Chapter 6

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"Ladies and gentleman we have just touched down in Cardiff. It is presently 14 degrees (57 Fahrenheit) and sunny without a single cloud in the sky."

I unbuckle my safety belt before standing up and stretching out my long legs. I happen to be much taller than when I appear in public. These modern day cameras just make everyone short. Well at least I'm taller than Niall.

I turn around to witness a sleepy Harry waking up. He is currently cocooned in a fuzzy blanket with his knees tucked against his chest. His head was resting on the arm of the chair and he is currently wearing an 'I'm sleeping' eye cover.

"Haz we're here."

"I heard." He groggily says, voice raspy from sleep.

"Guys let's go, we don't have all day." Liam shout from the front of the plane. He looks like a walking dead man due to the lack of sleep these past few weeks. I wouldn't be surprised if he said the same to me.

Rehearsals filled the majority of the last month in our break. Wake up, go to the studio, eat lunch, go to rehearsals, eat dinner, sleep for 5 hours, repeat. Our sleep seemed to be last priority which made our lives miserable. Despite the lack of coffee to hide my lack of sleep, I was extremely excited to start the second half of our tour.

The curly haired boy and I practically crawled to Liam who flicked the back of our necks earning a groan from both of us.

"Come on Paul's waiting outside."

"I'm tired." The younger boy whined while the flying crew opened the door.

"We know." Liam and I said in perfect unison.

The door finally opened, revealing a burning sensation that stung like hell.

"Ahhh." The three of us shielded our eyes to avoid the sun as we walk in single file down steep steps. I feel Harry's grab a fistful of my flannel near my shoulder blade. I try to shrug my shirt from his grip but there's no use. He already has a death grip on the old thing.

Liam manages to steal shotgun in Paul's van so I drag myself and Harry in the back. Security quickly loads the van with our luggage and we're on the road again before you know it.

"So boys, how was the flight?" I hear a chipper voice ask.

Instead of the response he probably wanted, he receives three long groans in return.

"Well isn't the biggest boy band in the world the happiest!"

"I'm gonna give you one more chance to shut the hell up." I mumble, sleep overtaking my body.

"Very well then."

I never actually succeeded in sleeping so I was alert and ready to run into our hotel due to the mob of fans. I quickly exited the van and made a risky dash to the building followed by our security crew.

They dropped me off at the front desk before going back and getting the other boys. A sweet lady placed a room key into my hand while wishing me a good stay. Being the adventurous boy I am, I decided to sneakily escape the main lobby and check out the hotel.

Breakfast restaurant- average, fitness room- please, swimming pool- nice touch, cupcake shop- I'm all ears.

The second I walk through the entrance of the wonderful smelling shop I am met with deafening screams that could only belong to young girls.



"Of course you can darlings." I flash a fake smile and do as they please.

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