Volume 1 4-The Cost of Adventure

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Jukary, 19, 1471

Divna, Arcol, and I were now riding through a path in a grass field. We left Answill a day ago.

In theory, the fastest way to the Wasteland would be heading East. But it's a three month ship ride. Money and supplies will not last. On the other hand, if we head East we have to cross the Grand Lake. There are two ways to get to the other side. By crossing through the lake or ride around it. If we cross through the lake, it'll take a week. But I do not know how much will the ship ride will cost. On the other hand, if we go around it, it'll take us about three weeks in horseback, but we wouldn't have to pay a ride. Only concern would be supplies, there aren't many villages to make supply runs. But even after crossing the Grand Lake, we still have to cross the Azar Continent. Man... I usually let Erik make these decisions.

So, in the end, we opted to go west and cross the lake. We've been two days in the road already. And we still have another five to get to Driveil city. There are two reasons why I chose this way. One, if I head straight to the Wasteland, there will be no way I can escape them later. Two, I don't want to be caught with a sea monster or run out of supplies in the middle of the ocean. Arcol seems like a very noble and righteous guy, makes me wonder how he survived the war. Still, Divna explained him how this works. I make the calls and decisions, they support, if they deem I haven't made progress, I get killed in the spot. Simple as that.

"In any case, has any of you been in the Azar continent?" I asked them.

"Yes." Divna quickly answered. Obviously not interested in making conversation.

"Have you?" Opposite to her, Arcol asked me. Probably wanting to make conversation.

"Once. I did not stay long though." I answer honestly.

"What did you do?" Divna asked. Oh so she wants to make conversation now.

"Pretty sure you already know what I did." Again. I answer honestly.

"Thieving, were you not?" Arcol asked with more curiosity rather than spite.

"Pretty much." And once again. I answer honestly.

"By the way, supposedly, the resurrection will happen in the Wasteland, had we taken a boat East, we wouldn't have to take more time crossing the Azar Continent. So why choose this path?" Arcol asked. I could tell a curiosity on his tone along with a bit of suspicion.

He begins to suspect, huh? I guess he didn't live through the whole war in one piece for nothing. A few truthful lies can't hurt.

"I've heard that waters close to the Wasteland are infested with monsters, especially on the West coast of the Wasteland. We'll take longer through this way, you're right. But we would have more time to prepare. Besides, we'd take less risk if we enter through the East coast. From Flowiria to the Wasteland it's approximately a three month ship ride. From Azar to the Wasteland is just a month of ship ride. And there is less monsters from what I hear."

Arcol looked at me for a moment, as if analyzing me. After another moment he spoke.

"I see. Very well. While I still have my doubts, but you make this decisions for now. But remember-"

"Yeah, yeah. If you deem me making no progress, I get executed. I know." I interrupted him.

We continued for a while in silence. Getting bored from the silence, I decided to try and make conversation.

"So, how was-"

I was interrupted when we suddenly feel as if the ground was shaking.

"What's going on?!" I couldn't help to ask, what the hell is happening?!

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