe, "Let's start with the house I got you from." 

Melissa, "What about it? It was my mom's house that she inherited from my grandmother. My father remarried to a woman named Diana, who moved in. My father passed away then Diana remarried to Steven, who I believe killed her, and took over the estate. Not legally but still." 

Melissa & Joe Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now