Chapter 15

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We walked inside the builing and Lauren was holding my hand really tight, I could tell she was really scared to be outside but she was nervous too. She hasn't talked about her feelings since she's out of the hospital which isn't really good but today she'll and we're worried that she can't take it good. 

Lisa and Lauren Cimorelli?- The therapist walked towards us smiling and we smiled back

Followed me please- He said and we all followed him

OK Lauren so I understood you've been through a lot and I would like to hear what has been going on these past weeks- The therapist said and Lauren looked nervous but nodded and took a deep breath

My sisters and I got kidnapped when we were playing in the park by my Dad's old assistent who used to hurt my sister Dani and me a lot, he would hit us and force us not to tell anymore, he would touch me too, then after a few days John took us home and would beat me up there while my parents and oler siblings had to watch. He would give me alcohol and drugs instead of food, after a few days of getting beat up his friend Emily came........she........took me upstairs and..........she..........raped me- Lauren said tearing up and shaking

She raped me for a hour while I begged her to stop, after that she took me downstair and then the police came............John and Emily took me and Lisa upstairs and shot us multipal times and managed to escape- Lauren explained and then broke down crying. I hugged her tight and we all looked down

What are you feelings now?- The therapist asked after she calmed down a bit

I'm terrified, I'm not comfortable when someone touches me, I don't dare to sleep cause everytime I close my eyes I see John and Emily, if I sleep I dream about getting beat up or raped, I haven't slept for days and I'm sick of it, I feel so useless cause I can't walk or do things on my own, I'm always in pain and my fmaily is always worried about me, I just want to die so I won't be in pain anymore and my family won't be worried every time about me- Lauren said and cried again. I didn't know Lauren felt this way, I knew about the sleeping but not about the useless part!

Lauren I'm going to give you pills for depression, I know you're not depressed but you'll if you don't do something about these feelings, I want you to think about what your family would do if you would kill yourself because I know that they won't be happy- He said and Lauren just nodded not looking up. The therapist gave Mom the pills and we walked out going to Lisa and Lauren's therapy for their legs.

Hello girls- A not too tall woman said shaking Lisa and Lauren's hand

Hi- They said smiling weakly

Alright who wants to start?- She asked and Lisa and Lauren looked at each other

I'll- Lisa said and she nodded

Alright I'm to let you stand on your own and see how long you can stand- She said and Lisa nodded. Lisa was standing for 5 minutes and she looked fine with it

Alright can you take one step with yuor right foot- The therapist said and Lisa took the step

Great now another with your left- She said and so went on till Lisa took 10 steps

Alright you did great, I want you to practise this every day- She said and Lisa nodded and sat down on her wheelchair.

alright Lauren your turn- She said and helped Lauren up standing. After Lauren managed to stay up for 5 minutes she had to do the same like Lisa but she had more problems with it cause by he fifth step she fell bt the therapist caught her

Alright that was good, you need to practise too but less steps, like 5 steps each day- The therapist said and Lauren looked down embarresed, I put my and on her schoulder

Alright the next appointment is going to be over 2 weeks- She said and we nodded and walked to the van. Lauren looked really sad since the appointment

Lauren don't be sad you did great- Mom said also noticing Lauren's sadness

I didn't- Lauren mumbeled but I heard it and sighed

Lauren you did, you went through more than Lisa so it's normal that you can't walk as must as Lisa can- I said and we all nodded

Can you just please go home- Lauren said and Dad drove away. When we arrived home I put Lauren on the couch and Kathrine put Lisa next to her

Maybe you guys should sleep a bit- Mike said

I'm not tired- Lauren said and we sighed

Lauren please don't think like this, you did great, you'll be able to walk again- Kathrine said

You heard what she said, 2 weeks of practise to take 5 steps every day, it's 70 steps in 2 weeks!- Lauren said tearing up

Lauren- Dad said but she cut him off

I told you that it would be better if I die! I can't go through this for 2 weeks and still not be able to walk! Lisa would be able to walk like a normal person in 2 weeks and I? I only can take 70 steps!- Lauren said

LAUREN THAT'S ENOUGH!- Mom screamed and Lauren got scared and start to shake

Honey- Mom said noticing Lauren who was freaking out

I'm so-s-or-r-y Lauren said crying

It's OK hun- Mom said outting her hand on Lauren's schoulder and Lauren screamed in fair

No please don't!- Lauren screamed

Lauren I'm not going to hurt you- Mom said

Please don't, I'm sorry- Lauren said and then start to have a panic attack

Lauren look at me- Lisa said letting Lauren look at her

Calm down OK no-one is going to hurt you- Lisa said. Lisa hold Lauren in her arms while Lauren slowly calmed down and cried into Lisa's chest. 

Please.......please stop it- Lauren whispered but we could hear her

Lauren please it's going to be OK. We promise you'll be able to walk but you need to be patient, I know it's going to be hard but we'll help you and stand by you- I said hugging her from behind. Lauren just nodded and we stayed like this like she fell a sleep.

I knew it was going to be hard for her- Mom said and we nodded

But she's strong, she'll go through this- Lisa said

Kidnapped?!- CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now