The Three Babies: Jack, Ariel, and Isabelle

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Setting: A few months have passed since Isabelle was born, and Jack and Ariel are slowly adjusting to life as parents. The house is a mess of baby gear, diapers, and sleep deprivation, but they've managed to keep their sense of humor. However, it's starting to feel like three babies are living in the house—Isabelle, Ariel, and Jack.

Scene 1: The Early Morning Chaos

Ariel: (yawning as she shuffles into the kitchen, holding Isabelle) "I haven't slept in... I don't know how long."

Jack: (rummaging through the fridge in his pajamas) "Same. I can't even find the milk. Did we run out again?"

Ariel: "It's right in front of you."

Jack: (squinting) "Where?"

Ariel: (rolls her eyes) "Move the ketchup."

Jack: (triumphantly grabbing the milk) "Ah, there it is! Crisis averted."

As Ariel sits down with Isabelle, Jack pours himself a glass of milk but then knocks it over, spilling it all over the counter. Isabelle immediately starts crying from the noise.

Jack: (frantically grabbing paper towels) "Oh no, I'm sorry! Isabelle, don't cry. Daddy's just being a klutz again."

Ariel: (sighing) "Jack, you're as much of a baby as she is sometimes."

Jack: "Hey, I'm trying my best here! You know, parenting is hard for all of us."

Scene 2: Jack's Baby-Like Tendencies

Jack has always had a bit of an immature side, and since Isabelle was born, it's become even more apparent. When Ariel tries to feed Isabelle, Jack pouts at the sight of baby food.

Jack: (eyeing the baby food jar) "Why does she get mashed bananas, and I don't?"

Ariel: (sarcastic) "Because you can chew."

Jack: "I like mashed bananas though. I feel left out."

Ariel stares at him for a moment before bursting into laughter.

Ariel: "Jack, do you seriously want baby food?"

Jack: (shrugging) "I mean, I'll try anything once."

Ariel scoops up a spoonful of mashed bananas and, with a mischievous grin, hands it to Jack. He hesitates before taking a bite.

Jack: (grimacing) "Okay, maybe not."

Ariel: (laughing hysterically) "See? You are a baby."

Scene 3: Ariel's Baby Meltdown

Despite usually being the more organized one, Ariel has moments where the lack of sleep and stress gets to her. One afternoon, she's desperately trying to get Isabelle to nap, but the baby won't settle down.

Ariel: (rocking Isabelle, on the verge of tears) "Why won't she just sleep? I've done everything—rocking, feeding, singing... I can't anymore."

Jack: (rushing over, holding out his hands) "Hey, hey, it's okay. Let me take over for a bit. You need a break."

Ariel: (sniffling) "I feel like I'm losing my mind."

Jack: (gently taking Isabelle) "It's okay, babe. You're doing an amazing job. Sometimes babies are just impossible, and you're allowed to take a break."

Ariel: (sitting down, defeated) "I feel like I'm a baby too, just crying all the time."

Jack: "That makes two of us. Three, actually. This house is full of babies."

Ariel: (chuckling) "Yeah, no kidding."

Scene 4: Isabelle is the True Adult

One evening, Jack and Ariel are bickering over something trivial, as usual—this time about who was supposed to wash the bottles. Meanwhile, Isabelle is sitting in her high chair, calmly observing her parents' antics.

Jack: "I swear I did them last time. Why is it always my turn?"

Ariel: "Because you're the one who leaves them sitting there for days!"

As they continue to argue, Isabelle babbles loudly, almost as if she's trying to get their attention.

Jack: "Is she... telling us to stop?"

Ariel: (laughing) "It's like she's the only adult in the house."

Jack: "We've been out-parented by our own child. Incredible."

Scene 5: Bedtime Shenanigans

As bedtime rolls around, Jack and Ariel are both exhausted, but Isabelle seems to have an endless supply of energy. Jack tries to put her down in her crib, but every time he lays her down, she pops right back up.

Jack: (groaning) "Why won't she just stay asleep?"

Ariel: (watching from the doorway) "You're doing it wrong. You have to put her down gently."

Jack: "I am being gentle!"

Ariel: "No, you're holding her like a football."

Jack: "Well, I played football. This is how we were taught."

They both collapse into giggles, and eventually, after a few more tries, Isabelle finally stays down. Jack and Ariel tiptoe out of the room like burglars.

Scene 6: The Calm Before the Storm

Just as Jack and Ariel settle into bed, ready for sleep, the baby monitor crackles to life with Isabelle's wail. They both groan, but Ariel nudges Jack.

Ariel: "Your turn."

Jack: (mumbling) "We're all babies in this house..."

As Jack trudges back to the nursery to tend to Isabelle, Ariel smiles to herself. Despite the chaos and exhaustion, their little family—three babies included—is the best thing that's ever happened to them.

Chapter Ends: Life with baby Isabelle proves to be just as hectic as expected, with Ariel and Jack often acting like babies themselves. But through all the sleep-deprived antics and hilarious disasters, they're learning how to navigate parenthood—one baby step at a time.

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