Ariel's New Project-A Week Away from the City

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Setting: Ariel's apartment, early morning. The sunlight streams through the windows as she finishes packing her suitcase. Her new project requires her to spend a week out of the city, working closely with a team in a small town several hours away. It's a great opportunity, but there's a part of her that's hesitant to leave—mainly because of Jack.

The Departure:

Ariel zips up her suitcase, her mind racing with thoughts about the upcoming project. She's excited—this is exactly the kind of work she loves, full of creative challenges and new experiences. But as she looks around her apartment, she can't help but feel a twinge of reluctance.

Ariel's Thoughts: It's just a week. No big deal. It's not like I'm going to the other side of the world. But... what if something happens while I'm gone?

She glances at her phone, wondering if she should text Jack to let him know she's leaving. They've spent almost every day together lately, and the thought of not seeing him for a week feels strangely unsettling.

Before she can overthink it, her phone buzzes with a message from Jack: "Morning! Any big plans today?"

Ariel smiles, a mix of warmth and nervousness filling her. She texts back: "Hey! Actually, yeah. I've got to head out of town for a new project. I'll be gone for a week."

The reply comes almost instantly: "A week? Wow. That's cool! What's the project?"

Ariel hesitates, then decides to call him instead of continuing the conversation over text. After a couple of rings, Jack picks up.

Jack: (cheerful as always) "Hey, what's up?"

Ariel: (with a small laugh) "Nothing much, just wanted to say bye before I leave. I'll be working with a team in Clearwater for the next week. It's kind of a last-minute thing."

Jack: (sounding surprised) "Clearwater? That's a bit of a drive. You sure you don't need a sidekick to keep you company?"

Ariel chuckles, but there's a hint of truth in his words that she can't ignore. Part of her wishes he could come along—after all, they've become pretty inseparable lately.

Ariel: (teasing) "As much as I'd love to have my personal bodyguard, I think I'll manage. It's just a week. Besides, I'm sure you'll enjoy the peace and quiet without me around."

Jack: (with a mock sigh) "Yeah, right. What am I supposed to do with all that free time?"

Ariel: (smiling) "I'm sure you'll find something. Maybe you can catch up on all those shows you keep talking about."

They share a laugh, but the conversation lingers, neither of them quite ready to say goodbye. Finally, Ariel takes a deep breath, deciding to be a little more honest.

Ariel: (softly) "I'll miss you, though. It's been nice having you around."

There's a brief pause on the other end of the line before Jack responds, his voice a bit more serious.

Jack: (gently) "I'll miss you too, Ariel. But hey, it's just a week. We'll catch up when you're back, and you can tell me all about the project."

Ariel: (smiling, feeling a bit more reassured) "Deal. I'll text you when I get there."

On the Road:

Later, as Ariel drives out of the city, she can't help but think about how much things have changed between her and Jack. A few months ago, she never would have imagined that she'd miss someone like him so much—or that he'd be the one she wanted to talk to before heading out on a big project.

Ariel's Thoughts: It's just a week. I'll be so busy, I probably won't even have time to think about him. But still... it's weird, not having him around.

As she drives, she tries to focus on the project ahead, but her thoughts keep drifting back to Jack. Every time she passes something interesting—a quirky roadside diner, a beautiful stretch of countryside—she catches herself thinking, Jack would love this. It's a strange, bittersweet feeling, and it makes her realize just how much he's become a part of her life.

Jack's Week Without Ariel:

Back in the city, Jack's life feels oddly quiet without Ariel around. He goes through his usual routines—working out, hanging out with friends, catching up on his favorite shows—but everything feels a little off.

Jack's Thoughts: This is weird. It's only been a day, and I already miss her. How did that happen?

He finds himself checking his phone more often than usual, hoping for a message from Ariel. When she does text him to say she's arrived safely, he feels an unexpected surge of relief.

They exchange a few messages throughout the week, keeping each other updated on their lives, but it's not the same as being together. Jack finds himself wanting to tell her about every little thing that happens—something funny he saw, a new place he found—but he holds back, not wanting to bother her while she's busy.

The Connection:

Despite being miles apart, Ariel and Jack find themselves staying connected in small ways. Ariel sends Jack a photo of a beautiful sunset she saw on the drive, and he responds with a goofy selfie, making her laugh. They share little moments like this, each one a reminder that they're still thinking about each other.

Ariel's Thoughts: It's nice, knowing he's just a text away. But I wish he was here.

Jack's Thoughts: This week can't go by fast enough. I can't wait for her to get back.

The Anticipation:

As the week progresses, both Ariel and Jack start counting down the days until they can see each other again. They don't say it out loud, but it's clear in their messages, in the way they check their phones more frequently, in the way they think about each other when something interesting happens.

By the time Ariel's project wraps up, she's more than ready to head back to the city. The project was a success, but all she can think about is seeing Jack again.

And Jack, who's been keeping himself busy but feeling the absence of Ariel more acutely with each passing day, is eagerly waiting for her return.

The Reunion:

When Ariel finally returns to the city, she's tired but excited. She texts Jack as soon as she gets home, and it doesn't take long for him to show up at her door, a grin on his face.

Jack: (playfully) "Welcome back, stranger. How was Clearwater?"

Ariel: (smiling, feeling a warmth spread through her at the sight of him) "It was great. But it's good to be home."

They stand there for a moment, just looking at each other, both of them feeling the unspoken connection that's grown even stronger over the past week.

Jack: (softly) "I missed you."

Ariel: (with a genuine smile) "I missed you too, Jack."

And just like that, the week apart has brought them even closer. They might not have admitted their feelings out loud yet, but it's clear that they've both realized how much they mean to each other. And with that realization, they step back into each other's lives, ready to see where this unexpected connection will take them next.

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