Chapter 30

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Lauren was crying her eyes out and we were really shocked and sad. I mean how could we not know this?! Our little sister is doing drugs and we don't know it! 

I understand if you hate me right now or if you're disappointed in me..........I understand- Lauren said when she calmed down a bit. We looked even more shocked at her and hugged her tight

We are never disappointed in you, never think that- Lisa said and we nodded

Are you mad?- She asked and we shooked our head

Listen are having a really hard time in your live and you're only 13......It's not the best thing to do but it's kind of our fault because we never talked to you about this all...........we are going to help with this problem but you need to let us in and we know that that's something you never do..............we don't know why but you need to learn to let people help you because you're too young to fix all your problems- Mom explained and Lauren nodded

Can you promise us that you'll let us help you so we can fix the problem?- Mom asked

I promise- Lauren said and we smiled

Does Hailey do drugs?- I asked and Lauren nodded

Maybe it's better if you do come home early- Mom said 

I'll talk to the doctor- She added and got up but Lauren stopped her

No they'll send me to rehab, please Mom don't tell them, you can't tell them!- Lauren begged. It was so heartbreaking seeing her like this

But what do I need to tell them?- Mom asked and Lauren looked down

Mom please, I promise to let you help me but sending me to rehab isn't helping me- Lauren said

Maybe it's for the best Lauren- Mom said

Mom please you can't do this to me- Lauren said crying. Mom looked down while we waited for her to say something

I'm sorry honey but I'm telling them- Mom said and was about to walk away when Lauren stopped her

Mom please don't do it, please I beg you don't!- Lauren said, she was crying her eyes out

I'm sorry Lauren- Mom said


Are you really just going to give up on me like that?!- Lauren screamed, Mom looked down

Lauren..........I don't know if we'll be able to help you- Mom said


WHAT KIND OF MOTHER ARE YOU JUST GIVING UP ON YOUR CHILD WITHOUT GIVING HER A CHANCE?!- Lauren screamed and Mom slapped her really hard. We gasped and Lauren looked down. Her cheek turned red and she had tears falling from her eyes

I think I got my answer- Lauren said

I understand- Lauren said and Mom walked out. We walked next to Lauren about to hug her but she stopped us

Don't..........just don't- Lauren said

Lauren we just....- Kathrine said but Lauren cut her off

I don't want to hear it........I've heard and felt enough- Lauren said and sat down on her bed with her back facing us. She was looking at the ground. 



It's been 4 months since Lauren went to rehab and everyone is not acting normal. Mike is never talking or joking around like he used to. Christina is really strict and is always screaming at us. Kathrine is always blaming others for things going wrong. Amy is never talking. Alex is really mad at our parents. Dani is never getting out her room. Christian, Nick and Joey are just sitting on the couch looking down at the ground being sad and not playing. I'm really sad and don't talk, I just let Christina scream at me or Kathrine blame me for something useless. 

We are sitting at the dinner table and Dad and Mom were eating but we kids didn't even touch our food. Dad and Mom looked at us and sighed

Listen guys we understand you are sad Lauren is gone but that doesn't mean that you can't move on- Mom said, we looked at them really mad

First of all......Lauren is not gone........Second of all.........You are not going to move on if she is going to come back..........Third of all..........We are mad at you because you didn't give her a chance- Christina snapped. 

Look Lauren has problems and we are not able to help her with them- Dad said

How do you know that we are not able to help her.........did you try huh? No you didn't so don't tell us we aren't able to help her because you didn't try!- Mike screamed

Alright that's enough, just accept the fact that she is not here right now- Dad snapped and they got up and we sighed

Lisa.......Christina and Kathrine........clean the table- Mike said and the rest got up. We start to clean the table and did the dishes quiet. 

She's gone?- I asked them. They stopped and looked at me. They hugged me tight while I start to cry

She isn't..........she is coming back........we all know how strong she is- Christina said wiping my tears away

Christina is about we go visit her today- Kathrine said and I looked up at them

Really?- I asked and they nodded smiling. I smiled back and we finished and drove to the rehab center. 

Hello we are here to visit Lauren Cimorelli- Christina said to the seceptionist

Alright follow me to her room- The woman said and we followed her. She knocked on the door

Come in- We heard Lauren say. The woman unlocked the door with her card and we walked in. She locked the door behind us. We looked around the room and saw it was small. The walls were like pillows, the bed was small and from plastic, I guess this is all to make sure they won't hurt theirselves. 

Lauren?- Kathrine said. Lauren walked out, I guess the bathroom, She looked at us and looked shocked. 

W......wh.......what are y.....ou doing here?- She asked really shocked and we sighed'

Lauren we..........we are here to look how you're doing- Christina said and Lauren looked down

I'm fine- Lauren said

Can I asked. She looked at me and nodded. She walked closer to us and looked at each of us. She looked down and we could see that she felt uncomfrotable.

Lau.......- I said but got cut off by Lauren hugging me tight. I wrapped my arms around her hugging her tight. Christina and Kathrine joined us hugging Lauren tight.

I missed you guys- Lauren said

we missed you too

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