The Wedding Aftermath

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Setting: The day after the wedding, Jack and Ariel are back at their hotel suite, surrounded by the chaos that comes after a big celebration—empty champagne bottles, half-opened gifts, and discarded flower petals. The bliss of the wedding has settled, but reality starts creeping in as they wake up groggily to face the aftermath.

Scene 1: The Morning After

Ariel: (groaning as she wakes up, her head pounding from the celebrations) "Why did we drink so much?"

Jack: (half-buried under the covers, mumbling) "Because your uncle insisted on shots, and we couldn't say no."

Ariel throws a pillow at him.

Ariel: "You encouraged him!"

Jack: (laughing, shielding himself with a blanket) "Hey, it was our wedding. What's a few extra shots between family?"

Ariel sits up and surveys the room. Clothes are scattered everywhere, and there's a giant piece of wedding cake smeared on the floor next to the bed. She frowns, trying to recall the end of the night.

Ariel: "Did we... smash cake into each other's faces?"

Jack: (grinning mischievously) "You started it. You missed my mouth entirely and got my ear instead."

Ariel: (facepalming) "Oh my God, I was too drunk to aim."

Scene 2: Dealing with the Aftermath

They both stumble into the kitchen to make coffee, still in their wedding night clothes. Ariel, looking bleary-eyed, opens her phone and sees a flood of messages and photos from the guests. Everyone seems to have had a blast—except for a few complaints about the drunken cake fight.

Ariel: (laughing at the photos) "Look at this! Your cousin Brian was dancing on the tables at the end of the night."

Jack: (peeking over her shoulder, wincing) "He always takes weddings as a challenge to see how much he can embarrass me."

As they go through the photos, they start laughing more and more at how chaotic their reception became. There's one where Jack is trying to serenade Ariel with a guitar he doesn't know how to play, and another where Ariel is leading a conga line in her wedding dress.

Scene 3: Cleaning Up the Mess

After their coffee, they start picking up the remnants of the previous night. The hotel suite looks like a tornado hit it. Ariel begins organizing the gifts, making mental notes about the thank-you cards she'll have to send.

Jack: (holding up an unwrapped blender) "Who gives a blender as a wedding gift? Are we already that old?"

Ariel: (laughing) "That's from my grandma. She probably thinks we need to start making healthy smoothies."

Jack: (raising an eyebrow) "I'm thinking margaritas."

They continue cleaning up, teasing each other about their guests' antics. Jack finds the cake-smeared floor hilarious and insists on taking a photo before they clean it, while Ariel rolls her eyes but secretly enjoys his silliness.

Scene 4: The Talk About the Future

As the room gets tidier, they sit down on the couch, finally catching their breath. Jack wraps his arm around Ariel, pulling her close.

Jack: (softly) "So... we're married now."

Ariel: (leaning into him, smiling) "Yeah. Feels weird, doesn't it?"

Jack: "A little. But a good kind of weird."

They sit in comfortable silence for a few moments, taking in the fact that everything is now different—but also somehow the same. They're still Jack and Ariel, still bickering and laughing, but with an extra layer of commitment wrapped around them now.

Jack: "You think anything's going to change between us?"

Ariel: (chuckling) "Besides me having to constantly remind you to clean up after yourself? No, not really."

Jack: (grinning) "Good. I like us the way we are."

Scene 5: Post-Wedding Bickering

As the day goes on, they start to unpack their wedding gifts, arguing over where everything should go in their apartment once they return from the honeymoon. Ariel insists on organizing everything alphabetically, while Jack just wants to shove things into cabinets randomly.

Ariel: (holding up a set of fancy wine glasses) "These need to go in the glass cabinet."

Jack: (yawning) "Or we can just stick them next to the cereal bowls. No one's going to care."

Ariel: (glaring playfully) "Cereal bowls next to wine glasses? You heathen."

They argue back and forth, but it's more out of habit than actual frustration. Jack eventually relents, letting Ariel organize the kitchen while he pretends to supervise from the couch.

Scene 6: The First Night as a Married Couple

Later that night, after a long day of cleaning up and reminiscing about the wedding, they settle into bed, exhausted but happy. Jack wraps his arms around Ariel, pulling her close as they lie in the dark.

Jack: (whispering) "So, Mrs. Monroe, what's next for us?"

Ariel: (smiling into the pillow) "Probably fighting over where to store the blender."

Jack: (laughing softly) "I meant bigger picture."

Ariel turns to face him, her expression softening.

Ariel: "I guess we just... keep being us. And figure it out together."

Jack: (kissing her forehead) "Sounds like a plan."

As they drift off to sleep, the weight of the wedding aftermath lifts, leaving them with the same old dynamic they've always had—full of bickering, laughter, and a love that's perfectly imperfect.

Chapter Ends: Despite the chaos of the wedding aftermath, Jack and Ariel settle into their new life as a married couple, proving that even when everything is a mess, they're always a team at heart. Their journey is far from over, and while the bickering will never stop, neither will the love that keeps them together.

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