The Wild Night of Delivery: Chaos, Laughter, and Love

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Setting: It's a late Friday evening. Ariel and Jack are at home, relaxing on the couch. Ariel is very pregnant, and her due date is just around the corner. They're prepared—or so they think. But, of course, things never go smoothly when it comes to these two.

Scene 1: The Calm Before the Storm

Ariel: (laying back on the couch, rubbing her belly) "I can't believe we're finally almost there. It feels like I've been pregnant forever."

Jack: (grinning, munching on chips) "You're doing amazing. Just a little longer, and our superhero baby will be here."

Ariel: "We settled on Isabelle Phoenix, not some comic book hero, remember?"

Jack: (mock pouting) "Still holding out hope for Optimus, though."

They share a laugh, but Ariel suddenly winces, her hand flying to her belly.

Ariel: (groaning) "Oof... okay, that was different."

Scene 2: The Realization

Minutes later, Ariel stands up and feels another strong contraction, this time much sharper than the Braxton Hicks she's been experiencing. She looks at Jack, eyes wide.

Ariel: "Jack... I think it's happening."

Jack: (eyes widening) "Wait, now? Like, right now?"

Ariel nods, doubling over slightly as another contraction hits.

Ariel: "Yes! Get the bag!"

Jack springs into action, panicking immediately as he runs around the house grabbing random things that make no sense.

Jack: (shouting from another room) "I got the—uh—Xbox controller, and... wait, why do we need a spatula?"

Ariel: (yelling back) "The hospital bag, Jack!"

Scene 3: The Drive From Hell

Once Jack finally gathers everything they need, he half-carries Ariel to the car and speeds off toward the hospital.

Ariel: (in the passenger seat, breathing heavily) "Okay, just stay calm. It's fine. We have time. Don't—oh god, don't speed!"

Jack: (panicking but trying to hide it) "I'm calm! I'm totally calm! You don't have to worry about me!"

Ariel: "You just ran a red light!"

Jack: "I'll call it a tactical maneuver!"

They're halfway to the hospital when Ariel groans loudly.

Ariel: "Oh my god, I think my water just broke."

Jack: (screaming internally but smiling outwardly) "Right! No worries. I'll just—uh—we'll get there in no time."

Ariel: (glaring at him) "Don't act like this is under control, you're about to pass out!"

Scene 4: The Hospital Chaos

They finally make it to the hospital, but the chaos is far from over. Jack pulls up, jumps out, and rushes around to help Ariel out of the car, but in his panic, he accidentally locks the keys inside the car—with their hospital bag.

Ariel: (sighing dramatically) "Jack. The bag."

Jack: (looking at the locked door in horror) "No. No, no, no. This isn't happening."

Ariel starts breathing through another contraction while nurses rush out with a wheelchair.

Nurse: "Don't worry about the bag, we'll take care of you! Let's get her inside."

They whisk Ariel away while Jack stays behind to deal with the car, cursing under his breath as he waits for a locksmith.

Scene 5: The Comedy of Errors Inside

Inside, Ariel is wheeled into the delivery room, but things are far from normal. The hospital is unusually busy, and it feels like a circus with nurses, doctors, and patients running around.

Ariel gets settled just as Jack finally makes it inside, looking flustered but trying to act cool. He's covered in sweat and carrying the now-retrieved hospital bag.

Ariel: (deadpan) "You made it."

Jack: (grinning awkwardly) "Of course I did. Piece of cake."

But as soon as he says that, Ariel lets out a loud groan as another contraction hits.

Ariel: "You jinxed it!"

Jack: "No! No jinxing, we've got this!"

Scene 6: Jack's Attempt to Stay Calm

The next few hours are a blur of chaos, with Ariel going through contractions and Jack trying to stay as supportive as possible—but, naturally, getting in the way. At one point, he tries to help by rubbing her shoulders, only to accidentally elbow a nurse. Later, he attempts to offer ice chips, but spills them all over Ariel's lap.

Ariel: (glaring at him between contractions) "If you touch me with one more ice chip..."

Jack: (nervously backing away) "Noted. No more ice."

Scene 7: The Big Moment

Finally, after hours of labor, Ariel is ready to push. Jack, to his credit, is right by her side, holding her hand and offering words of encouragement—albeit not the most helpful ones.

Jack: "You've got this, babe! You're a superhero! You're basically Wonder Woman right now!"

Ariel: (growling through gritted teeth) "If you mention another superhero, I will end you."

As the doctor encourages her to push, Jack suddenly gets pale and wobbly.

Jack: (voice shaking) "I—uh—I'm feeling a little—"

Before he can finish, he faints, collapsing on the floor.

Ariel: (exasperated but not surprised) "Of course he does."

Scene 8: The Aftermath

When Jack wakes up, he's lying on a hospital bed next to Ariel, who is holding their beautiful newborn baby. He looks over at her and smiles sheepishly.

Jack: "Did I miss it?"

Ariel: (smiling, exhausted but happy) "Not everything. Just the important part."

He laughs weakly, and they both look down at their daughter.

Ariel: "Meet Isabelle Phoenix. You didn't pass out long enough to lose the name battle, don't worry."

Jack: (grinning tiredly) "She's perfect. And you—you're amazing."

Chapter Ends: Despite the chaos, the fainting, and Jack's inability to stop bringing up superheroes, their baby girl is finally here. It's a wild, hilarious night neither of them will ever forget. And, in true Ariel-and-Jack fashion, it's filled with equal parts love, laughter, and a whole lot of mishaps.

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