Chapter 17

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I woke up in a hospital roo, I looked around and saw my family and Lauren laying on a bed next to me. My back hurt really bad and I groaned in pain causing everyone expect Lauren who was "sleeping" to look at me.

Christina!- Everyone screamed and jumped up

How are you feeling honey?- Mom asked

I'm fine, my back hurts a little- I said and she nodded

You hurt you back really bad when you fell, the doctor gave you painkillers and told us that that pain will go away in 2 weeks till then you can't carry anything or move to much- Dad said and I nodded

How is Lauren?- I asked

She.........she got hurt more- Kathrine said

What do you mean?- I asked really worried now, I looked at Lauren who was looking pale

She broke 3 ribs and her left arm, she also hurt her back really bad and she hit her head really bad and they think she might lost her memory- Lisa said crying

What!- I screamed

No she can't lose her memory!- I screamed

Calm down honey, it's going to be OK- Mom said laying me back down, then the doctor walked in and smiled when he saw me

I see Christina woke up- He said and we just looked at him

Anyways, You're free to go, just rest a lot and don't force your back too much- He said and I nodded

When is Lauren going to wake up?- I asked and he sighed

Well we got the results of her tests and she is OK, she'll wake up really soon today but she'll be in a lot of pain for the couple 3 weeks, I heard that she's going to therapy for walk, she needs to stop with it so her rips and arm will heal and her head too, she'll have a lot of headach when she wakes up- The doctor said. Lauren isn't going to like this, I mean she wasn't happy by the fact that she can't walk soon but now that she has to wait longer she's going to be really sad and mad, I just hope she won't be mad at me but I think I deserved it, I let her fall so it's my fault. The doctor walked out and Kathrine and Mom helped me change in my own clothes Lisa brought. When we walked back to the others we heard Lauren groan in pain.

Come on Lauren open your eyes- Nick begged and Lauren slowly opened her eyes and smiled weakly at us

Hi- She said weakly

Hi Lo- We said

What happened?- She asked and we sighed. This is going to be hard



It's been 2 weeks since Lauren and Christina got out of the hospital and I can walk again. Not that much but I'm able to just walk. Christina's back is getting better but Lauren.....well Lauren is really depressed. The therapist was right when he told us that if she doesn't talk about her feelings she will depressed. She is really sad that she can't walk or even practise to walk, her ribs and arm healing. The good thing is that she didn't lose her memory. Her head hurts a lot though but she has pills for the pain. I'm really worried about her, she doesn't talk to us anymore and every time she is in pain she tries to hide it for us which isn't really good. She still goes to therapy but she doesn't say anything, the therapist and doctors think she is in shocked about everything and that it will go away by time but it has been 2 weeks and they is still no proses made.

Lise?- Lauren asked, she was on her bed doing something on her phone while I was reading a book but I put my book away and looked at her

Yes?- I asked hoping she would talk to me

Can you come sit next to me?- She asked, I got up looking confused but sat down next to her. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and that's when I understood what she wants. I hugged her and she broke down crying. She has been hiding her emotions for weeks which isn't good for someone her age. She cried for 15 minutes and then Christina and Kathrine walked in and sat down in front of Lauren and Christina on Lauren's other side. We all hugged her tight and didn't let go till she fell a sleep. Her head was on my chest and her arms were around me tight. I looked at my older sisters who were smiling at her.

She finally gave in- Christina said

She's going to be fine- Kathrine added and I nodded. Lauren didn't just cry, she let us know she wants to heal and she's strong. She let us know she's going to be OK. We just spend the rest of the day looking at Lauren without saying anything to each other.

-So this last part is kind of weird hope you understand if not don't worry next chapter will be normal......I hope......thanks for reading!-

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