Chapter 13

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Our plans of intense investigating suddenly changed the second I received an anonymous text message early this morning.

Anonymous: 500 Sea World Dr, San Diego, CA 92109. Hope I see you soon, Ni.

"Well you guys can do whatever the hell you want- I'm going!" I exclaim while exiting our luxurious hotel room.

The lads have been objecting the obvious for the past half hour. Liam claims that the text is just a trap, which in my opinion is complete bullcrap. Louis surprisingly agrees and is currently trying to dissuade me from going.

"Why would they send a text? We could frame them now! Every clue we have discovered could be erased in seconds notice if something backfired." Louis shouts down the long and narrow hallway.

I honestly couldn't care less what the lads thought in this particular moment because I miss him dearly. I quickly walk away from the Louis's continuous shouts which seem louder and more desperate by the minute. I almost break the elevator button while furiously pounding its plastic-like texture because I am so insistent on escaping this floor. He is only 15 feet away from the elevator when it finally arrives but I still enter and press the close button. Louis faces me on the other side of the currently closing door and I give him my final opinion.

"Lou I don't care if something happens to me- I want to see him." I calmly state before the doors finally shut.

It doesn't take long for me to signal a cab due to my amazing whistling skills. The drive only lasts about 15 minutes due to the mad rush of San Diego traffic. When we arrive I pay the driver and give him a generous tip before excitingly jumping out of the vehicle and quickly strolling to the admission booths. I see many people sweeping the sidewalk but surprisingly no visitors.

"Sir," a shaky voice from behind me says,"we don't open for another hour and a half."

I immediately turn around and face a petite blonde who looks about my age. Her eyes widen when she recognizes me and I flash her a warm smile.

"Uh sorry about the interference but did you see anyone enter the park in the last hour?" I kindly ask the lady.

"Um well yes there were a few visitors, Mr. Styles, but they happened to have early entrance passes." She nervously answers.

"Please call me Harry, and you are?" I raise my eyebrows expecting her to answer.

"Alyssa." The lady confidently replies. I smile even brighter, making sure to showcase my charming dimples.

"What a lovely name. Now Alyssa, do you think I could arrange a private tour right now because I've always wanted to visit this attraction but not during regular hours due to the fans." I politely ask.

"I am Harry Styles," I add cheekily because it's true.

"Oh yes! Of course let me just check with my boss real quick," Alyssa starts to turn away but I stop her.

"Oh and Alyssa," I wait for her to nod before continuing,"can you be my personal guide?"

She smiles widely, probably feeling flattered before walking into the building.

Alyssa returns within ten minute with a huge smile plastered on her face. She motions for me to follow her through the entrance and I gladly follow.

"How about we start with the turtles?" She questions and I nod in approval.

After several minutes of silence and intense turtle scanning she tries to start a conversation.

"So your playing tonight."

"Yep." I reply popping the p.

"Are you a fan." I question before shooting her a stern look.

"I uh I Um," She continues stuttering under my stare and I start laughing.

"I'm sorry I like doing that, it's fine if you're not a fan."

She immediately relaxes and lets out a chuckle.

"Actually I am quite a big fan, you guys cover the inside of my closet." Alyssa admits.

We continue small talk for several minutes before she asks about our missing member.

"Have you found him yet?" She asks, testing the waters.

"Well that is one of the reasons I am here," I turn and look her deep in the eyes," let me tell you a little secret. His captors are in the park and I need to find them."

Her eyes light up in realization and she beckons for me to come closer so she can whisper in my ear.

"I saw them enter the dolphin exhibit." She whispers and with that we start walking towards the dolphin entrance.

The sight I witness before my eyes is a sight I never wanted to see. Workers of all ages are surrounding the pool containing the dolphins. They are using nets and rafts to help the dolphins escape the pool. Some workers are in the brownish water searching for remaining dolphins. I can already see some unfortunate dolphins floating on the surface and I start screaming.

"What the hell is this!" I scream earning a lot of worried glances.

"Some one released a few gallons of oil in the pool." A lady with big solemn eyes replies.

That's all I needed to her before I rushed over to help aid the remaining dolphins. I help carry the dolphins on foam rafts white workers frantically splash them with buckets of water. We managed to save the majority of the dolphins by relocating them into a clean pool. The workers thanked me for my help and I walk to the original pool with Alyssa by my side.

I watch as the workers drain the last few gallons of water from the pool. My eyes widen in horror as I read the right red, dripping letters spray painted to the side of the pool.

you came a few minutes too late


Dedicated to IamDirectionerXox

Hello readers!

what did you think of the chapter?

as you can see I am a bit late on updates but I had a really busy week

i think the whole Harry vs Seaworld is quite amusing so I just had to write a backstory

I however don't have anything against seaworld and as you can see I blamed the scenario above on niall's captors

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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