Lives Without Each Other-But Somehow Still Connected

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Setting: It's been a few days since the almost-kiss, and both Ariel and Jack have returned to their usual routines. Despite their best efforts to keep things normal, they find themselves constantly thinking about each other. The scenes alternate between their separate lives, highlighting how they cope with the growing realization that they might actually miss each other more than they'd like to admit.

Ariel's Life Without Jack:

Scene 1: Ariel is at her favorite café, laptop open in front of her as she works on a new project. She's always loved the quiet atmosphere here, the way she can lose herself in her thoughts. But today, she can't seem to focus. Every time she tries to concentrate, her mind drifts back to Jack—his smile, his laugh, the way he looked at her that night.

Ariel's Thoughts: Ugh, why can't I stop thinking about him? We're just friends. Well, maybe more than friends, but that doesn't mean I have to think about him all the time. This is ridiculous.

She shakes her head, trying to banish the thoughts, but it's no use. Even as she types out her latest ideas, she's aware of the empty seat across from her—the one Jack would usually take when they'd grab coffee together. The café feels lonelier without his presence, and that bothers her more than she wants to admit.

Jack's Life Without Ariel:

Scene 2: Jack is at the gym, working out harder than usual. He's trying to push thoughts of Ariel out of his mind, but it's not really working. He remembers how she always teased him about his workout routine, joking that he was trying too hard to impress people. Now, without her quips, the gym feels strangely silent.

Jack's Thoughts: This is nuts. We bicker all the time, so why do I miss her so much? She's just a friend... right? Maybe I just need to stay busy. Focus on something else.

But no matter how hard he tries to focus, Ariel's face keeps popping into his mind. He can hear her voice in his head, making sarcastic comments, and it makes him smile despite himself. He finishes his workout, but as he's leaving the gym, he finds himself reaching for his phone, wondering if he should text her—just to see how she's doing.

The Unexpected Connection:

Scene 3: That evening, Ariel decides to take a walk in the park. It's the same park where they had that dangerous encounter, but tonight it feels peaceful, the memories of that night softened by the passage of time. She walks slowly, enjoying the quiet, but there's a part of her that wishes Jack were here with her.

Ariel's Thoughts: He'd probably say something dumb right now, like how we should have a rematch with the creep who attacked us. And I'd roll my eyes, but secretly I'd be glad he was here.

As she walks, she spots a couple sitting on a bench, talking and laughing. It reminds her of how she and Jack used to sit and argue about everything and nothing. The thought brings a pang of longing that she wasn't expecting.

Meanwhile, at his apartment, Jack is sitting on his couch, flipping through channels on the TV but not really watching anything. His mind is elsewhere—back at the park, back with Ariel. He's been avoiding texting her, not wanting to come off as too eager, but the silence between them is starting to get to him.

Jack's Thoughts: I should just text her. Or call. What's the worst that could happen?

He grabs his phone, hesitates, then types out a message: "Hey, you okay? Haven't heard from you in a bit." He hovers over the send button, then hesitates. Before he can second-guess himself any more, he hits send.

Scene 4: Ariel is sitting on a bench, looking up at the stars when her phone buzzes. She checks it, and a small smile tugs at her lips when she sees Jack's message.

Ariel's Thoughts: Of course he'd text me now. It's like he knows I was just thinking about him. But why does that make me feel... happy?

She types a quick reply: "Yeah, I'm fine. Just taking a walk in the park. How about you?" She hesitates, then adds: "Miss arguing with me yet?"

Scene 5: Jack reads her message and chuckles, feeling a warmth spread through his chest. He texts back: "You know it. The gym's been too quiet without your snarky comments. Want some company at the park?"

Ariel's heart skips a beat when she reads his reply. She hadn't expected him to offer to join her, but now that he has, she finds herself wanting to see him. More than that, she realizes she misses him—a lot more than she thought she would.

Ariel's Thoughts: Why does this feel like a big deal? We've hung out a million times. But this... this feels different.

Scene 6: Moments later, Jack arrives at the park, spotting Ariel on the bench. She looks up and smiles as he approaches, her heart fluttering just a bit. They fall into an easy conversation, the tension from the almost-kiss gone, replaced by the comfort of being back in each other's company.

As they talk and laugh, the connection between them strengthens, each aware that they're no longer just friends. They might not be ready to admit it out loud, but something between them has shifted, and there's no going back.

Jack: (teasingly) "You know, we should make this a regular thing. Meeting up at the park at night, just to keep things interesting."

Ariel: (with a playful smile) "Only if you promise not to almost get us killed again."

Jack: (grinning) "Deal. And maybe next time, we can actually finish that conversation we started."

They both know what he's referring to, but neither of them pushes it. Instead, they just enjoy the moment, content to be in each other's company, knowing that whatever happens next, they'll figure it out together.

The Underlying Connection:

Though they've spent time apart, trying to return to their usual routines, the connection between them has only grown stronger. Their lives feel a little emptier without each other, and that realization is slowly bringing them closer together, one step at a time.

And so, as they sit together on the park bench, under the stars, both Ariel and Jack silently acknowledge that their relationship is evolving. They might still argue and banter, but there's a deeper bond forming—a bond that neither of them is quite ready to name, but both are more than willing to explore.

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